C++ Annotations Version 4.0.0

Chapter 11: Polymorphism, late binding and virtual functions

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As we have seen in the previous chapter, C++ provides the tools to derive classes from one base type, to use base class pointers to address derived objects, and subsequently to process derived objects in a generic class.

Concerning the allowed operations on all objects in such a generic class we have seen that the base class must define the actions to be performed on all derived objects. In the example of the Vehicle this was the functionality to store and retrieve the weight of a vehicle.

When using a base class pointer to address an object of a derived class, the pointer type (i.e., the base class type) normally determines which actual function will be called. This means that the code example as from section 10.5.2 which uses the storage class VStorage, will incorrectly compute the combined weight when a Truck object (see section 10.2 is in the storage --- only one weight field of the engine part of the truck is taken into consideration. The reason for this is obvious: a Vehicle *vp calls the function Vehicle::getweight() and not Truck::getweight(), even when that pointer actually points to a Truck.

However, the opposite is also possible. In C++ it is possible for a Vehicle *vp to call a function Truck::getweight() when the pointer actually points to a Truck.

The terminology for this feature is polymorphism: it is as though the pointer vp assumes the type of the object it points to, rather than keeping it own (base class) type. So, vp might behave like a Truck * when pointing to a Truck, or like an Auto * when pointing to an Auto etc.. (In one of the StarTrek movies, Cap. Kirk was in trouble, as usual. He met an extremely beautiful lady who however thereupon changed into a hideous troll. Kirk was quite surprised, but the lady told him: ``Didn't you know I am a polymorph?'')

A second term for this characteristic is late binding. This name refers to the fact that the decision which function to call (a base class function or a function of a derived class) cannot be made compile-time, but is postponed until the program is actually executed: the right function is selected run-time.

11.1: Virtual functions

The default behavior of the activation of a member function via a pointer is that the type of the pointer determines the function. E.g., a Vehicle* will activate Vehicle's member functions, even when pointing to an object of a derived class. This is referred to as early or static binding, since the type of function is known compile-time. The late or dynamic binding is achieved in C++ with virtual functions.

A function becomes virtual when its declaration starts with the keyword virtual. Once a function is declared virtual in a base class, its definition remains virtual in all derived classes; even when the keyword virtual is not repeated in the definition of the derived classes.

As far as the vehicle classification system is concerned (see section 6 ff.) the two member functions getweight() and setweight() might be declared as virtual. The class definitions below illustrate the classes Vehicle (which is the overall base class of the classification system) and Truck, which has Vehicle as an indirect base class. The functions getweight() of the two classes are also shown:

class Vehicle { public: Vehicle(); // constructors Vehicle(int wt); // interface.. now virtuals! virtual int getweight() const; virtual void setweight(int wt); private: int // data weight; } // Vehicle's own getweight() function: int Vehicle::getweight() const { return (weight); } class Land: public Vehicle { ... } class Auto: public Land { ... } class Truck: public Auto { public: Truck(); // constructors Truck(int engine_wt, int sp, char const *nm, int trailer_wt); // interface: to set two weight fields void setweight(int engine_wt, int trailer_wt); // and to return combined weight int getweight() const; private: int // data trailer_weight; }; // Truck's own getweight() function int Truck::getweight() const { return (Auto::getweight() + trailer_wt); }

Note that the keyword virtual appears only in the definition of the base class Vehicle; it need not be repeated in the derived classes (though a repetition would be no error).

The effect of the late binding is illustrated in the next fragment:

Vehicle v(1200); // vehicle with weight 1200 Truck t(6000, 115, // truck with cabin weight 6000, speed 115, "Scania", // make Scania, trailer weight 15000 15000); Vehicle *vp; // generic vehicle pointer int main() { // see below (1) vp = &v; printf("%d\n", vp->getweight()); // see below (2) vp = &t; printf("%d\n", vp->getweight()); // see below (3) printf("%d\n", vp->getspeed()); return (0); }

Since the function getweight() is defined as virtual, late binding is used here: in the statements above below the (1) mark, Vehicle's function getweight() is called. In contrast, the statements under (2) use Truck's function getweight().

