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Shout3D™ 2.0 - User Guide

Your Shout3D Installation

The first step in learning to use Shout3D is becoming familiar with the contents and organization of your Shout3D installation. Your Shout3D installation, in the Shout3d_2.0 directory, is composed of the following subdirectories:

The Shout3d_runtime directory

Although not the first directory in the list, Shout3d_runtime is the most important. It contains the Shout3D Java class library used to run Shout3D content, the 3D scene files used in Shout3D content and the HTML files that are run to display Shout3D applets.

The runtime directory is divided into a codebase directory and demos directory. The demos directory contains only HTML files in which Shout3D applets are embedded. You simply load these into a Web browser to view the demo content. You'll add your own HTML pages to this directory to view and test Shout3D content that you'll create.

The codebase directory is where all of the action is. Note that you'll work directly with only three of its subdirectories.

The docs directory

The docs directory contains the online documentation and tutorials in the following subdirectories:

The Shout3d_wizard directory

The Shout3d_wizard directory contains the Shout3DWizard.exe application that is used to launch the Shout3DWizard. Once you drag a shortcut to this application onto your desktop, you're not likely to need to visit this directory again.

The 3DStudioMax_plugin directory

The 3DStudioMax_plugin directory contains the 3D Studio MAX Export Plugin and a README file. Once you've consulted the README file and copied the plugin file to your MAX installation, you're not likely to need to visit this directory again.

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