Available C++ libraries FAQ (6/6)


Commercial libraries (O-Z)

ObjectBuilder - GUI library

ObjectBuilder includes the Object Interface (OI) class library which is a C++ object-oriented implementation of both Motif and Openlook interfaces. Note that interested parties can read more about the OI library in the 1300 page "OI Programmer's Guide" by Gary Aitken and Amber Bensen published by Prentice-Hall.

ObjectBuilder is a GUI that offers developers a complete C++ implementation of Motif. ObjectBuilder allows developers to rapidly design, test, modify and implement sophisticated object-oriented graphical user interfaces by using ObjectBuilder to manipulate C++ objects found in its Object Interface (OI) C++ class library.

ObjectBuilder features a drag-and-drop user interface that allows developers to immediately visualize the results of their user interface design.

ObjectBuilder is owned and supported by Openware Technologies, Inc.. Formerly owned by ParcPlace Systems, Openware recently acquired ObjectBuilder.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Objective Grid - Visual C++/MFC grid control

Stingray Software offers two Visual C++/Microsoft Foundation Class extensions: Objective Grid and SEC++.

Objective Grid is a full-featured grid control that can be used as a CView or CWnd derivative.

All products include source code and are royalty free. Objective Grid is $395. There is a bundle with SEC++ available for $795.

Compuserve: GO STINGRAY

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Objectivity/DB - Object Oriented Database

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

OBJECTSTORE - Object Oriented Database

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial


I believe this is a commercial version of InterViews.

Quest Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 19/03/97 Licencing : Commercial

Octo+ - Extenstion library to MFC

The Octo+ MFC class library is an extenstion library to MFC. Subscription entitles you to the use of all the classes developed for the duration of a year. There is a commitment to issue a new class every two weeks. De facto at least one new class is added every week. You could compare it to the subscription to an online MFC source magazine. The class library is accessible at : www.periphere.be where you can get all the latest information up-to-date. New classes issued are eMailed to registered users.

Operating Systems


Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

ONTOS - Object Oriented Database

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Open Dialogue

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Open Interface Version 3.0

This is a C-based UI library, but type-safe for C++ compatibility. The software also comes with a WYSIWYG GUI builder.

They include tons of extra widgets like business graphics (bar, pie, and line charts), images (all standard formats), and hypertext help.

Other software in Open Interface includes international character support, multi-font support, full printer support, memory management, file I/O support as well as Windows DDE support (the latter is, of course, non- portable).

They also have a product called Nexpertobject, which is an expert systems tool intended for GUI development.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

OpenUI - Another GUI builder

This interface supports C, Pascal, and (ish) COBOL.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

ORION/ITASCA - Object Oriented Database

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

OS Object Oriented Database

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Persistence - Access to a relational database from a C++ object model

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

POET - Object Oriented Database

Pricing starts at about $500. 00 for the DOS version, to a little over $1000.00 for the Unix versions.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Presentation Services Manager UI library

No WYSIWYG GUI builder exists, but they do include a script language.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Rhine collection - C++ functions for Name Matching

To provide a computer name matching system where the strings are not identical eg to match "The Megaland (USA) Corp" with "Megaland USA Corporation"

short list of features:

C++ code is fully standard - verified by PC-lint [tm] version 7.0

Licence contains normal range of conditions - software may be used in customers own products subject to number of straightforward conditions.

Added : 13/11/96 Amended : 13/11/96 Licencing : Commercial

SEC++ - Visual C++/MFC controls

SEC++ includes: CView derivatives for panning and zooming, image classes (DIB/GIF/JPG/PCX/TGA/TIFF), MDI alternatives, Win32 classes and control classes (maskedit, splash screen, tip of the day).

All products include source code and are royalty free. SEC++ is $395. There is a bundle with Objective Grid available for $795.

Compuserve: GO STINGRAY

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

SOFTPRO TOUCH - GUI C++ class library for OS/2:

SOFTPRO GmbH has announced its new 32bit C++ class library TOUCH-GUI 2.1 for OS/2 2.x. The product contains more than 140 classes which support windows, menu bars, multi-threading, controls (including all OS/2 2.x controls: slider, value set, notebook, container), dialog boxes, graphics, printer control, MDI, DDE, Drag and Drop, loadable resources, and management of profiles (.INI files). Other features include auxiliary classes for data manipulation and storage management. Additionally, TOUCH- GUI 2.1 contains high-level classes like formatted entry fields, tables, and complete NLS. Furthermore, TOUCH-GUI 2.1 is fully integrated in STAR CASE++, an OOA/OOD case tool (method: Coad/Yourdon), and Intersolv's PVCS (a version control system).

The product includes online (.INF) and printed documentation, a demo program, and samples.

TOUCH-GUI 2.1 costs DM 1.720,00 excl. VAT (ca. US $990), the runtime DLL's may be distributed royalty free. For upgrade prices and special project licenses (including source code of TOUCH-GUI) contact the supplier. NOTE: TOUCH-GUI 2.1 single license will be available at a special price of DM 199,00 excl. VAT (ca. US $120) during 04/01/94 - 06/30/94. Printed documentation is not shipped with the special price product, it is available for another DM 99,00 excl. VAT (ca. US $60). However, full online documentation is included.

Operating Systems


Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

StarView - A Portable C++ Class Library for Graphical User Interfaces

StarView is a portable C++ Class Library for Graphical User Interfaces. StarView is one of the major parts of our total Object Oriented programming environment (we call it SOLAR system).

Operating Systems


Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

STL<ToolKit> - ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit

STL<ToolKit> is an ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit that includes: STL<ToolKit> comes with a 350+ page user guide, full source code, 250+ examples, and absolutely no royalties.

Operating Systems


Added : 22/05/96 Amended : 22/05/96 Licencing : Commercial

Systems<ToolKit> - ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit

Systems<ToolKit> is an ANSI/ISO compliant cross-platform toolkit that includes: Systems<ToolKit> comes with over 700 pages of documentation, full source code, 400+ examples, and absolutely no royalties.

Operating Systems


Added : 22/05/96 Amended : 22/05/96 Licencing : Commercial

Thames Calendar Suite - Collection of functions for the modern calendar

This provides a complete collection of functions for the modern calendar.

How many days between dates?, What is 3rd Tuesday of month, How many business days in period?

Short list of features:

Inclusive Price around 215 UK pounds ie around 340 US dollars.

C++ code is fully standard - verified by PC-lint [tm] version 7.0

Licence contains normal range of conditions - software may be used in customers own products subject to number of straightforward conditions.

Added : 13/11/96 Amended : 13/11/96 Licencing : Commercial

Tools.h++ - Rogue Wave tools library.

Tools.h++ consists mostly of a large and rich set of concrete classes that are usable in isolation and do not depend on other classes for their implementation or semantics.

Components include Collections, String processing, Time & date handling, File space manager, B-Tree disk retrieval, bit vectors, virtual I/O streams, caching managers, virtual arrays, etc.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 22/05/96 Licencing : Commercial

USL C++ Standard Components

Formerly developed and marketed by AT&T Bell Laboratories and UNIX System Laboratories, these are now developed and licensed by SCO.

C++ Standard Components include :

Also included are the following tools :

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 22/05/96 Licencing : Commercial

VERSANT - Object Oriented Database

Versant markets a full-function OODBMS together with associated DBA and application developer tools. Other platforms will be announced soon. A Windows/NT port is in progress.

Interfaces to 'C', 'C++' and Smalltalk-80 are supported.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

ViewKit ObjectPak - application framework for developing OSF/Motif and CDE applications using C++

ViewKit includes generic application classes, menu, dialog, and preference classes; as well as ToolTalk and UNIX process control systems.

ViewKit ObjectPak builds on the C++/Motif programming methods established by Doug Young in his book "Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and OSF/Motif". ViewKit ObjectPak provides a variety of ready-to use components and enables developers to easily extend ViewKit by creating new component classes. With these high-level components, ViewKit ensures consistency throughout a family of applications, and promotes enterprise-wide software reuse. In addition, ViewKit supports easy and effective communication between applications by using ToolTalk(tm), the CDE standard for inter-application messaging.

ViewKit ObjectPak is available in binary and source form. Originally developed by Silicon Graphics, ViewKit is now available through ICS for most UNIX platforms.

ICS has distributors in the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Korea, Japan, and Australia.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Warne's Garbage Collector (WGC)

WGC is a full-featured high-performance C++ memory manager that includes: WGC's fast explicit memory manager provides a drop-in accelerated new/delete. Using a multi-tiered parallel algorithm with the first tier inline, WGC can allocate most objects inline in less than 10 instructions! To enhance space efficiency WGC uses address-aligned storage algorithms with no per-object overhead (no linked lists!). To reduce fragmentation, WGC maintains a single process free store for all threads, modules, and DLLs.

