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    -------------------- Colors scheme for this library -------------------

     This is not the perfect color scheme. It is the one this library runs

     Several global color variables are used by the functions. These are:

               c_normcol       -       For normal input/output
               c_normmenu      -       For normal 'menu to' operations
               c_popcol        -       For popup box colors
               c_popmenu       -       For popup box menus
               c_frame         -       Frame string ("+-+|+-+| ")
               c_shadatt       -       Shadow color attribute (numeric)
               c_shadpos       -       Shadow position (0,1,3,7,9)
               c_xplode        -       Logical - explode windows?

     All are of the format "f/b,f/b,,,f/b"  (f-foreground b-background)

     The function INITCOL() will set these colors, and is called if they
     have not already been set.The function INITSUP() is used to initialize
     everything needed by the Library. Initsup() calls initcol() if needed.

     The function SETCOLORS() allows interactive setting of these colors.
     The variables are stored in COLORS.MEM - which is created if needed.
     If COLORS.MEM is not present, default colors are used.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson