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      ------------------- Linking Super.Lib Library ---------------------

      Where <program> refers to your OBJ file(s) ,<other libs>
      refers to other Libraries you may wish to use, and

      Turbo Link (Tlink) :
      TLINK <program>,,,clipper + extend + <other libs> + super

      Microsoft Link    :
      LINK <program>,,,clipper,extend,<other libs>,super /NOE /SE:512

      Plink86           :
      PLINK86 fi <program> lib clipper,<other libs>,super,extend

      BLINKER           :
      BLINKER fi <program> lib super,clipper,extend

      Only those functions actually called by your prg - and any they call -
      will be included in your EXE. The metafunctions will be big - usually

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson