About your PC

See also: Programming languages, Internet documentation

The documents collected here cover a range of PC-related topics, both software and hardware, which should be of interest to all PC owners. If you've got problems with your hardware or operating system, if you're thinking of upgrading your hardware or changing your operating system, if you're worried about viruses, or if you need PC-specific programming information, there are documents here that should be able to help you out. There are also some documents on related topics that are relevant but not specific to PCs.

Because the rate of change in the PC world is so fast, some of the documents here may become dated fairly rapidly. Use them as a starting point, but refer to the relevant home sites for any documents that don't provide the up-to-the-minute details you need.


  • Hardware information: information about processors, storage devices and other hardware
  • Operating systems: information about the range of operating systems available for PC-compatible machines
  • Programming information: specifications and tutorials for DOS and Windows programmers, as well as information about programming in general
  • Miscellaneous: information about graphics, viruses, cryptography and data compression