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Shout3D™ 2.0 - User Guide

Embedding Shout3D Applets in Web Pages

Shout3D applets are embedded in HTML pages in the same way that all kinds of applets are � with <APPLET> tags. <APPLET> tags contain all of the information necessary to allow a Java Virtual Machine to run an applet within the space of a Web page.

The Shout3D Wizard automates the creation of <APPLET> tags. However, it's important to have a basic understanding of these tags, as you will often find it necessary or convenient to create (or edit) them by hand.

The best way to become introduced to the use of <APPLET> tags in Shout3D is to follow the Wizard QuickStart Tutorial.

Information in an <APPLET> tag is divided into attributes and parameters. The attributes define features common to all Java applets, and are listed within the opening <APPLET> tag itself. Parameters define features that are specific to a given applet, and Shout3D applets have parameters that are unique to them. Parameters are listed between the opening and closing tags (<APPLET> . . . </APPLET>).


The attributes of a typical Shout3D <APPLET> tag might look like this:

<APPLET CODEBASE="../codebase" CODE="shout3d/Shout3DApplet.class" ARCHIVE="shout3dClasses.zip" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240>


Parameters are unique to a given applet. An applet must be designed to accept parameters, and if it is, it will consult the <APPLET> tag to see if any have been provided. If a parameter is specified in the <APPLET> tag, its value will be used by the applet. If a given parameter is not specified, the applet will use a default value.

The Shout3DApplet (and therefore all applets extended from Shout3DApplet) accepts the following parameters. Where any of these are not specified, the default value indicated will be used. All files passed as parameters are relative to the directory specified in the CODEBASE attribute.

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