Statement (3) however will produces a syntax error. A function getspeed() is no member of Vehicle, and hence also not callable via a Vehicle*.

The rule is that when using a pointer to a class, only the functions which are members of that class can be called. These functions can be virtual, but this only affects the type of binding (early vs. late).

11.1.1: Polymorphism in program development

When functions are defined as virtual in a base class (and hence in all derived classes), and when these functions are called using a pointer to the base class, the pointer as it were can assume more forms: it is polymorph. In this section we illustrate the effect of polymorphism on the manner in which programs in C++ can be developed.

A vehicle classification system in C might be implemented with Vehicle being a union of structs, and having an enumeration field to determine which actual type of vehicle is represented. A function getweight() would typically first determine what type of vehicle is represented, and then inspect the relevant fields:

typedef enum /* type of the vehicle */ { is_vehicle, is_land, is_auto, is_truck, } Vtype; typedef struct /* generic vehicle type */ { int weight; } Vehicle; typedef struct /* land vehicle: adds speed */ { Vehicle v; int speed; } Land; typedef struct /* auto: Land vehicle + name */ { Land l; char *name; } Auto; typedef struct /* truck: Auto + trailer */ { Auto a; int trailer_wt; } Truck; typedef union /* all sorts of vehicles in 1 union */ { Vehicle v; Land l; Auto a; Truck t; } AnyVehicle; typedef struct /* the data for a all vehicles */ { Vtype type; AnyVehicle thing; } Object; int getweight(Object *o) /* how to get weight of a vehicle */ { switch (o->type) { case is_vehicle: return (o->thing.v.weight); case is_land: return (o->thing.l.v.weight); case is_auto: return (o->thing.a.l.v.weight); case is_truck: return (o->thing.t.a.l.v.weight + o->thing.t.trailer_wt); } }

A disadvantage of this approach is that the implementation cannot be easily changed. E.g., if we wanted to define a type Airplane, which would, e.g., add the functionality to store the number of passengers, then we'd have to re-edit and re-compile the above code.

In contrast, C++ offers the possiblity of polymorphism. The advantage is that `old' code remains usable. The implementation of an extra class Airplane would in C++ mean one extra class, possibly with its own (virtual) functions getweight() and setweight(). A function like:

void printweight(Vehicle const *any) { printf("Weight: %d\n", any->getweight()); }

would still work; the function wouldn't even need to be recompiled, since late binding is in effect.

11.1.2: How polymorphism is implemented

This section briefly describes how polymorphism is implemented in C++. Understanding the implementation is not necessary for the usage of this feature of C++, though it does explain why there is a cost of polymorphism in terms of memory usage.

The fundamental idea of polymorphism is that the C++ compiler does not know which function to call at compile-time; the appropriate function will be selected run-time. That means that the address of the function must be stored somewhere, to be looked up prior to the actual call. This `somewhere' place must be accessible from the object in question. E.g., when a Vehicle *vp points to a Truck object, then vp->getweight() calls a member function of Truck; the address of this function is determined from the actual object which vp points to.

A common implementation is the following. An object containing virtual functions holds as its first data member a hidden field, pointing to an array of pointers holding the addresses of the virtual functions. It must be noted that this implementation is compiler-dependent, and is by no means dictated by the C++ ANSI definition.

The table of addresses of virtual functions is shared by all objects of the class. It even may be the case that two classes share the same table. The overhead in terms of memory consumption is therefore:

Consequently, a statement like vp->getweight() first inspects the hidden data member of the object pointed to by vp. In the case of the vehicle classification system, this data member points to a table of two addresses: one pointer for the function getweight() and one pointer for the function setweight(). The actual function which is called is determined from this table.

The internal organization of the objects having virtual functions is further illustrated in figure 7.

figure 7 is shown here.
figure 7: Internal organization objects when virtual functions are defined.

As can be seen from figure 7, all objects which use virtual functions must have one (hidden) data member to address a table of function pointers. The objects of the classes Vehicle and Auto both address the same table. The class Truck, however, introduces its own version of getweight(): therefore, this class needs its own table of function pointers.

11.2: Pure virtual functions

Until now the base class Vehicle contained its own, concrete, implementations of the virtual functions getweight() and setweight(). In C++ it is however also possible only to mention virtual functions in a base class, and not define them. The functions are concretely implemented in a derived class. This approach defines a protocol, which has to be followed in the derived classes.

The special feature of only declaring functions in a base class, and not defining them, is that derived classes must take care of the actual definition: the C++ compiler will not allow the definition of an object of a class which doesn't concretely define the function in question. The base class thus enforces a protocol by declaring a function by its name, return value and arguments; but the derived classes must take care of the actual implementation. The base class itself is therefore only a model, to be used for the derivation of other classes. Such base classes are also called ++abstract classes.

The functions which are only declared but not defined in the base class are called pure virtual functions. A function is made pure virtual by preceding its declaration with the keyword virtual and by postfixing it with = 0. An example of a pure virtual function occurs in the following listing, where the definition of a class Sortable requires that all subsequent classes have a function compare():

class Sortable { public: virtual int compare(Sortable const &other) const = 0; };

The function compare() must return an int and receives a reference to a second Sortable object. Possibly its action would be to compare the current object with the other one. The function is not allowed to alter the other object, as other is declared const. Furthermore, the function is not allowed to alter the current object, as the function itself is declared const.

The above base class can be used as a model for derived classes. As an example consider the following class Person (a prototype of which was introduced in section 5), capable of comparing two Person objects by the alphabetical order of their names and addresses:

class Person: public Sortable { public: // constructors, destructors, and stuff Person(); Person(char const *nm, char const *add, char const *ph); Person(Person const &other); Person const &operator=(Person const &other); // interface char const *getname() const; char const *getaddress() const; char const *getphone() const; void setname(char const *nm); void setaddress(char const *add); void setphone(char const *ph); // requirements enforced by Sortable int compare(Sortable const &other) const; private: // data members char *name, *address, *phone; }; int Person::compare(Sortable const &o) { Person const &other = (Person const &)o; register int cmp; return ( // first try: if names unequal, we're done (cmp = strcmp(name, other.name)) ? cmp : // second try: compare by addresses strcmp(address, other.address) ); }

Note in the implementation of Person::compare() that the argument of the function is not a reference to a Person but a reference to a Sortable. Remember that C++ allows function overloading: a function compare(Person const &other) would be an entirely different function from the one required by the protocol of Sortable. In the implementation of the function we therefore cast the Sortable& argument to a Person& argument.

11.3: Comparing only Persons

Sometimes it may be useful to know in the concrete implementation of a pure virtual function what the other object is. E.g., the function Person::compare() should make the comparison only if the other object is a Person too: imagine what the statement

strcmp(name, other.name)

would do when the other object were in fact not a Person and hence did not have a char *name datamember.

We therefore present here an improved version of the protocol of the class Sortable. This class is expanded to require that each derived class implements a function int getsignature():

class Sortable { ... virtual int getsignature() const = 0; ... };

The concrete function Person::compare() can now compare names and addresses only if the signatures of the current and other object match:

int Person::compare(Sortable const &o) { register int cmp; // first, check signatures if ((cmp = getsignature() - o.getsignature())) return (cmp); Person const &other = (Person const &)o; return ( // next try: if names unequal, we're done (cmp = strcmp(name, other.name)) ? cmp : // last try: compare by addresses strcmp(address, other.address) ); }

The crux of the matter is of course the function getsignature(). This function should return a unique int value for its particular class. An elegant implementation is the following:

class Person: public Sortable { ... // getsignature() now required too int getsignature() const; } int Person::getsignature() const { static int // Person's own tag, I'm quite sure tag; // that no other class can access it return ((int) &tag); // Hence, &tag is unique for Person }

For the reader who's puzzled by our `elegant solution': the static int tag defined in the Person::getsignature() function is just one variable, no matter how many Person objects exist. Furthermore, it's created compile-time as a global variable, since it's static. Hence, there's only one variable tag for the Person class. Its address, therefore, is uniquely connected to the Person class. This address is cast to an int which thus becomes the (unique) signature of Person objects.

