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3.0 Getting to Grips with the Interface

3.1 The Main GUI

The main STFax Pro interface is very similar to using an e-mail package if you have ever used one of these previously.

When you first run STFax Pro just the basic, unconfigured, interface will appear.

Main Window

  1. This is the icon bar which controls many of the actions within STFax Pro. There is a separate section on the icon bar so you can understand what each individual icon actually does when you click it.

  2. Shows the current fax in use. If you create a fax externally this status section will show the fax as being ready to use.

  3. The listtree. This shows the main groups containing, for example, any voice boxes you have on your system, BBS doors you have created. A group in the listtree will change colour when it has been updated - if you receive a new fax, for example, the "received" group will highlight.

  4. This area shows information about each fax, voice message, file contained within the BBS door and any messages sent via the BBS. There are headings which offer information about each entry - date, name, number etc.

    If you hold your right mouse button over an entry in this area a popup menu will appear which will offer you a list of actions.

3.11 The RMB Pop-Up Menus

There are many additional functions available via the right mouse button within STFax. Simply hold down your right mouse button over areas within the main interface and you should see a pop-up menu.

There are five main menus: Reports, Scheduled, Messages, Files and Messages 2

Reports Pop-up Menu

Forward enables you to forward a received facsimile to another fax machine (person). Say, for example, you received a fax in regards to a legal situation and your solicitor wanted to see this as soon as possible. The quickest and easiest method would be to forward the original fax, without losing the quality of the transmission.

Rename allows you to rename a facsimile. Pops up a little window asking you to enter the new name of the fax.

Remove a facsimile from the list.

Import allows you to import a facsimile from an external source. If someone gives you (over the Internet?) an STFax formatted fax file, you can import it into your program and it will be shown within the main window.

List enables you to clear or print the contents of the facsimile received or sent list within STFax.

Scheduler Pop-up Menu

View will show you the highlighted fax.

Remove a facsimile from the list.

List enables you to clear or print the contents of the facsimile received or sent list within STFax.

Messages Pop-up Menu

Play opens up a playing message window, plays the highlighted message and shows the length of time of the message.

Dial Caller allows you to dial the caller who left the message provided caller-id has picked up the number of the caller. This will launch the dial window and dial the number automatically.

Rename a message file.

Save Wav enables you to save the message as a sample in the ".wav" format, which can be played within programs like Octamed or any program that supports the wav datatype (ie. nearly all programs).

Remove a message from the list.

List enables you to clear the contents of the messages received list within STFax.

Files Pop-up Menu

Rename a file within the files list.

Remove a file within the files list.

Add a file to the files list. This option allows you to add multiple files to any "Files" section within each BBS door.

Messages 2 Pop-up Menu

Remove simply remove any messages from a message list.

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