About GEC Marconi Centenary The General Electric Company
1897-1997 Chain of Events

1874 Guglielmo Marconi born on 25th April in Bologna.

1895 The first wireless transmissions at Villa Griffone, Bologna.

1896 Marconi comes to London in February to exploit his invention. The British patent number 12039 is filed on the 2nd June.

1897 The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company is registered on the 20th July.

1899 The Hall Street Works, Chelmsford is acquired by the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company to become the first radio factory in the world.

1900 The famous '7777' patent granted allowing simultaneous broadcasts on different frequencies. Company name changed to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company. The Marconi International Marine Communication Company Ltd. formed.

1901 On the 12th December, first transatlantic signal sent from Poldhu Cove, Cornwall to Signal Hill, Newfoundland, a distance of almost 2,000 miles over the curve of the earth's surface.

1909 Nobel prize for Physics awarded to Guglielmo Marconi.

1910 Arrest of the infamous Dr. Crippen and his mistress following a wireless message from S.S. Montrose to New Scotland Yard.

1912 Wireless distress calls from the Titanic save 705 lives.

1919 Marconi buys yacht Elettra as a floating laboratory.

1920 The first advertised public broadcast programme. A song recital by Dame Nellie Melba is broadcast from the Marconi works in Chelmsford.

1922 Broadcasts commence from Marconi House in London (2LO) and The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) is formed by Marconi and five other companies.

1924 Marconi develops 'The Beam System' of shortwave directional transmission.

1932 Marconi installs the first microwave telephone link connecting Vatican City with the Pope's summer residence, Castel Gandolfo.

1937 Guglielmo Marconi dies in Rome on 20th July. The Company starts Government orders for 'Chain Home' stations, Britain's first air defence radar network.

1939 The Marconi Research Laboratories, Great Baddow are opened.

1946 English Electric takes over Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company Limited, and acquires 42% of the shares in the Marconi International Marine Communication Company Ltd., Marconi Instruments Limited and small subsidiaries.

1963 Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company becomes The Marconi Company.

1964 New premises at Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford are opened.

1968 GEC and English Electric amalgamate.

1987 The Marconi Company Ltd. becomes GEC-Marconi Ltd.

1894 - 1895 | 1896 - 1897 | 1897 The Telegraph and Signal Company Ltd.
Chain of Events | Marconi ' The Man ' | Bibliography
This page last changed 18th July 1997.
http://www.gec.com © 1997 The General Electric Company, p.l.c.