Available C++ Libraries FAQ (Web Index)


Index by section/title

Libraries available via FTP (A-L)

  • ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) C++ IPC wrappers
  • Aisearch a package to make writing problem solving programs easier.
  • Amulet User Interface Development Environment
  • Andy Register's matrix library
  • Arjuna For writing fault-tolerant (distributed) applications
  • AvlTree C++ AVL tree class implementation
  • Awesime A C++ task library explicitly designed for simulation
  • BLAS in C++
  • Blas.cpp.shar.z
  • Brent's univariate minimizer and zero finder.
  • BRL10 Binary Relations Library for C/C++
  • C* In C++ Parallel Programming Classes for C++:
  • C++ FEM (Finite Element Method) Library
  • C++ implementation of differential algebra
  • C++Advio Advanced i/o and arithmetic compression
  • C++SIM 1.5.2 A simulation package written in C++.
  • CalcPlus Interpreter of procedural language
  • Callbacks Inter-component callbacks using functors
  • CB++ CommonBase Database Access Library for C/C++
  • CBMT Collaborative BioMolecular Tools
  • CCL110JE.ZIP Coroutine class library
  • CDBFile C++ library to handle dBASE III files
  • CGI++ A C++ Library for CGI Programming
  • CmdLine command-line option and argument parsing framework
  • CNCL ComNets Class Library
  • Conical C++ classes for building neural networks
  • COOL Texas Instrument's "C++ Object Oriented Library".
  • CSLIB Database library for C++ developers
  • CSock C++ Socketing Library An advanced wrapper for Windows socketing
  • Cvmath.cc An include file to make complex math look like regular math.
  • DiamondBase Add Relational Database functionality to your C++ programs
  • Diffpack Quick prototyping of simulators solving partial differential equations by FEM
  • Doctor Matrix Matrix and vector algebra package for C++
  • DoPVM A class built on PVM, for message passing environments.
  • DOSTmUit DOS Text Mode User Interface Toolkit
  • Drat A C++ interface to the curses library
  • ET++ A large GUI library and other C++ tools developed in Europe
  • FFTPACK++ C++ version of FFTPACK
  • GAGS C++ class library for Genetic algorithms
  • GAME Parallel Genetic Algorithms Theory and Applications
  • GECOOL 2.1 A reworking and enhancement of Texas Instrument's "C++ Object Oriented Library"
  • Generic Linked List Package
  • GINA++ An O-O application framework for C++, X11R5, and OSF/Motif
  • Gnans Simulation of stochastic and deterministic dynamical systems
  • Grail Symbolic computation with finite-state machines and regular expressions
  • GRAS A Graph-Oriented Database System for SE Applications
  • Grayscale Image Processing
  • Hans Boehms GC Hans Boehms free Garbage Collector
  • High level vector operations
  • InterViews GUI class library developed by Stanford University
  • ISC366.ZIP Interrupt Service Class (v. 3.66)
  • Kalman A class library for Kalman filtering
  • Lapack++ C++ version of some of lapack fortran code
  • LEDA, A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms
  • libg++ (GNU's C++ library)
  • Lily (LIsp LibrarY) Gives C++ programmers the capability to write LISP-style code
  • LinAlg.shar basic linear algebra classes and applications

    Libraries available via FTP (M-Z)

  • MatClass a C++ class for numerical computation
  • MATCOM Matlab to C++ translator and matrix library
  • Matrix A C++ Matrix class
  • Matthew's Galib A C++ Genetic Algorithm Library
  • MetaKit A portable C++ class library for persistent structured data
  • MIME++ A class library for creating and parsing messages in MIME format
  • molbio++ A C++ library for molecular biosequence analysis
  • Motif++ A wrapper-library, that encapsulates Motif widgets in C++ classes
  • MTL110JE.ZIP Multithreading class library
  • Newmat A very thorough matrix class
  • NIHCL (National Institute of Health's C++ Library)
  • nlmdl A library for estimation of nonlinear models
  • O-Matrix RAD environment for scientific and engineering applications
  • OATH Object oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy
  • Objtran and Objdce
  • OBST Persistent object management system
  • Octave Matlab like interactive system for numerical computations
  • Ode Object database v2.0
  • ooMPEG Berkeley MPEG decoder
  • Options command-line option parsing library
  • OSE C++ Library and Build Environment
  • P++ Parallel Programming Classes for C++
  • paintlib Image file decoding
  • ParLib++ Parallel Programming Classes for C++:
  • pC++ A preprocessor for C++ that implements a data parallel extension
  • PDBlib Library for modeling a macromolecular structure
  • Presto C++ routines for lightweight threads on multiprocessors.
  • Radix-2 Fast Fourier Transform
  • Range C++ class for range arithmetic.
  • RTTI implementation
  • RTTI library
  • SA Library for simulated annealing
  • Sdeint
  • SESAME Neural net software ?
  • simC C/C++ function library for discrete simulation
  • SIMEX Helps develop discrete-event simulation models
  • Simpack Tools for writing simulations with a EECS bias
  • SMURPH A C++ library which could be useful for building a network simulator
  • SOCKET++ C++ iostream like library for sockets and pipes
  • SPLASH Small Perl-like List And String Handling class library
  • td.lib C/C++ Programmers time, date, and cal lib (adtd)
  • Texas Persistant Store
  • TOLKIEN TOoLKIt for gENetics based applications
  • TSR100JE.ZIP TSR class library
  • Types 1.0
  • Unibase Framework toolkit designed to simplify network programming
  • Unidraw A graphical editor building library
  • valarray<Troy>
  • wxWindows C++ class library for building Motif, Open Look, Windows 3.1 and NT applications
  • XMS200JE.ZIP XMS array class library
  • XRLCAD CXrL CAD toolset
  • YACL Yet Another Class Library

    Tools for C++ Programmers

  • C++ component search engine Searches C++ Libraries FAQ for components
  • Cback Cfront optimiser
  • ClassAction OO design and C++ code gen
  • Classdoc AWK package to produce documentation from C++ source
  • DocClass Generates class documentation from source files
  • MkHelp Generate HTML documentation from source files
  • PTL - Portable Threads Library C++ interface to POSIX/QSun/DCE threads
  • SNIP: A Programming Power-tool SNIP takes in an IDL and uses it to create code according to code patterns

    Libraries with no known FTP site

  • Algebra Collection of C++ classes to represent and edit equations in a GUI
  • DCE++ A C++ API for Programming Distributed Systems
  • GenTools A Computational Genomic Tool Suite
  • MenuPlus Menu class library for Turbo C++ for DOS

    Source code from books

  • Bruce Eckel Thinking in C++
  • Coplien Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms
  • Hansen C++ Answers book
  • Smith Object Oriented Software in C++

    Other places to look for details of C++ libraries

  • comp.object FAQ
  • comp.windows.misc Portable GUI-software FAQ
  • ftp.th.darmstadt.de
  • numcomp-free-c.gz
  • Robert Davies C++ list Robert Davies' list of http and ftp sites relevant to C++ uses

    Useful ftp sites

  • Current CUG Library Catalog
  • ftp.luth.se
  • ftp.th.darmstadt.de
  • FTP/Mail gateways Obtaining FTP files via email
  • Netlib
  • Simtel
  • Source code newsgroups

    Commercial libraries (A-N)

