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 Set beginning of year/week for FT_ date functions


      FT_DATECNFG( [ <cFYStart> ], [ <nDow> ] ) -> aDateInfo


     <cFYStart> is a character date string in the user's system date
     format, i.e., the same as the user would enter for CTOD().  If
     this argument is NIL, the current value is unchanged.

     Note: The year portion of the date string must be present and
     be a valid year; however, it has no real meaning.

     <nDow> is a number from 1 to 7 (1 = Sunday) indicating the
     desired start of a work week.  If this argument is NIL,
     the current value is unchanged.


     A 2-element array containing the following information:

        aDateInfo[1] - an ANSI date string indicating the beginning
                       date of the year.  Only the month and day are

        aDateInfo[2] - the number of the first day of the week
                       (1 = Sunday)


     FT_DATECNFG() is called internally by many of the date functions
     in the library to determine the beginning of year date and
     beginning of week day.

     The default beginning of the year is January 1st and the default
     beginning of the week is Sunday (day 1).  Either or both of these
     settings may be changed by calling FT_DATECNFG() with the proper
     arguments.  They will retain their values for the duration of the
     program or until they are changed again by a subsequent call to

     It is not necessary to call FT_DATECNFG() unless you need to
     change the defaults.

     FT_DATECNFG() affects the following library functions:

       FT_WEEK()       FT_ACCTWEEK()       FT_DAYTOBOW()
       FT_MONTH()      FT_ACCTMONTH()      FT_DAYOFYR()
       FT_QTR()        FT_ACCTQTR()        FT_ACCTADJ()
       FT_YEAR()       FT_ACCTYEAR()


       // Configure library date functions to begin year on
       //  July 1st.

       FT_DATECNFG("07/01/80")    // year is insignificant

       // Examples of return values:

       //  System date format: American           aArray[1]    aArray[2]

       aArray := FT_DATECNFG()              //  '1980.01.01'     1 (Sun.)
       aArray := FT_DATECNFG('07/01/80')    //  '1980.07.01'     1 (Sun.)
       aArray := FT_DATECNFG('07/01/80', 2) //  '1980.07.01'     2 (Mon.)
       aArray := FT_DATECNFG( , 2 )         //  '1980.01.01'     2 (Mon.)

       //  System date format: British

       aArray := FT_DATECNFG('01/07/80', 2) //  '1980.07.01'     2 (Mon.)


 Author: Jo W. French dba Practical Computing

See Also: FT_ACCTADJ()
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