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Conditions of use, duplication and distribution

Hugs 1.4 is copyright © The University of Nottingham and Yale University, 1994--1997.

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute Hugs for any personal or educational use without fee is hereby granted, provided that:

No part of Hugs may be distributed as a part or accompaniment of any commercial package or product without the explicit written permission of the authors and copyright holders. The distribution of commercial products which require or make use of Hugs will normally be permitted if the Hugs distribution is supplied separately to and offered at cost price to the purchaser of the commercial product.

In specifying these conditions, our intention is to permit widespread use of Hugs while, at the same time, protecting the interests, rights and efforts of all those involved. Please contact the authors and copyright holders to arrange alternative terms and conditions if your intended use of Hugs is not permitted by the terms and conditions in this notice.

NOTICE: Hugs is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.