Click here to download Web Expander
344 K
Web Expander is a protocol enhancement utility for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Web Expander can launch external mail, ftp and other program from click 'mailto:', 'ftp:' and any protocols. It can handle user defined protocols (i.e. 'notepad:') to provide intranet solutions. (Web Expander can handle no protocols except mailto: with Microsoft Internet Explorer.) For more info, check out the Web Expander Home Page
Shareware $10.00
Click here to download OM-Express
1100 KB
OM-Express enhances your browser to give you speed you've never had on the Web. OM-Express is a browser accessory that eliminates the time you waste waiting for pages to download. It delivers pages to your hard drive so that you can access them as fast as your PC can retrieve them. You'll have fast access to information anywhere, any time -- without having to go on line. For more info, check out the OM-Express Home Page
Commercial Demo - $29.95
Click here to download Search Now
73 KB
Using Search Now it is possible to search up to four different search engines at the same time, giving it's users the most complete database of pages that pertain to their search.This software is free and will save you time and money by simplifing your searches.For more info, check out the Search Now Home Page
Click here to download NetSearch
844 KB
Search multiple sites from a single query, all at the same time. Stores the results of search on one page.View with your favorite browser. Select the sites to search.22 programed sites.8 user selected. Plus Email Address Search. For more info, check out the NetSearch Home Page
Shareware $20.00
Click here to downloadWeb Site Tracker
480 KB
Web Site Tracker v1.0 is a FREE Netscape utility which allows instant access to launching and saving web sites locations via user defined hot keys. Web Sites can be grouped into user defined categories. Web sites can also be added, modified and deleted manually. This product works in conjunction with AND requires the use of the Netscape Navigator Browser. For more info, check out the Web Site Tracker Home Page.
Click here to downloadPeak Net.Jet
2640 KB
Peak Net.Jet is a Java-based Web utility that combines the benefits of a real-time Internet accelerator with the features found in offline browsers to give you large performance gains in your browsing experience. This innovative software significantly reduces waiting time and increases the speed with which you can view pages within a site, as well as when traveling from site to site. As you read through various articles on a page, Peak Net.Jet proceeds to load all available links on that page so that it appears to anticipate where you're going to go next. The application has an intelligent caching system that learns from your browsing habits: what sites you like the best, where you go most often, and where you have been most recently. For more info, check out the Peak Net.Jet Home Page.
Commercial Demo
Click here to downloadDipstick
1.0 Beta
117 KB
This tiny application helps you to find the closest mirror to download files from. For more info, check out the Dipstick Home Page.
Click here to downloadOP Web Search
10 KB
OP Web Search allows you to search on Yahoo without actually going on Yahoo. All you have to do is type what you want to search for in the box, press Search, and go to your browser and you will see your results.
Shareware $3.00
Click here to downloadNetDiary
1.0 beta
NetDiary keeps track of every site you visit so that you don't have to. NetDiary provides you with valuable ways of managing the Internet addresses you've collected. This information can be used to get back to websites you have been to in the past, or it can be shared with colleges, family and friends. NetDiary requires InternetExplorer V3.00 or higher to run. For more info, check the NetDiary Home Page.
Click here to download FSBC for MSIE
467 KB
FSBC stands for Full Screen Browser Control, it is a mini floating toolbar that works with and requires MSIE v3.0, it allows you to run MSIE in a SUPER MAXED state with no menu, toolbar or statusbar - nothing to block the content of the browser screen - wall to wall browser! Minimizes to the tray, colapses into a small rectangle that can be tucked into a corner when not needed. For more info, check out the FSBC for MSIE Home Page
Shareware $5.00 
Click here to download OP Web Search
20 K
With OP Web Search you can search on Yahoo! without actually logging on to Yahoo! All you have to do is type what you want to search for in the box, press search and go to your browser. (OP Web Search requires the VB32 runtime DLL's) 
Shareware $3.00
Click here to download Astound WebPlayer
1200 K
The Astound Web Player (AWP) is a windows-based application that plays both Astound and Studio M projects directly from a Web page. Just click a project's hyperlink. The Player downloads the initial resources, and then plays the animation, sound, and graphics, while the rest of the file downloads. And, if you're running Netscape Navigator 2.0, you can view the presentation from within the entire Netscape window, or within a specific area of the window! For more info, check out the Astound WebPlayer Home Page.
