PC Hardware

24LINES.ZIP How to build a 24 line parallel interface
ABOUTEMS.ZIP Memory expansion in 80x86-based computers under ms-dos
BW95DOS.ZIP Windows 95 - hard disk efficiency ( and dual booting) This document discusses hard disk efficiency under Windows 95 in respect of number of partitions and cluster size. It then suggest ways of improving storage efficiency, and for achieving multiple booting.
CARDGS.ZIP CARD GUIDE Shareware Version 1.53 An informational aid to assist in installing various types of I/O cards. Contains easy to use, catalogued menu of diagrams/jumper settings for IDE, serial,multi I/O,etc. By Kevin Noble
COPRO16A.ZIP Everything you always wanted to know about math coprocessors
FAX25.ZIP FAXPHONE 25 and FAX-225 RS-232 Serial Interface This document describes the serial interface of a CANON FAXPHONE-25 or FAX-225 (they are essentially the same unit) FAX machine, and my experiences with it. The majority of the information presented here is a summary from the CANON document titled "RS-232C INTERFACE KIT FOR FAXPHONE 25/FAX-225 - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS". This document bears the following message, which should be considered to apply to that information. With C source.
IBMCODE.ZIP Listing of IBM PC Diagnostic Error Codes
IBMLPT.ZIP Interfacing the ibm pc parallel printer port
IRQTIPS.ZIP Tips for Selecting an Interrupt Level
KBGUID11.ZIP Wout Mertens' Guide To Keyboard Programming v1.1. An extensive freeware guide to programming of the keyboard, and understanding what it says to you. Includes a sourcecode for interfacing with the keyboard in both assembly and c. A must for programmers.
MEMORY.ZIP Memory, Windows helpfile explaining the various types of Computer memories available, for example: Dynamic RAM EDO DRAM BEDO DRAM FPM RAM SDRAM SGRAM SRAM VRAM WRAM
PCIR.ZIP PC IR Remote Control This file gives some information on a PC based IR remote control system I've developed for computer control of TV, video, satellite and hifi equipment etc.
PCTIM003.ZIP FAQ / App notes v3.0: Timing on the PC under DOS This archive contains a technical document useful to PC programmers, with many sample programs. The document covers timing and related subjects on the IBM PC family under DOS. Subjects include BIOS and DOS functions, the BIOS tick count, hardware interrupts, timer tick interrupts, Port B, the 8253/8254 timer, speeding up the timer tick, dynamic tick periods, simulated vertical retrace interrupt, double and triple buffering, absolute timestamping, the RTC, other timing methods, reading the joystick, PWM sound generation. Freeware.
PDP_STUF.ZIP I2C Printer Port Adapter Schematic
SCANCODE.ZIP Ibm keyboard/scancode faq file
SNESV1_2.ZIP Super Nintendo Gamepad (Super Famicon) TO IBM Adapter
SPKR2SBA.ZIP Speaker to sound blaster amplifier converter
SURGE.ZIP Protecting your a/v gear from spikes & surges

SCSI and IDE and other data storage files

ASPIPROG.ZIP The following code is provided to assist you with writing code to the Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (ASPI). (asm)
HDTECH.ZIP Technicians' guide to pc hard disk subsystems
SCSI.ZIP Generic installation procedure for a scsi drive
SCSIHLP.ZIP SCSIHLP Anything you ever wanted to to know about SCSI in a windows help file in Hypertext format.
SMPI.ZIP The SCSI Miniport IOCtl sample, SMPI.C, demonstrates how a Win32 application sends a user defined IOCtl Control Code to a SCSI miniport driver. This is a simple program that is composed of four steps.


BLKACC.ZIP CD-Rom Inspection Tools, Block Access Test The following test is to allow your system to test an incoming CD-Rom to assure that every block and sector is accessible. It uses the standard MS-DOS copy utility to do this, but will copy the entire disc to a nul device. If the disk copies without error, then every block was opened and is accessible.
CDMAKING.ZIP Taking the mystery out of CD_ROM manufacturing, part i
CDROM.ZIP Inside the iso-9660 filesystem format
CDROM1.ZIP CD-ROM Technical Summary From Plastic Pits to "Fantasia"
CDSIZE.ZIP How much data will fit on a cd-rom???
DRVMFGRS.ZIP CDROM Drives Manufacturers
DVDSPECS.ZIP DVD Main Format Specifications
ERRORS.ZIP CD error correction
MAC_PC.ZIP How to burn a MAC-CD on a DOS-System?
MSCDFUNC.ZIP MSCDEX Function Requests Specification
ROCKRI.ZIP Rock ridge interchange protocol version 1 An is0 9660:1988 compliant approach to providing adequate cd-rom support for posix file system semantics