11.4: Virtual destructors

When the operator delete releases memory which is occupied by a dynamically allocated object, a corresponding destructor is called to ensure that internally used memory of the object can also be released. Now consider the following code fragment, in which the two classes from the previous sections are used:

Sortable *sp; Person *pp = new Person("Frank", "frank@icce.rug.nl", "363 3688"); sp = pp; // sp now points to a Person ... delete sp; // object destroyed

In this example an object of a derived class (Person) is destroyed using a base class pointer (Sortable*). For a `standard' class definition this will mean that the destructor of Sortable is called, instead of the destructor of Person.

C++ however allows virtual destructors. By preceding the declaration of a destructor with the keyword virtual we can ensure that the right destructor is activated even when called via a base class pointer. The definition of the class Sortable would therefore become:

class Sortable { public: virtual ~Sortable(); virtual int compare(Sortable const &other) const = 0; ... };

Should the virtual destructor of the base class be a pure virtual function or not? In general, the answer to this question would be no: for a class such as Sortable the definition should not force derived classes to define a destructor. In contrast, compare() is a pure virtual function: in this case the base class defines a protocol which must be adhered to.

By defining the destructor of the base class as virtual, but not as purely so, the base class offers the possibility of redefinition of the destructor in any derived classes. The base class doesn't enforce the choice.

The conclusion is therefore that the base class must define a destructor function, which is used in the case that derived classes do not define their own destructors. Such a destructor could be an empty function:

Sortable::~Sortable() { }

11.5: Virtual functions in multiple inheritance

As was previously mentioned in chapter 10 it is possible to derive a class from several base classes at once. Such a derived class inherits the properties of all its base classes. Of course, the base classes themselves may be derived from classes yet higher in the hierarchy.

A slight difficulty in multiple inheritance may arise when more than one `path' leads from the derived class to the base class. This is illustrated in the code fragment below: a class Derived is doubly derived from a class Base:

class Base { public: void setfield(int val) { field = val; } int getfield() const { return (field); } private: int field; }; class Derived: public Base, public Base { };

Due to the double derivation, the functionality of Base now occurs twice in Derived. This leads to ambiguity: when the function setfield() is called for a Derived object, which function should that be, since there are two? In such a duplicate derivation, many C++ compilers will fail to generate code and (correctly) identify the error.

The above code clearly duplicates its base class in the derivation. Such a duplication can be easily avoided here. But duplication of a base class can also occur via nested inheritance, where an object is derived from, say, an Auto and from an Air (see the vehicle classification system, section 6). Such a class would be needed to represent, e.g., a flying car (such as the one in James Bond vs. the Man with the Golden Gun...). An AirAuto would ultimately contain two Vehicles, and hence two weight fields, two setweight() functions and two getweight() functions.

11.5.1: Ambiguity in multiple inheritance

Let's investigate closer why an AirAuto introduces ambiguity, when derived from Auto and Air.

The duplication of Vehicle data is further illustrated in figure 8.

figure 8 is shown here.
figure 8: Duplication of a base class in multiple derivation.

The internal organization of an AirAuto is shown in figure 9

figure 9 is shown here.
figure 9: Internal organization of an AirAuto object.

The C++ compiler will detect the ambiguity in an AirAuto object, and will therefore fail to produce code for a statement like:

AirAuto cool; printf("%d\n", cool.getweight());

The question of which member function getweight() should be called, cannot be resolved by the compiler. The programmer has two possibilities to resolve the ambiguity explicitly:

The second possibility from the two above is preferable, since it relieves the programmer who uses the class AirAuto of special precautions.

However, besides these explicit solutions, there is a more elegant one. This will be discussed in the next section.

11.5.2: Virtual base classes

As is illustrated in figure 9, more than one object of the type Vehicle is present in one AirAuto. The result is not only an ambiguity in the functions which access the weight data, but also the presence of two weight fields. This is somewhat redundant, since we can assume that an AirAuto has just one weight.

We can achieve that only one Vehicle be contained in an AirAuto. This is done by ensuring that the base class which is multiply present in a derived class, is defined as a virtual base class. The behavior of virtual base classes is the following: when a base class B is a virtual base class of a derived class D, then B may be present in D but this is not necessarily so. The compiler will leave out the inclusion of the members of B when these are already present in D.

For the class AirAuto this means that the derivation of Land and Air is changed:

class Land: virtual public Vehicle { ... }; class Air: virtual public Vehicle { ... };

The virtual derivation ensures that via the Land route, a Vehicle is only added to a class when not yet present. The same holds true for the Air route. This means that we can no longer say by which route a Vehicle becomes a part of an AirAuto; we only can say that there is one Vehicle object embedded.

The internal organization of an AirAuto after virtual derivation is shown in figure 10.

figure 10 is shown here.
figure 10: Internal organization of an AirAuto object when the base classes are virtual.

With respect to virtual derivation we note:

Summarizing, virtual derivation has the consequence that ambiguity in the calling of member functions of a base class is avoided. Furthermore, duplication of data members is avoided.

11.5.3: When virtual derivation is not appropriate

In contrast to the previous definition of a class such as AirAuto, situations may arise where the double presence of the members of a base class is appropriate. To illustrate this, consider the definition of a Truck from section 10.2:

class Truck: public Auto { public: // constructors Truck(); Truck(int engine_wt, int sp, char const *nm, int trailer_wt); // interface: to set two weight fields void setweight(int engine_wt, int trailer_wt); // and to return combined weight int getweight() const; private: // data int trailer_weight; }; // example of constructor Truck::Truck(int engine_wt, int sp, char const *nm, int trailer_wt) : Auto(engine_wt, sp, nm) { trailer_weight = trailer_wt; } // example of interface function int Truck::getweight() const { return ( // sum of: Auto::getweight() + // engine part plus trailer_wt // the trailer ); }

This definition shows how a Truck object is constructed to hold two weight fields: one via its derivation from Auto and one via its own int trailer_weight data member. Such a definition is of course valid, but could be rewritten. We could let a Truck be derived from an Auto and from a Vehicle, thereby explicitly requesting the double presence of a Vehicle; one for the weight of the engine and cabin, and one for the weight of the trailer.

A small item of interest here is that a derivation like

class Truck: public Auto, public Vehicle

is not accepted by the C++ compiler: a Vehicle is already part of an Auto, and is therefore not needed. An intermediate class resolves the problem: we derive a class TrailerVeh from Vehicle, and Truck from Auto and from TrailerVeh. All ambiguities concerning the member functions are then be resolved in the class Truck:

class TrailerVeh: public Vehicle { public: TrailerVeh(int wt); }; TrailerVeh::TrailerVeh(int wt) : Vehicle(wt) { } class Truck: public Auto, public TrailerVeh { public: // constructors Truck(); Truck(int engine_wt, int sp, char const *nm, int trailer_wt); // interface: to set two weight fields void setweight(int engine_wt, int trailer_wt); // and to return combined weight int getweight() const; }; // example of constructor Truck::Truck(int engine_wt, int sp, char const *nm, int trailer_wt) : Auto(engine_wt, sp, nm), TrailerVeh(trailer_wt) { } // example of interface function int Truck::getweight() const { return ( // sum of: Auto::getweight() + // engine part plus TrailerVeh::getweight() // the trailer ); }