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Development tools · Tutorials and FAQs · Reference materials · External resources

Icon was developed by Ralph Griswold and others in the late 1970s as a successor to Snobol. Unlike Snobol, it resembles the Algol family of languages (e.g. C or Pascal). It is unusual in that it uses backtracking as a major control flow construct in the form of "generators" which can be reactivated by backtracking to generate successive values of a set.

Development tools:

Icon 9.3 for DOS which needs a 386 or later processor and a DPMI host (e.g. Windows or CSDPMI)
Icon 9.3 for Windows runs on Windows 95/NT, or Windows 3.x if you've installed Win32s

Tutorials and FAQs:

A brief introduction to Icon by David R. Hanson
The Icon Programming Language, an introductory paper by Ralph Griswold and Gregg Townsend
An overview of Icon
New features in Icon version 9.3
The Icon FAQ

Reference materials:

Reference Summaries for Icon version 9.1
Documentation for the Icon Program Library

External resources:

The Icon Project home page at the University of Arizona
An Icon tutorial at New Mexico Tech
Icon links at Yahoo (or at Yahoo UK)
The newsgroup comp.lang.icon