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Function            GENVAL()
Action              Generic VALID clause validation with message
Returns             <expL> logical result of passed condition
Category            Editing
Syntax              GENVAL(<expC1>,<expC2>)
Description         Evaluates macro expansion of <expC1> as a logical
                    value. If result is False, displays message <expC2>
                    and waits for a keypress.
                    if genval("fcount() < 60","Too many fields")
                       COPY TO TEMP

                    * ...or as a VALID CLAUSE

                    @10,10 get m->lname VALID GENVAL("!empty(m->lname)",;
                      "Need a last name,please")

Found in (prg)......S_GENVA.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson