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2.0 Getting Started

2.1 What's in the Box?
STFax Professional should ship with:

2.2 Making a Backup
We recommend that you make a backup copy of your master disks before you install your software.

You can copy your disks via Workbench (see your Workbench manual for further instructions) or via a program like SuperDuper or X-Copy.

The only time you should use your master copies are when making backup copies, always use the backup copies for installing your software.

2.3 Installing your Software
STFax Pro requires Magic User Interface (MUI) to be installed on your system, so if you do not have MUI installed, please install this from the MUI disk before you continue.

2.31 Installing MUI
Put the MUI disk into your disk drive and double lick on the "Install-MUI" icon. The standard Amiga installer window will appear, select the installation mode you require (we recommend "intermediate") and then click to proceed.

Once MUI is installed into your system you will need to reboot your computer. Once you have rebooted, MUI will be recognised automatically and you are now able to proceed with the installation of STFax Pro.

2.32 Installing STFax Pro
STFax Pro needs to have MUI already installed on your system to operate. If you have a new version of MUI (v3.8+) then you can proceed with the STFax Pro installation, if not then you should go back to the section about installing MUI on your system.

Insert the disk labelled "STFax_Install" into any disk drive and double-click on "Install". The standard Amiga installer window will appear and you will be asked which installation mode you require (we recommend "intermediate") and then click to proceed.

The installation process will ask you where you want to install STFax Pro and will create the necessary drawers and copy the accompanying files.

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