  • Allegris Workshop Application framework for building portable applications and reusable components
  • Aspect
  • Booch Components
  • C++ Data Object Library Data structures combined with automatic persistence
  • C++/Views (Allegris Workshop)
  • Classix
  • CommonPoint Application System Comprehensive C++ class library for writing portable GUI applications
  • CommonView Iconic user interface from Glockenspiel
  • CP Graphics CP Graphics Library for Windows
  • Crusher! Data Compression Toolkits
  • DiaViews++
  • Distinct TCP/IP TCP/IP for Windows Software Development Kit
  • DV Centro C++ graphics framework for building visual language applications
  • fACTs++ Class Library Financial Application Construction Tools in C++
  • Forward Error Correction Library Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction
  • G-BASE/GTX (MATISSE) Object Oriented Database
  • Galaxy
  • GEMSTONE Object Oriented Database
  • Generic++
  • Greenleaf ArchiveLib C/C++ library for data compression/archiving
  • Greenleaf Comm++
  • Guild
  • ICpak101, ICpak201
  • IDB Object Databases
  • IKaID Computer animation library
  • ILOG BROKER Distributed Object Computing
  • ILOG DB LINK Connect RDBMS to C++ applications
  • ILOG RULES Data monitoring in real-time environments
  • ILOG SERVER C++ object server implementing real-time groupware applications
  • ILOG SOLVER Constraint reasoning library
  • ILOG TALK Object-oriented dynamic language
  • ILOG VIEWS C++ library and editor to design Very Graphical User Interfaces
  • ImageSoft Object/Engineering C++ class library supporting simulation.
  • KALA Object Oriented Database
  • Libsetl programming symbolically in C++
  • Linpack.h++ The jewel of C++ math classes.
  • M++
  • MacApp (application development toolkit)
  • MainWin MFC on Unix (Microsoft Foundation Classes)
  • Matrix.h++ includes all the functionality of Math.h++.
  • Memory Tuning System (MTS) Fast, efficient memory allocator
  • MFC Toolkit 2.0 MFC extensions
  • NeoAccess Developer's Toolkit Cross-platform object database engine for C++ development
  • NetClasses++ C++ classes for message passing environments:
  • NeXTStep application development toolkit
  • NuGraf Deveoper's 3D Toolkit

    Commercial libraries (O-Z)

  • ObjectBuilder GUI library
  • Objective Grid Visual C++/MFC grid control
  • Objectivity/DB Object Oriented Database
  • OBJECTSTORE Object Oriented Database
  • ObjectViews
  • Octo+ Extenstion library to MFC
  • ONTOS Object Oriented Database
  • Open Dialogue
  • Open Interface Version 3.0
  • OpenUI Another GUI builder
  • ORION/ITASCA Object Oriented Database
  • OS Object Oriented Database
  • Persistence Access to a relational database from a C++ object model
  • POET Object Oriented Database
  • Presentation Services Manager UI library
  • Rhine collection C++ functions for Name Matching
  • SEC++ Visual C++/MFC controls
  • SOFTPRO TOUCH GUI C++ class library for OS/2:
  • StarView A Portable C++ Class Library for Graphical User Interfaces
  • STL<ToolKit> ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit
  • Systems<ToolKit> ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit
  • Thames Calendar Suite Collection of functions for the modern calendar
  • Tools.h++ Rogue Wave tools library.
  • USL C++ Standard Components
  • VERSANT Object Oriented Database
  • ViewKit ObjectPak application framework for developing OSF/Motif and CDE applications using C++
  • Warne's Garbage Collector (WGC)
  • Wind/U-MFC
  • WinSockets++ 1.1 A C++ class library for WinSockets.
  • WNDX Graphical User Interface development environment
  • XVT Portability Toolkit
  • zApp Developer's Suite V2.2
  • ZGRAF C++ Multi-Platform Graph Toolkit
  • Zinc V4.1

    Other commercial sources of C++ code

  • EMS CD
  • ISCL CD ROM from ImageSoft
  • USL UNIX Toolchest An electronic catalog for browsing and ordering source software

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    Mail amendments or additions to this list
    A Web form for submissions to this list
    Mail the author for permission to distribute

    Copyright (c) 1997 Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.
    Permission is granted to distribute over the Internet without charge. The author's permission is required (and usually given) to distribute in any other way, including on CD.