Bible Programs User Guide

(v2.0 by Simcha Kuritzky) Below are listed 4 examples of tasks to which the enclosed Bible programs are well-suited. It is difficult to document GUI systems without graphics, but I will do my best. Each line will begin with a verb, and when commands are listed, the full name of the command is given in parentheses. If you are instructed to type an answer to a question, the meaning of the answer is given in parenthesis. I am not including the "y" you must type at the beginning of each program to tell it that you wish to continue. I am also not including the answers you must give to the Read program concerning whether the screen is interlaced, or the font with which the file is to be displayed. The CLI version of these programs have an expert mode, to allow you to specify all of the parameters from a script file. These are included below in curly brackets {}. 1. Include Isaiah 2:4 in an article Click on the READ icon answer Isaiah (input file) answer n (no phoneme file) Type g (goto) answer y (book = Isaiah) answer 2 (chapter 2) answer 3 (verse 3) [This will take you to Isaiah 2:3] Type p (print screen) answer Isaiah.2.4 (the name of the extract file) Type " " (space) [This will take you to Isaiah 2:4] Type q (quit) Enter your word-processing program, and load file Isaiah.2.4 2. Produce a document containing Hallel (Psalms 113-118) Click on the RESIZE icon answer 1 (split a large file into smaller ones) answer Psalms (the file to be split up) answer y (the output files will be Psalms.1, etc.) or {Resize Psalms Psalms 1} from CLI answer 20 (20 kilobytes per file) [This will produce a set of smaller Psalms files] Click on the RESIZE icon answer 1 (split a large file into smaller ones) answer Psalms.112 (the file to be split up) answer n (the output files will not be Psalms.112, etc.) answer Hallel (the path and file name to be created) or {Resize Psalms.112 Hallel 1} from CLI answer 0 (0 kilobytes per file--each psalm has its own file) Enter your word-processing program, and load files Psalm.113 through Psalm.118 3. Find all instances of words based on "king" (mem, lamed, khaf) in the book of Esther (words such as king, queen, kingdom, reign) Click on the SUBSTITUTE icon answer Esther (input file) answer y (output file = answer 4 (eliminate vowels, traup, finals, and dageshes) or {Substitute Esther 4} from CLI Click on the SUBSTITUTE icon answer Esther (input file) answer n (output file is not answer Esther.sound (output file) answer 5 (create phoneme file using Sephardi pronunciation) or {Substitute Esther Esther.sound 5} from CLI answer y (place commas after each word for clarity) Click on the READ icon answer (input file) answer y (there is a phoneme file) answer Esther.sound (phoneme file name) Type l (define locate string) type nkf (the letters mem, lamed, khaf followed by Enter) Type L [This will take you to the first verse with a word based on "king" in it, and pronounce the verse for you.] Type L (locate same string again) Type q (quit) when finished 4. Find the numeric value of Isaiah 2:4 and see if any verses in Genesis Chapter 1 have the same numeric value. [Follow the steps in example 1 to create the file Isaiah.2.4] Click on the SUBSTITUTE icon answer Isaiah.2.4 (input file) answer y (output file will be answer 7 (gematria) or {Substitute Isaiah.2.4 7} from CLI Click on the READ icon answer Genesis (input file) answer n (no phoneme file) Type p (print extract) answer Genesis.1 (the name of the extract file) Type g (goto) answer y (book = Genesis) answer 2,0 (chapter 2, verse 0) [This will take you to the CHAPTER 2 screen and print out all the verses in chapter 1] Type q (quit) Click on the SUBSTITUTE icon answer Genesis.1 (input file) answer y (output file will be answer 7 (gematria) or {Substitute Genesis.1 7} from CLI Click on the READ icon answer (input file) answer n (no phoneme file) Hit space bar until Hebrew comes onto screen Note the value after (to the left of) the Hebrew period (large :) Click on the READ icon answer (input file) answer n (no phoneme file) Type l (locate) answer the numeric value of Isaiah.2.4 entered backwards (so that 5596 becomes ?6955; all verse values are preceeded by a ?, and all word values have a space before and after) Type q (quit) when done

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