A set of ASCII files containing the Masoretic (Hebrew) text
of the Bible, and 4 right-to-left Hebrew fonts in which to view
the text. Also included are programs to display the text, verse
by verse, optionally reciting the text aloud; to reformat the
text by breaking large files up into smaller files, or changing
the length of each line; to mask out vowels and/or cantillation
marks to make word searches easier; converting the text into
phonemes so the Amiga can read the text aloud; and displaying
the numeric values of the verses for esoteric research.  The 
right-to-left fonts can also be used in many word processors.
Version 2.0 (1.1 for Read)  Author: Simcha Kuritzky.


Bible v1.1 by Simcha Kuritzky

This set of 2 disks contains ASCII files of the Masoretic (Hebrew) text of   
the Bible, from Genesis to the Book of Esther.  These files are not
archived.  The text is based upon the University of Pennsylvania's  
CCAT texts, but was converted into a format which could be mapped to an  
Amiga font.  The CCAT texts are PD, and so are my versions of them.  Out  
of consideration for Jewish law, the names of God have been altered  
(Elohim is represented as Eloqim, and YodHehVovHeh as H', pronounced  
Hashem).  I have found that vowel signs, cantillation marks, and even how  
chapters are split out by verse differ from text to text, so the Biblical
text given here may not agree with a printed text.

Four right-to-left Hebrew fonts in which to view the text are also given.    
The 15-point font is the same as that used in Torah scrolls, except for  
numerals and chapter headers.  The 16-point font represents Paleo-Hebrew,  
the alphabet in use until the Babylonian exile (c. 450 BCE), and hence the
original alphabet of most of the Bible.  The 24-point font is textbook  
Hebrew, including punctuation and vowel points.  The 32-point font is the  
same, but also includes cantillation marks.

Numerous programs are also included.  Read is a C program which will  
display the text, verse by verse.  If a phoneme file is present, the  
program will recite the text aloud.  Read can also search for text, go to  
a particular verse and phrase, and print out extracts.  A BASIC version of
Read is also included, called Read.Basic.  Resize will reformat the 
text by breaking large files up into smaller files, or changing the 
length of each line, and the beginning characters (which move the 
cursor to the right side of the line before printing Hebrew text).    
Substitute will mask out vowels, cantillation marks, or convert final or  
dagesh forms into the "standard" letter form.  This makes word searches  
easier.  Substitute can also convert the text into phonemes so the Amiga  
can read the text aloud, using either Sephardi or Ashkenazi pronunciation,  
as well as create a file with both the Hebrew text and below it, the  
numeric equivalent of each word and verse (called Gematria).  It can even
append to the end of each verse a "word" consisting of the initial letters
of each word in the verse, and a "word" consisting of the final letters of
each word in the verse (called Notarikon).

The C programs have two forms:  the compiled C program (the file name has
no ending), and the source code (ending in .c).  These programs can be run
both from the WorkBench and from CLI.  You can specify the input file,
output file, and choice from the CLI.

Several other files are included in this set of disks.  The font file Topaz/8
and the Torah fonts are in Bible:fonts.  The BASIC version of Read requires 
AmigaBASIC which is in the Bible:Programs directory.  To use the RtoL-Hebrew 
fonts in a word processor, you will need the usa00 map in Bible:devs/keymaps.

Comments, requests for corrections, and requests for enhancements can be  
sent to the address below.  I do perform Hebrew and Yiddish word  
processing professionally, but as it is part time, only small assignments  
will be accepted.  Any requests for significant enhancements must be
accompanied by offers of compensation to be taken seriously.  All programs  
and texts herein have been inspected and tested, but cannot be guaranteed  
100% bug-free, nor can I guarantee they will work on any machine other  
than a stock A2000 running WorkBench 1.3 and a stock A4000/030 running
WorkBench 3.0.  All programs and texts are  released to the public domain.  
Everyone is free to replicate and distribute them.  If you modify any code, 
you must place your name in the introduction screen (e.g., Resize v. 2.1 
by Simcha Kuritzky modified by Joe User).  I don't want complaints about 
code I didn't write.  The programs and texts may not be sold or incorporated
into professional software without my explicit permission; this does not 
include library or disk-copying fees.

Shalom U'b'rakhot

Mr. Simcha Kuritzky        
1220 Blair Mill Road #508  
Silver Spring, MD  20910 USA

TAG BBS: 301 596 1491 (DC/Baltimore suburbs in Maryland, USA)
Internet:  Simcha_Kuritzky@mail.amsinc.com

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