About GEC Marconi Centenary The General Electric Company
Villa Griffone
 Villa Griffone
Early Experiments
During 1894 Marconi (aged 20) embarked on a study of the works of Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), who had died that year.

Marconi started his experiments on the application of Hertzian waves to the transmission and reception of messages over a distance, without wires, in late1894 at the Villa Griffone at Pontecchio Bologna, Italy, the family home.

He greatly improved on the performance of Hertz's apparatus. The distance for transmission and reception of signals was progressively increased, across a room, down the length of a corridor, from the house into the fields until, in the early summer of 1895 and despite an intervening hill, he achieved signal transmission and reception over a distance of about 2km. Success was indicated initially by the waving of a handkerchief and progressed to the need to fire a gun.
The first Marconi transmitter
 The first Marconi transmitter

1894 - 1895 | 1896 - 1897 | 1897 The Telegraph and Signal Company Ltd.
Chain of Events | Marconi ' The Man ' | Bibliography
This page last changed 18th July 1997.
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