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Visual Basic

Development tools · Tutorials and FAQs · Software resources · External resources

Visual Basic is a commercial product from Microsoft, so unfortunately there is no compiler provided on this CD! However, it is available to students at a substantial discount from the Computer Centre. It is a rapid development environment for Windows applications which allows the user interface for a Windows program to developed by dragging controls onto a form, and by double-clicking a control you activate a text editor which lets you specify the action to be performed when the control is activated using an extended dialect of Basic. A version of Visual Basic for DOS is also available.

Development tools:

Envelop, a free language with a strong similarity to Visual Basic. It isn't the real thing, but it's certainly the nearest you'll get to Visual Basic for the price!

Tutorials and FAQs:

The VB general FAQ
The VB for Windows FAQ
The VB for DOS FAQ
VB Tips and Tricks

Software resources:

Some Visual Basic components

External resources:

The Visual Basic Information Booth
Carl & Gary's extensive Visual Basic page
The Visual Basic Resource Centre
Visual Basic links at Yahoo (or at Yahoo UK)
The newsgroup comp.lang.basic.visual.misc