Class OpacityLevelMap


public class OpacityLevelMap
extends SingleTextureMap

OpacityLevelMap Node. Values of 0 are transparent, ramping up to fully opaque at values of 255. These values are modulated by the transparency value in the associated material, if present.

Fields inherited from class shout3d.core.SingleTextureMap
offsetUV, texture, textureMappingIndex
Fields inherited from class shout3d.core.BaseMap
bilinearFilteringEnabled, enabled
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Node
cleanUp, getDEFName, getField, getFieldByIndex, getFieldName, getNumFields, getTypeName, getViewer, isOfType, setDEFName, setViewer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OpacityLevelMap()