[To obtain the latest versions of the documents in this section, see the document home sites index.]

Programming information

General · PC-specific · Specifications

This section provides information about programming in general and programming PCs in particular.

See also: Programming languages

Programming (general)

A course in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
The Object-Oriented Programming FAQ: An excellent introduction to the wonderful world of OOP taken from the comp.object newsgroup.
The Functional Programming FAQ from the comp.lang.functional newsgroup.
The Real Time FAQ from the newsgroup comp.realtime

Programming (PC-specific)

Ralf Brown's interrupt list, the indispensible reference for PC programmers, packaged as a Windows help file.
The Game Developer's FAQ for the newsgroup rec.games.programmer
Windows Sockets: A Quick and Dirty Primer shows you how to write Winsock (Internet) applications for Windows.
The PC Games Programmer's Encyclopedia, a collection of tutorials and programs illustrating all those low-level techniques beloved of games programmers: sound cards, video modes, 3D graphics, and so on.
A Programmer's Technical Reference for MS-DOS and the IBM-PC: a collection of text files describing the BIOS and DOS interface, device drivers and so on.
An MS-DOS reference utility which can be installed as a resident pop-up programmer's help system.

PC software specifications

The DPMI specification version 0.9: the DOS Protected Mode Interface specification for writing programs that can break the 640K limit imposed by MS-DOS.
The VCPI specification version 1.0: the Virtual Control Program Interface, another standard for supporting protected-mode MS-DOS programs.
The XMS specification version 3.0: the eXtended Memory Specification for accessing memory above the 1M watershed from MS-DOS.
The WINSOCK specification version 1.1: the Windows Sockets specification for writing Internet applications for Windows.