[To obtain the latest versions of the documents in this section, see the document home sites index.]

Hardware information

General · Processors · Storage · Other peripherals

An assortment of information and tutorials about hardware in general and PC hardware in particular.

General information

A Chronology of Events in the History of Microcomputers from 1947 to 1997
The PC hardware FAQ: general PC hardware information from the newsgroup comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* (e.g. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc)
The BIOS Survival Guide: an excellent tutorial on PC hardware and optimising your BIOS settings

Tom's Hardware Page, an excellent external site with lots of information about hardware.
Advice on building your own PC


Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present: a fascinating description of microprocessors from the Intel 4004 up to the present day
The PC chip list: a guide to the different processors used in personal computers
The Motorola 68000 series FAQ from the newsgroup comp.sys.m68k

Storage devices

The Storage FAQ: information about storage devices of all kinds taken from the newsgroup comp.arch.storage
The Enhanced IDE FAQ: information about IDE and EIDE devices.
A CD-ROM technical summary: an excellent explanation of how CD-ROMs actually work
The CD-Recordable FAQ: all about recordable CDs

Other peripherals

The Video FAQ from the newsgroup comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video
A nice introduction to modems from the University of Chicago
A Basic Modem FAQ, which is actually quite detailed
The Printer FAQ from the newsgroup comp.periphs.printers