WGC's collector implements both conservative and accurate scanning and fully supports C++ code. Classes, arrays, scalars, interior pointers, unions, cross-heap pointers, anonymous unions (really!), large objects, library code you have no control over, etc. are all supported. Plus, you can incrementally deploy automatic memory management in existing or new applications, making some classes or objects collected and some not.

WGC's just-in-time heap-checker stays active during the entire development cycle, transparently checking every new and delete. If a check fails, WGC will spawn your debugger and take you live to the line in question. To complement the live access to the line that failed a delete check, WGC provides detailed pointer/object info (allocating thread/line/file/pass count, object allocation time in microseconds, etc.) Debugging extensions allow interactive display/logging of object/pointer status and process stats.

WGC is currently available for all major C++ compilers under Windows NT, Windows 95, and OS/2. WGC is priced at $895 per developer for all platforms, with no royalties. Team & Volume discounts apply. Source available. Ports to other platforms in progress.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial


A Unix version of the popular Microsoft Foundation Classes shipped with Visual C++ (a 16-bit MFC 2.5 and a 32-bit MFC 2.1).

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

WinSockets++ 1.1 - A C++ class library for WinSockets.

This is more than just a wrapper for the WinSockets calls. It provides higher-level functions that make reading/writing to sockets very easy. Additionally, the Async aspect of the library makes using the asynchronous functionality of WinSockets *very* easy and your code *very* clean.

It costs $50 which includes full source.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

WNDX - Graphical User Interface development environment

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 05/02/96 Licencing : Commercial

XVT Portability Toolkit

This is a C-language library of functions (although, you can pay extra for C++). They have a WYSIWYG GUI builder, but they charge for that, too.


Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

zApp Developer's Suite V2.2

The zApp Developer's Suite is a set of libraries and a designer containing over 300 object classes that provide GUI and other capabilities. It is the single solution to the problem of quickly writing commercial quality applications that run on multiple platforms. The zApp Developer's Suite consists of: The software comes with about 2500 pages of documentation and complete on-line help. It costs between $1,000 and $5,000 per developer, depending on the platforms needed.

Operating Systems

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

ZGRAF - C++ Multi-Platform Graph Toolkit

The ZGRAF C++ Multi-Platform Graph Toolkit is a library for generating and printing tech. and business graphs in a number of environments. Graph styles include X/Y, Bar, Pie, Area, Scatter, Polar, Log, 3-D Surface, Contour, Smith Chart, and more. Support for X-Windows soon.Full C++ source code is included. Price: $30 - $99, with no royalties.

Operating Systems


Added : 05/02/96 Amended : 05/02/96 Licencing : Commercial

Zinc V4.1

This is a full C++ class library that comes with the Zinc Designer (a WYSIWYG GUI builder). Their classes include some graphic capabilities, a rather nice error system, and a portable, if rudimentary, help system. Also included is the source for the library (and for the Designer!).

In addition to the usual GUI stuff, Zinc also provides international character support (an extended version, for extra bux, is in the works), some container classes, and filesystem portability. They also allow you to incorporate platform-specific stuff (e.g., system messages) into their API; but, of course, you're on your own when it comes to porting any additions. The main new feature for 4.1 is object persistence. , (800) 638 8665, (801) 785-8900, (801) 785-8996 (fax), (801) 785-8997 (bbs)

, tech@zinc.com

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Commercial

Other commercial sources of C++ code


This is not a code CD but it has many libraries & some code (all msdos) brought together into a CD.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Not known

ISCL CD ROM from ImageSoft

Checkout the ISCL CD ROM from ImageSoft, it contains the largest collection of C++ source code ever compiled in one place. It's available from ImageSoft

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Not known

USL UNIX Toolchest - An electronic catalog for browsing and ordering source software

This catalog provides unsupported software products, developed within AT&T, for the commercial UNIX world. As you browse through the online catalog, you'll find descriptions of all the tools, complete with information on memory and disk requirements, documentation, and license fees.

United States and Canada, may access the Toolchest by dialing 1-908-522- 6900(e-7-1) and logging in as "guest".

Note : The USL UNIX Toolchest is no longer marketed by USL or Novell; it has reverted back to AT&T. The only contact info I have for it is the US number 800-462-8146, option #2.

Added : 01/01/95 Amended : 01/01/95 Licencing : Not known

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Copyright (c) 1997 Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.
Permission is granted to distribute over the Internet without charge. The author's permission is required (and usually given) to distribute in any other way, including on CD.