Click here to download Scanline SwiftSearch
57 K
Scanline Swiftsearch is a small Windows 95 application which fits neatly on-top of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, and provides easy access to some of the webs top search sites. The program optionally stays on-top of all programs, and listens to the clipboard, making it easy to search for selected text from any document. For more info, check out the Scanline SwiftSearch Home Page
Shareware - £5 (UK POUNDS)
Click here to downloadSurfbot
30 Beta 3
432 K
Utility to tell you when your favorite pages (like this site!) have been updated. Formerly WebWatch. Click here for more info. 
Shareware $30
Click here to download WebSeeker
2594 K
WebSeeker finds exactly what you're looking for on the Internet by harnessing the strength of more than 20 of the Internet's most popular engines, from Alta Vista to Yahoo! into the most comprehensive search available. WebSeeker doesn't stop there however, as it is the only metasearcher that lets you index your search results so you can pinpoint the exact reference you are looking for. WebSeeker 2.1 also provides web page previews and highlights your keywords within the found documents for quick reference. Absolutely nothing is faster, easier and more thorough than a WebSeeker search! For more info, check out the WebSeeker Home Page.
Commercial Demo $69.95
Click here to download WebTour
200 K
WebTour (tm) a 32 Bit Windows application allows you to create an unlimted amount of "web tours." With our easy to use interface you can create tours for your self, family, or if you are a Web Master, for your visitors. Each tour is stored in a configuration file, and you can call it up to edit and re-create your modified web tour later. The non-registered version will not allow you to save your tour's configuration file, but will allow you to create tours. For more info, check out the WebTour Home Page
Shareware - $37.95
Click here to download Excite Direct
585 K
Lets you include an Excite search box in your Netscape Navigator browser window. Regardless of what web page you are viewing, simply type your search directly into the new search box and click on the Excite button to search the web using Excite. For more info, check out the Excite Direct Home Page
Click here to download Intermind Communicator
1600 K
Intermind Communicator is a new browser-based communications system that makes it easy for you to anonymously receive personalized information from participating Web sites, whether commercial or non-commercial û *anyone* can publish Hyperconnectors. You simply subscribe to "Hyperconnectors" on topics that interest you and dynamic content is delivered directly to your desktop with links to graphics, video, and audio. For more info, check out the Intermind Communicator Home Page
Click here to download Site Tracker
270 K
The Site Tracker series has been an ongoing project for the past 5 months to generate a cross platform, caching resistant web monitoring tool. For more info, check out the Site Tracker Home Page
Click here to download Agent!
2582 K
Agent! offers a stylish, powerful but easy to use Win95 MDI interface allowing you to automatically load up to 8 selectable pages and browse through them at the same time, it monitors your incoming mail and can be placed in the system tray to do background downloading & monitoring of FTP & Web sites unattended. For more info, check the Agent! Home Page.
Shareware $20.00
Click here to download WSGopher32
2.0 beta 2
1201 K
WS-Gopher provides a comfortable, intuitive Windows Explorer like interface, with the ability to effortlessly drill down into gopher directory structures for data access. 
Shareware $14.95
Click here to download CSP
Beta 5
69 K
A starting up page for your browser with a lot of search engines on it. You can customize everything while it is written in html. For more info, check out the CSP Home Page
Click here to download SmartFrame
15 KB
This program is a very good complement to Netscape Smartmark2. It reads in SmartMarks bookmark and generate a local (hard disk based) home page for use as a startup page for your web browser. For more info, check out the SmartFrame Home Page.
Click here to download Stay Connected!
760 KB
Stay Connected! keeps Internet Service Providers (ISP) from dropping your internet connectivity after certain period of inactivity (usually 15 minutes). The program keeps the internet connection alive by sending/receiving packets to a host at a specified interval. Runs in the taskbar (also called tray notification area). For more info, check out the Stay Connected! Home Page.
Shareware $19.95
Click here to downloadPrimaSoft Internet Organizer
2,500 K
Whether you are an Internet experienced user or just a beginner Internet Organizer is for you. It gives you an easy way to gather information about all the Internet Resources: World-Wide Web Pages, Gophers, Archie Servers, FTP Sites, E-Mail Addresses, and News Groups. For more info, check out the PrimaSoft Home Page
Shareware $33.00
Click here to download Oil Change
1.0 Official Release
1.9 MB
Oil Change automatically locates manufacturers updates on their web sites, then notifies you when a new update is available. If you decide you would like the update, Oil Change will then download and install it. For more info, check out the Oil Change Home Page.
Commercial Demo - $39.95/year. Evaluation copy
Click here to download NetWiz
896 K
NetWiz allows users to create multiple profile settings in Netscape Navigator. This way, multiple users using a single machine can use Netscape Navigator on a machine and still have separate mailboxes, proxy, network settings and more. For more info, check out the NetWiz Home Page
Click here to download Pinger
600 KB
This application pings a set of user defined systems at a user specified time-frame. If a system is detected as down, the system issues and alarm to the operator. The system also logs the time of the fault. Once a system comes on-line, the programs logs that on a history panel. For more info, check out the Pinger Home Page.
Click here to download inWebstigator
1.0 Commercial Release
1100 KB
inWebstigator is an Internet tool for power surfing and investigation of the Web. All you do is point inWebstigator at any Web site, and it will explode and explore the underlying structure. Using it's 32bit threaded architecture, inWebstigator will dynamically open the Web site as you watch it build a network of links and pages in a hierarchical tree in a fully interactive mode. For more info, check out the inWebstigator Home Page.
Shareware $39.99
Click here to download Internet Coach for Netscape Navigator: Mission to Planet X
?? K
Mission to Planet X is an interactive multimedia tutorial for the Internet, geared toward the 8+ age group. Through lively animation and compelling gameplay, the user learns to surf the Internet using Netscape Navigator. For more info, check the Internet Coach for Netscape Navigator: Mission to Planet X Home Page
Commercial Demo
Click here to download Tierra Highlights
2355 K
It is an 'information manager' and detects changes to relevant content on websites, then brings back the pages and highlights the important parts. For more info, check the Tierra Highlights Home Page
Click here to download WebGrabber
1725 KB
WebGrabber, by Elektroson, is the first package to allow you to download information off the Web and place it on a CD from WITHIN Netscape Navigator. By directly integrating in Navigation, users can copy text, files, images, and anything else off the web and burn it directly to CD-R. Requires Netscape Navigation 2.0 or higher. For more info, check out the WebGrabber Home Page.
Commercial Demo
Click here to download Surfer's Delight
190 KB
Surfer's Delight searches for pictures of different format, it creates a plain HTML-Textfile, that references the picture locations. Opening this HTML-document with your browser, you have your own simple 'slideshow' - better: a good overview! And you do not have to know the names of the pictures or where they are located. You even don't have to care about the format they have. Quick and Easy! For more info, check out the Surfer's Delight Home Page.
Click here to download CacheClear
983 KB
Clears Cached copies of files and pages from IE 2.0 and 3.0.
Shareware $5.00
Click here to download Net Sites
142 KB
A small menu-driven program that will take you to some places on the Net. For more info, check out the Net Sites Home Page.
Click here to download WebSearch
957 KB
WebSearch is a simple addition to help you in searching the web. WebSearch allows quick access to the most popular search engines from an icon in you system tray. Also available without vb runtimes (234KB). For more info, check out the WebSearch Home Page.
Click here to download AnySearch
151 KB
Integrates a text entry box into Netscape Navigator and allows you to search all the major search engines without leaving your browser. For more info, check out the AnySearch Home Page.
Click here to download MibMaster
341 K
Lets you use any Web browser to view SNMP version 1 MIBS. Full support for all OID types, tables and enmerated types. Allows users to change MIB entries, and view traps. Security controls allow limited access to some facilities if required. Comes with MIB definitions for dozens of standard RFC MIBs, and an ASN to HTML compiler. For more info, check out the MibMaster Home Page
Crippleware $50.00
Click here to download Online Connect Monitor
177 K
Great program to monitor the activity on the internet. Unlike other programs it is not required to run whilst avoiding cluttering programs in the taskbar or system tray. The program displays connect time for each month and the cost for it. Easy to use. 30 times free trial use. For more info, check out the Online Connect Monitor Home Page
Shareware $5.00
Click here to download Infoseek Quickseek
723 K
Quick Seek puts an Infoseek search engine function right into your Netscape browser. Makes for easy searching while surfing. For more info, check out the Infoseek Quickseek Home Page
Click here to download HyperWare Globetrotter
2200 K
HyperWare Globetrotter is a personal database that looks after your favourite Internet addresses, and passwords. Globetrotter is full of features to provide users with an alternative to the obsolete bookmark / favorites system. Now users can store an unlimited amount of sites, and have them all at their fingertips. For more info, check out the HyperWare Globetrotter Home Page
Shareware $30.00
Click here to download FavorEd - the Favorites Editor
1.0.6 Beta
1660 K
FavorEd is a tool to help create, manage, find and annotate Favorites files for Microsoft Internet Explorer(TM). If you use Netscape(TM) instead, FavorEd will be of less use to you but maybe still worth a look. A major feature is the ability to create new Favorites by grabbing Web links out of text files, or HTML files, or from your History folder. For more info, check out the FavorEd - the Favorites Editor Home Page
Shareware $25.00
Click here to download BookIt! Pro
658 K
Based on powerful database technology offering full sort, filtering, and reporting/printing abilities to help you organize, find, and open your favorite web sites! Convenient access to your favorite web sites through the main window and a Pop-Up Menu in the DeskTray in Windows 95! 100% User Configurable---you can build your own hierarchical desktray menu! For more info, check out the BookIt! Pro Home Page
Shareware $24.95
Click here to download Win95Nav
1.0 Beta 1
35 KB
A version of Win95Nav that sits in your System Tray. WARNING: THIS EARLY BETA VERSION IS KNOWN TO CRASH ON SOME SYSTEMS. THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE AND STILL HAS BUGS TO FIX. If you can track down the cause of the crashing, please let me know. I'll give a free copy of the Shareware CD to anyone who can figure out how to fix this problem. If it tells you need additional files, Download Here!. For more info, check out the Win95Tray Home Page.
Click here to download InternetMeter Inlay for IE 3.0
775 KB
The InternetMeter Inlay embeds itself into the top right corner of your Internet Explorer 3.0 Web browser (in place of the spinning "e" graphic) and tracks your online activity in real time. Session time, data transfer rates and connection status are all monitored - then complete details of the browser session are added to a cumulative Call Log. For more info, check out the Starfish Software Home Page.
Click here to download Win95Nav
38 KB
Check out the new search feature!!! The Navigation Bar (Win95Nav, for short) is a floating toolbar that sits on your desktop. By choosing menu items from the toolbar, you can automatically open your favorite pages at with a single mouse click - and it doesn't even matter which browser you're using! In fact, you don't even need to have your browser running at all. Win95Nav will automatically open your default browser when you make your selection! If it tells you need additional files, Download Here!. Final Version! For more info, check out the Win95Nav Home Page.
Click here to download WebFerret
.87 Beta
343 KB
TThis Win95 Find utility, enables you to search multiple "search engines" simultaneously in one simple step. Search results can be acted on immediately. Search database definitions are auto-updating. The easiest way to find Anything on the Internet. For more info, check out the WebFerret Home Page.
