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Internet Connectivity

Version 11 - July 11, 1994(32)

Thanks to the many people from around the world who have provided information. This version (postscript, ditroff, text forms, maps in postscript) and earlier versions may also be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu in the `connectivity_table' directory.

In the following, "BITNET" is used generically to refer to BITNET plus similar networks around the world (e.g., EARN, NETNORTH, GULFNET, etc.).



BITNET Col. 2 (Entities with international BITNET links.) b: minimal, one to five domestic BITNET sites, 18 entities B: widespread, more than five domestic BITNET sites, 34 entities

IP INTERNET Col. 3 (Entities with international IP Internet links.) I: = operational, accessible from entire open IP Internet, 75 entities

UUCP Col. 4 (Entities with domestic UUCP sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet.) u: minimal, one to five domestic UUCP sites, 59 entities U: widespread, more than five domestic UUCP sites, 70 entities

FIDONET Col. 5 (Entities with domestic FIDONET sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet) f: minimal, one to five domestic FIDONET sites, 27 entities F: widespread, more than five domestic FIDONET sites, 62 entities

OSI Col. 6 (Entities with international X.400 links to domestic sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet). o: minimal, one to five domestic X.400 sites, 8 entities O: widespread, more than five domestic X.400 sites, 23 entities

An entity is a geographical area that has an ISO two letter country code (ISO 3166). These country codes are included in the Table below for each entity (Cols 8-9). Note that the ISO codes do not always agree with the top level DNS (Domain Name) code(s) used for a particular entity.

Network connections have been reported, but not confirmed, to Bangladesh, Jordon, and Mongolia and so are omitted from the table. Activity is underway to connect Lebanon, Guyana, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines but no definitive information has been received. Haiti has an email link but it does not fit into any of the categories of the table.

----- AF       Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of)
----- AL       Albania (Republic of)
-I-- DZ       Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
----- AS       American Samoa
----- AD       Andorra (Principality of)
----- AO       Angola (People's Republic of)
----- AI       Anguilla
-I-- AQ       Antarctica
--u-- AG       Antigua and Barbuda
BIUF- AR       Argentina (Argentine Republic)
--U-- AM       Armenia
---f- AW       Aruba
-IUFo AU       Australia
BIUFO AT       Austria (Republic of)
b-U-- AZ       Azerbaijan
--u-- BS       Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
b---- BH       Bahrain (State of)
----- BD       Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
--u-- BB       Barbados
b-UF- BY       Belarus
BIUFO BE       Belgium (Kingdom of)
--U-- BZ       Belize
----- BJ       Benin (People's Republic of)
--Uf- BM       Bermuda
----- BT       Bhutan (Kingdom of)
--Uf- BO       Bolivia (Republic of)
--u-- BA       Bosnia-Herzegovina
--uf- BW       Botswana (Republic of)
----- BV       Bouvet Island
BIUFO BR       Brazil (Federative Republic of)
----- IO       British Indian Ocean Territory
----- BN       Brunei Darussalam
bIUF- BG       Bulgaria (Republic of)
--U-- BF       Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta)
----- BI       Burundi (Republic of)
----- KH       Cambodia
--u-- CM       Cameroon (Republic of)
BIUFO CA       Canada
----- CV       Cape Verde (Republic of)
----- KY       Cayman Islands
----- CF       Central African Republic
----- TD       Chad (Republic of)
BIUF- CL       Chile (Republic of)
-Iu-O CN       China (People's Republic of)
----- CX       Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
----- CC       Cocos (Keeling) Islands
BIu-- CO       Colombia (Republic of)
----- KM       Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the)
--u-- CG       Congo (Republic of the)
--u-- CK       Cook Islands
bIuf- CR       Costa Rica (Republic of)
--uf- CI       Cote d'Ivoire (Republic of)
-IuFo HR       Croatia
--U-- CU       Cuba (Republic of)
bI-- CY       Cyprus (Republic of)
BIUF- CZ       Czech Republic
BIUFO DK       Denmark (Kingdom of)
----- DJ       Djibouti (Republic of)
----- DM       Dominica (Commonwealth of)
--Uf- DO       Dominican Republic
----- TP       East Timor
-Iu-- EC       Ecuador (Republic of)
bIU-- EG       Egypt (Arab Republic of)
----- SV       El Salvador (Republic of)
----- GQ       Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)
----- ER       Eritrea
-IUF- EE       Estonia (Republic of)
---f- ET       Ethiopia (People's Democratic Republic of)
----- FK       Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
--u-- FO       Faroe Islands
-Iu-- FJ       Fiji (Republic of)
BIUFO FI       Finland (Republic of)
BIUFO FR       France (French Republic)
--u-- GF       French Guiana
--u-- PF       French Polynesia
----- TF       French Southern Territories
----- GA       Gabon (Gabonese Republic)
----- GM       Gambia (Republic of the)
--UF- GE       Georgia (Republic of)
BIUFO DE       Germany (Federal Republic of)
--uF- GH       Ghana (Republic of )
----- GI       Gibraltar
BIUFO GR       Greece (Hellenic Republic)
-I-f- GL       Greenland
--u-- GD       Grenada
b-uf- GP       Guadeloupe (French Department of)
-I-F- GU       Guam
--u-- GT       Guatemala (Republic of)
----- GN       Guinea (Republic of)
----- GW       Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)
----- GY       Guyana (Republic of)
----- HT       Haiti (Republic of)
----- HM       Heard and McDonald Islands
----- HN       Honduras (Republic of)
BI-F- HK       Hong Kong
BIUFo HU       Hungary (Republic of)
-IUFo IS       Iceland (Republic of)
bIUfO IN       India (Republic of)
-IuF- ID       Indonesia (Republic of)
b---- IR       Iran (Islamic Republic of)
----- IQ       Iraq (Republic of)
BIUFO IE       Ireland
BIUF- IL       Israel (State of)
BIUFO IT       Italy (Italian Republic)
--u-- JM       Jamaica
BIUF- JP       Japan
----- JO       Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
--UF- KZ       Kazakhstan
---f- KE       Kenya (Republic of)
--u-- KI       Kiribati (Republic of)
----- KP       Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
BIUFO KR       Korea (Republic of )
-I-- KW       Kuwait (State of)
--U-- KG       Kyrgyz Republic
----- LA       Lao People's Democratic Republic
-IUF- LV       Latvia (Republic of)
----- LB       Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
--u-- LS       Lesotho (Kingdom of)
----- LR       Liberia (Republic of)
----- LY       Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
-I-f- LI       Liechtenstein (Principality of)
-IUFo LT       Lithuania
bIUFo LU       Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of)
-I-F- MO       Macau (Ao-me'n)
--u-- MK       Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of)
--u-- MG       Madagascar (Democratic Republic of)
---f- MW       Malawi (Republic of)
bIUF- MY       Malaysia
----- MV       Maldives (Republic of)
--U-- ML       Mali (Republic of)
--u-- MT       Malta (Republic of)
----- MH       Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
----- MQ       Martinique (French Department of)
----- MR       Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
--uf- MU       Mauritius
----- YT       Mayotte
BIuF- MX       Mexico (United Mexican States)
----- FM       Micronesia (Federated States of)
--uF- MD       Moldova (Republic of)
----- MC       Monaco (Principality of)
----- MN       Mongolia
----- MS       Montserrat
----- MA       Morocco (Kingdom of)
--Uf- MZ       Mozambique (People's Republic of)
----- MM       Myanmar (Union of)
--Uf- NA       Namibia (Republic of)
----- NR       Nauru (Republic of)
--u-- NP       Nepal (Kingdom of)
BIUFO NL       Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
--u-- AN       Netherlands Antilles
----- NT       Neutral Zone (between Saudi Arabia and Iraq)
--U-- NC       New Caledonia
-IUF- NZ       New Zealand
-Iu-- NI       Nicaragua (Republic of)
--u-- NE       Niger (Republic of the)
---f- NG       Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
--u-- NU       Niue
----- NF       Norfolk Island
----- MP       Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the)
BIUFO NO       Norway (Kingdom of)
----- OM       Oman (Sultanate of)
--U-- PK       Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
----- PW       Palau (Republic of)
bIuF- PA       Panama (Republic of)
--u-- PG       Papua New Guinea
--u-- PY       Paraguay (Republic of)
-IUf- PE       Peru (Republic of)
-IuF- PH       Philippines (Republic of the)
----- PN       Pitcairn
BIUF- PL       Poland (Republic of)
bIUFO PT       Portugal (Portuguese Republic)
bIUF- PR       Puerto Rico
----- QA       Qatar (State of)
-Iu-- RE       Re'union (French Department of)
BIuf- RO       Romania
BIUF- RU       Russian Federation
----- RW       Rwanda (Rwandese Republic)
----- SH       Saint Helena
----- KN       Saint Kitts and Nevis
--u-- LC       Saint Lucia
----- PM       Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French Department of)
----- VC       Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
--u-- WS       Samoa (Independent State of)
----- SM       San Marino (Republic of)
----- ST       Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)
B---- SA       Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
--Uf- SN       Senegal (Republic of)
--u-- SC       Seychelles (Republic of)
----- SL       Sierra Leone (Republic of)
BIuF- SG       Singapore (Republic of)
bIUF- SK       Slovakia
-IUFO SI       Slovenia
--u-- SB       Solomon Islands
----- SO       Somalia (Somali Democratic Republic)
-IUFO ZA       South Africa (Republic of)
BIUFO ES       Spain (Kingdom of)
--U-- LK       Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
----- SD       Sudan (Democratic Republic of the)
--u-- SR       Suriname (Republic of)
-I-- SJ       Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
--u-- SZ       Swaziland (Kingdom of)
BIUFo SE       Sweden (Kingdom of)
BIUFO CH       Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
----- SY       Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
BIuF- TW       Taiwan, Province of China
--u-- TJ       Tajikistan
---f- TZ       Tanzania (United Republic of)
-IUF- TH       Thailand (Kingdom of)
--u-- TG       Togo (Togolese Republic)
----- TK       Tokelau
--u-- TO       Tonga (Kingdom of)
--u-- TT       Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of)
bIUfo TN       Tunisia
BI-F- TR       Turkey (Republic of)
--u-- TM       Turkmenistan
----- TC       Turks and Caicos Islands
----- TV       Tuvalu
---F- UG       Uganda (Republic of)
-IUF- UA       Ukraine
----- AE       United Arab Emirates
bIUFO GB       United Kingdom
BIUFO US       United States (United States of America)
----- UM       United States Minor Outlying Islands
-IUF- UY       Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
--UF- UZ       Uzbekistan
--u-- VU       Vanuatu (Republic of, formerly New Hebrides)
----- VA       Vatican City State (Holy See)
-IU-- VE       Venezuela (Republic of)
--U-- VN       Vietnam (Socialist Republic of)
----- VG       Virgin Islands (British)
---f- VI       Virgin Islands (U.S.)
----- WF       Wallis and Futuna Islands
----- EH       Western Sahara
----- YE       Yemen (Republic of)
--uf- YU       Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of)
----- ZR       Zaire (Republic of)
---f- ZM       Zambia (Republic of)
--uf- ZW       Zimbabwe (Republic of)

Please send corrections, information and/or comments (include details, e.g., on connections, sites, contacts, protocols, etc.) to:

Larry Landweber
Computer Sciences Dept.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706
FAX 1-608-265-2635

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