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A technical summary of Hugs 1.4

Hugs 1.4 provides an almost complete implementation of Haskell 1.4 [1], including:

Hugs is implemented as an interpreter that provides:

Hugs is a successor to Gofer --- an experimental functional programming system that was first released in September 1991 --- and users of Gofer will see much that is familiar in Hugs. However, Hugs offers much greater compatibility with the Haskell standard; indeed, the name Hugs was originally chosen as a mnemonic for the "Haskell users' Gofer system.''

There have been many modifications and enhancements to Hugs since its first release on Valentines day, February 14, in 1995. Some of the most obvious improvements include:

There have also been a number of other enhancements, and fixes for bugs in previous releases, some more serious than others.