Click here to download Documagix Hotpage
1.5 MB
This is a Netscape Navigator Companion program that when loaded becomes an option on Navigator's menu bar. It allows you capture Web pages for an extensive offline filing cabinet and browsing. The pages are captured with Hotlinks which automatically launch Netscape to bring up the live page. For more info, check out the Documagix Hotpage Home Page
Click here to download Microsoft Citrix WinFrame Web Client 1.0
266 K
A cool IE control that lets you run any Windows-based program over the Internet or intranet and embed it in any Web page. For more info, check out the Citrix WinFrame Web Client 1.0 Home Page
Click here to download CyberAge Raider
1.0 Beta 1
1.7 MB
Presenting an intuitive way of introducing an inexperienced home-user to Internet, yet functionally rich enough for a seasoned power-surfer, CyberAge Raider makes navigating on the web a "smooth" experience. For more info, check out the CyberAge Raider Home Page.
Click here to download BreadCrumbs 
Beta 2
3 MB
BreadCrumbs is a powerful application that complements Netscape Navigator and the Open Text Index by refining and dramatically improving the results of your Web searching! For more info, check out the BreadCrumbs Home Page.
Click here to download Intel Internet Software Update Manager
1.4 MB
The Intel Internet Software Update Manager automates the process of retrieving, installing and updating popular software off the web for you. The Intel Internet Software Update Manager also notifies you when software updates are available. It even updates itself. For more info, check out the Intel Internet Software Update Manager Home Page.
Click here to download WEB.MAX Net Retriever
2.8 MB
The Net Retriever utility is one of the most powerful Internet search technologies available today. Net Retriever finds the information you need quickly and easily. For more info, check out the WEB.MAX Home Page.
Commercial Demo
Click here to download Netscape Multiple Provider Maintenance
53 K
If you try to use Netscape Navigator with multiple Internet providers it is annoying to manual adjust the settings according to the provider currently used. This tool lets you maintain all provider settings and easily switch among them. Requires Netscape 2.0 For more info, check out the NMPMl Home Page.
Shareware $20.00
Click here to download Speed Surfer
1.5 MB
Speed Surfer is a Windows-based application designed to speed up web surfing. Using Speed Surfer, you can quickly and easily speed up your web surfing without having to change your current internet provider or equipment. For more info, check out the Speed Surfer Home Page
Click here to downloadInternet Rover 
1543 K
A very friendly Internet companion. It gets the software you need from the Internet and sets it up on your PC. For more info, check out the Internet Rover Home Page
Shareware $14.95
Click here to downloadGrabnet
3 MB
A tool that allows users to grab snips of information, including images, text and URL's, for reuse, navigation and organization within a customized collection of folders on the local desktop. For more info, check out the Grabnet Home Page
Shareware $19.95 
Click here to downloadBrowse Fast
beta 1
112 K
Designed to facilitate multitasking Netscape Navigator to improve internet response time. BrowseFast functions as "Call-Waiting" for the internet, showing the status of web sites, newsgroups, mail and file loading. For more info, check the Browse Fast Home Page.
Free Beta Test
Click here to download CandleWeb
1.0 Beta 3
881 K
CandleWeb is a client browser that allows you to view animations in presentations, games, simulations, educational programs and any other type of program that you may want to run on the Web. It is started from any standard HTML-browser, such as Netscape. For more info, check out the CandleWeb Home Page
Click here to downloadi-Seek
1.0 beta d
1 MB
Use one of the best searches (infoseek) on the Web right from your desktop! A real time saver. For more info, check out the i_seek Home Page.
Click here to downloadVisual Web
564 K
Visual Web makes it possible for you to obtain a graphical representation of any structure in the World Wide Web within just a short period of time. For more info, check out the Visual Web Home Page.
Commercial Demo $29.90 
Click here to downloadWebXpress
76 K
WebXpress is an add-on for Netscape's Navigator 2.0 and Navigator Gold 2.0. It provides a quick and easy way to access your E-mail, News and favourite Web sites. 
Shareware $10.00
Click here to downloadOpenScape
2.7 MB
32-bit Development Environment for creating and viewing OpenScape Components. Also see the Plug-in. For more info, check the OpenScape Home Page
Click here to download Cyber Patrol
455 K
Cyber Patrol allows anyone to control usage of the Internet from their PC. It loads during startup and can be configured to stop access to specified areas on the 'Net. For more info, check out the Cyber Patrol Home Page

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