Licensing and Copyright

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The compilation embodied by the BURKS CD-ROM and its related website at is copyright © John English 1996, 1997. (Note that the website referenced above is a good place to look for information related to the CD publication: errata, announcements, etc.) It has been created as an educational resource, primarily for use by students, and may only be sold on a non-profit basis. Our students are poor enough as it is. Permission is granted to copy or redistribute in any other form those portions of this CD that are under the author's copyright for non-profit purposes only. Please do not contact the author for waivers of this restriction, for I will reject all proposals to use these materials in any for-profit publication.

The BURKS CD-ROM comprises a collection of works by authors all over the world. All trademarks belong to their respective trademark holders. Third-party software and documents are copyrighted by their respective owners. All other software and documentation on this CD is copyright © John English 1996, 1997.

Many of the documents included on this CD expressly prohibit their sale for profit or commercial use. Others are less clear. If you want to redistribute any documents included here, you will need to do what I have done and check the copyright notices that they include, and if in doubt contact the respective copyright holders to ask their permission to redestribute their work. In the vast majority of cases, I have been granted permission after explaining the non-profit nature of this work; the rare minority of refusals do not appear on this CD (of course!), but I assure you that they are rare. There is a list of home sites for the documents on this CD which also gives details of the legal status of each document.

The programs BURKS.EXE, DOWNLOAD.EXE, DOWNLD32.EXE and HELPVIEW.EXE were created by John English expressly for use with this CD, but may be used freely for any purpose whatsoever (including for-profit purposes) provided that all users of the resulting product are clearly and unambiguously notified that the programs concerned were created by and are under the copyright of John English. This notification must include my email address (, a brief description of this CD (e.g. "BURKS, The Brighton University Resource Kit for Students, a non-profit CD-ROM of educational resources for students of computing") and a reference to the primary website for this CD (namely

This CD also uses a program WRITERAW.EXE, which is a trivial modification of RAWRITE.EXE (to which the GNU General Public License applies). Source code for WRITERAW is available on request; however, it's just a version of RAWRITE with hardcoded options "-d A" and "-f" so it's not very exciting.

For reasons of space, not all of the source code for the material on this CD which is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License has been included. Please contact the author for details of how to obtain any GNU source code which is not included on this CD.


I would like to express my profound thanks to the following people and organisations for permission to use their work as part of this CD:


This disk contains many shareware programs. Shareware is a try-before-you-buy system where you are expected to pay the program author a registration fee if you find the program useful. Purchasing this CD gives you no rights of ownership for any shareware material it contains; you must still register shareware programs if you intend to use them. You will find registration details included in the documentation files provided with each shareware package.


No warranty is made about any file on this CD. You assume all risk of using any of the files on this CD. I reserve the right to limit any effort on my part to rectify problems with any file on this CD.

Neither I, nor the University of Brighton, nor Netscape Communications Corporation, nor the sponsoring organisations, nor any of the other persons whose work is included on this CD, can accept any responsibility or liability in the event that using the software on this disk causes you any system malfunction or data loss. As with any new software, make sure that you back up your system regularly so that you can recover from unforeseen crashes.

On a lighter note...

... (now that the lawyers are pacified :-)
Please contact me if you discover any errors or problems with using this CD so that I can try to rectify them for the next release. Also, suggestions for improvements and any other general comments are welcomed. Thanks in advance!

John English, July 1997