Visual Basic For Windows (VB/Win)

Frequently asked Questions & Answers
Section IX - B
Part 8

Last-modified: 22-Aug-95

[Preface] [General VB] [Common VB Questions] [Advanced VB Questions] [Calling the Win. API & DLL's] [VB/Win & Databases] [Distributing Apps] [General Tips] [VB for Apps (VBA)]

The following symbols indicates new & updated topics:

Hope this makes it easier for Our Regular Readers ;-)




  1. Multiple identifiers after the DIM statement can be confusing Some programmers with background from Pascal can try the following
    Dim iA, iB, iC as Integer
    and think that all these 3 variables end up as Integer. In fact, the first two end up as default data type, normally Variant. Instead you should do:
    Dim iA as Integer
    Dim iB as Integer
    Dim iC as Integer
    which takes up more space, but gives you room to comment your variables (hint, hint); *or*
    Dim iA%, iB%, iC%
    which does the whole job.

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  2. "Clean up" your project before final EXE compilation. When you are ready to compile your VB project into your 'finished' EXE, be sure to save the project files, exit VB, restart Windows, run VB, load your project and go straight to compiling. Otherwise, your EXE may be larger in file size than necessary due to 'garbage' getting included in the EXE. For some reason, VB does not fully clean up all of the previously used variables or objects that you may have been playing with while developing your program so these get included in your EXE even though they aren't used. Other VB users have even advocated saving all the project files as ASCII, then loading the ASCII files before compiling to further "clean up" the resulting EXE file.

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  3. Multiple END statements can be dangerous; or, The program that refused to terminate.

    Suggestion: put the END statement used to exit your program *only* in the Form_Unload event of the main form. Whenever you want to end the program, just tell the main form to unload. Some have reported that after their program have (supposedly) terminated, it still appears in the task list. This can happen if you only hide secondary forms and forget to unload them when you end/unload the main form.

    Also note that the Stop-button on the button-bar of the integrated development environment doesn't really unload anything. It *nukes* the program, which generally is a good idea since it could be a bug in it that caused it to be stuck in an eternal loop or something.

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  4. What are the latest versions of the various files used by VB?

    Date File to download Updates files Description
    3/7/94 BTR110.EXE BTRV110.DLL Btrieve IISAM Driver
    3/7/94 DATAINDX.EXE DATAINDX.DOC "Data Access Guide" Index
    3/7/94 GENERIC.EXE \VB\CDK\GENERIC Sample custom control source
    3/7/94 VBGRID.EXE GRID.VBX Grid control
    3/7/94 VBHC505.EXE HC.EXE, HCP.EXE WinHelp compiler
    3/7/94 MSAJT.EXE MSAJT110.DLL Access Database Engine
    3/8/94 MSCOMM.EXE MSCOMM.VBX Serial Communications\control
    3/7/94 ORA110.EXE ORACLE.TXT Updated ORACLE.TXT file
    6/27/94 SETUPK.EXE SETUP.EXE Setup Toolkit
    3/7/94 VBRUN300.EXE VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic Runtime Library
    3/7/94 XBS110.EXE XBS110.DLL XBase IISAM Driver

    There is an article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base that points to each of these files and provides more detailed information about the update. To find these articles, query the Microsoft Knowledge Base using the file name and the word "update3.00".

    Note the NEW SETUPKIT update! [Thanks to Marks Harrop <>]

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