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Function            GENED()
Action              Generic dbf editing screen
Category            Metafunction
Syntax              GENED([expL],[expN1],[expN2],[array1],[array2])
Description         Edit ( [expL]=.f.) current record or
                    Add  ( [expL]=.t.) new record.
Options             Window top [expN1] and bottom [expN2] default to

                    Use optional [array1] (field names) and
                    [array2] (field descriptions), or use all fields
                    in dbf.

Examples            use Customer index Customer
                    Gened(.f.,2,20)             && edit
                    use Customer index Customer
                    Gened(.t.,3,15)             && add
                    use Customer index Customer
                    Gened()                     && edit

Notes               Sets keys -9 (F10) and -1 (F2)
                    Allows memo editing (multiple memo fields)

Warnings            Key -9 is unset on exit (F10)
                    Key -2 is unset on exit (F3)
                    Cursor is left ON
Found in (prg)......S_GENED.PRG

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson