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4.2 Receiving a Fax

4.21 Receiving a Fax Automatically
This method should work quite simply and easily. Set up STFax Pro (read the section on setting up the preferences), turn on your modem and your computer and then make sure the modem is connected to your phone line.

Leave your computer on, turn your monitor off and let STFax Pro do the rest of the work. Any incoming calls will be answered by STFax and, if it is an incoming fax, STFax will automatically switch into fax mode and receive the fax.

This is quite a professional system as it offers two choices. Say, for example, you wanted to use one phone number for two purposes. Firstly you advertise it as the "fax line" and secondly you tell your customers that it is an "information line".

You would then setup STFax to greet the users (see the section on using voice with STFax Pro) with a message which would direct callers using a telephone to the correct information. A caller wanting to send fax would only hear the message if their fax machine has a speaker and would assume it is a fax only line as STFax Pro will automatically switch to fax-receive modem when it hears an incoming fax tone.

Note: you can set STFax to automatically print an incoming fax so you have a printed copy of all faxes as soon as they arrive. STFax will use the currently selected Workbench printer for this process.

When one or more faxes have been received by STFax, they will be listed within the "received" section of the listtree.

You can see the date they arrived, the exact time, the duration of the actual fax transmission, the name of the sender and number (subject to the sender correctly setting their "station id") within the main window. The name of the person sending the fax will only be shown if the same number is found within the phonebook. If no number is found, STFax will display "n/a".

If you double-click an incoming fax you will be able to view the contents (see the section on viewing a fax for more information).

Lastly, you can choose to remove a fax from the list or even forward an incoming fax to another fax machine by using the options available within the right mouse button context menu.

4.22 Receiving a Fax Manually
If you have de-checked "Auto Answer" within the misc section of the STFax preferences, STFax will not answer any incoming call unless you do so manually.

Therefore, you have to be aware when an incoming fax is expected or you can pick up the phone, hear the fax and start STFax Pro as quickly as possible!

In this case you would press "receive" on the main interface and STFax would answer the call, play the normal greeting and, if it was an incoming fax, would switch to fax mode as quickly as possible.

The fax will be received in the normal way.

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