Active-X Utilities

WESCL100.ZIP wesCommonLibrary Version 1.0.0 Is an Active X Automation server. It is intended to provide Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 developers commonly needed functionality beyond that provided by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Three versions are provided in the form of 32-bit dynamic link libraries (DLL). The servers were developed in Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 (compiled and p-code) and have been tested with Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 clients.
WESER100.ZIP wesError Version 1.0.0 Is an Active X Automation server. It provides application developers with a standard means of handling errors trapped in a procedure, either displaying the error or raising the error for trapping and handling in the calling procedure. wesError is not a replacement for the Err object in Visual Basic 4.0 or 5.0, nor is it a tool for inserting error handling code into Visual Basic applications.
WESMP100.ZIP wesMultiPack Version 1.0 Consists of three ActiveX Automation servers: wesCommonLibrary, wesError, and wesObjectCache. wesCommonLibrary is intended to provide Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 developers commonly needed functionality beyond that provided by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
WESOC100.ZIP wesObjectCache Version 1.0.0 Is an Active X server. It is intended to provide application developers with a means of improving performance by caching Active X objects for reuse, particularly objects that must retrieve their properties from a database, file, remote data source such as a World Wide Web site, etc. Three versions are provided in the form of 32-bit dynamic link libraries (DLL). The servers were developed in Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 (compiled and p-code) and have been tested with Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0 clients.

Audio & Sound controls

MIDIFL.EXE MABRY MIDI FILE CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) The MIDIFILE control provides the Visual Basic programmer with an easy way to read and write MIDI files, both formats 0 (single track) and 1 (multiple-tracks) are supported. Using the MIDIFILE control you can modify existing MIDI files or create entirely new ones from scratch. You have complete control over and access to every type of MIDI message, and you can insert, delete and modify tracks and messages at anytime. Source code available.
MIDIIO.EXE MABRY MIDI I/O CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) The MIDI I/O control is really two controls in one. The MIDIIN control handles MIDI input and the MIDIOUT control handles MIDI output. The MIDIIN control is used to receive MIDI messages from external MIDI devices. The MIDIOUT control gives you complete control over the contents and timing of MIDI messages sent to either internal or external MIDI devices. You can queue as many messages as you like (within the constraints of available memory) before starting output, or you can queue one or more messages prior to starting output and then add more as the output proceeds. Source code available.
MIDIPK.EXE MABRY MIDI PACK (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) The MIDI Pack is made up of five controls. Two controls give you MIDI device and file access (MIDI I/O and MIDIFile). The other three controls are interface widgets that give feedback (Indicator), and user input (Knob and Slider). Source code available.
SNDDEV_1.ZIP Sound Devil 2.0 This file is a 32 bit OCX for Visual Basic. You can use it to play MID's on top of .wav files, and just play wavs on top of nothing, or the other way around. It's very easy to use, simplifying the Win32 API for your use.
WAVE.EXE MABRY WAVE CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control makes it easy for you to play and get information about WAV files. Play WAV files in the background as your program performs other tasks; add recorded speech to your applications; put beeps, whistles, and laser sounds into your games. Wave VBX makes all of this very straightforward. Set the Filename property and tell it to go. That's it. Source code available.

Communication & Internet controls

ASOCKET.ZIP MABRY ASOCKET CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) ASocket is a Visual Basic custom control which provides you with full access to the power of Windows, making it easy to write TCP/IP client and server software. ASocket provides complete support for Windows and Visual Basics' event driven programming model. Source code available.
CSEVAL16.ZIP SocketTools 16-bit ActiveX Evaluation (1410k) Components are in 16-bit ActiveX or OCX format for use by any product that support the 16-bit OCX specification such as the 16-bit edition of Visual Basic 4.0 or Visual FoxPro 3.0. Includes samples written for Visual Basic 4.0.
CSTEVAL.ZIP Catalyst SocketTools 1.0c (VBX/OCX) Is a comprehensive collection of networking controls which you can use to integrate Internet protocols into your application. All of the controls in the SocketTools package share a common design, which includes their properties, methods and events. The complete kit contains the components in all formats, VBX, 16-bit and 32-bit ActiveX controls. The samples are complete source code for Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0.
ESMAIL.ZIP EsMail (OCX) This is EsMail a 32-bit control that can be used by mail-enabled applications to perform certain common task's for such applications. With VB 4 sample source.
ESPOP.ZIP EsPop - ActiveX control (V1.0) EsPop a 32-bit control that can be used to fetch mail from a POP server. Its easy to use and it is safe.
ESRAS.ZIP EsRAS - ActiveX control Is a 32-bit control that handles all aspects of a RAS connection. You can connect to another computer, do your work, close the connection and then process the data off-line. You can also define new RAS entries entirely under computer control. This is the perfect control for the service provider in need for a way to define new customized entries for his customers. It's also a valuable tool for people that need to do automatic connections to a remote network.
ESSMTP.ZIP EsSmtp - ActiveX control This is our MIME aware mail control that encapsulate the SMTP protocol. It handles attachments (as many as you like) with BASE64 encoding as well as Quoted-printable encoding of both the subject line and/or the message body. This makes it possible to handle letters containing characters like the Swedish ������. If you just need BASE64 encoding this control can also be used as a encoder for some other mail package.
ESSOCK.ZIP EsSock - ActiveX control Is a 32-bit control that can be used to build client applications for use on the Internet. Another control, EsSockSrv, will be available and this component will handle the server aspect. With just a few properties and methods this control is easy to understand and you will not spend a lot of time on understanding the control and can start to code your application instead.. It have never been easier to build your clients for the Internet.
ETTTO32.ZIP TeleTools - ActiveX v2.11 The Windows Telephony API (TAPI), an integral part of the Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA), ensures that a well-behaved Windows telephony application can operate with a variety of telephone hardware. But TAPI is low-level and woefully complex. TeleTools Gives object-based access to TAPI and lets the developer concentrate on an applications core functions. With TeleTools, therefore, ExceleTel empowers the novice to enter the fast-growing computer telephony market, and minimizes the development time of world-class applications for professionals and novices alike.
FINGER.ZIP MABRY FINGER CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) The Finger control requests user information from an Internet host. The information typically returned includes last date of logon, mail waiting status, real name, etc. Source code available.
FTP.ZIP MABRY FTP CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) This control provides the complete FTP protocol. This allows you to send and receive files from FTP servers, get directory information from a server and manage directories on a server. You can use the Mabry FTP control to automatically transfer files to/from a host when a user enters or needs data. Source code available.
GETHST.ZIP MABRY GETHST CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) GetHst translates host names to IP addresses, and IP addresses to host names. Source code available.
GOPHER1.ZIP MABRY GOPHER CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) Gopher is the predecessor to the World Wide Web. Universities still have a lot of information out on Gopher sites. The Gopher control allows your program to automatically retrieve information, menus, images, etc. from Gopher sites. The Gopher control even gives you access to Veronica, which allows you to search Gopher-space. Source code available.
IPACK.EXE MABRY INTERNET PACK (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This package contains controls for giving your applications access to the Internet. All of them are VBXes and 32-bit OLE controls (OCXes) ready to run under Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT. The controls support ASocket, Finger, FTP, GetHst, Gopher, Mail (SMTP/POP), News (NNTP), Time, and WhoIs. There's even a control that gives you direct access to Windows sockets. Source code available.
LIVEUP_1.ZIP LiveUpdate32 This application is to be distributed and used with your application. It serves as a way for your users to update application files while in the application, provided the user has an internet connection. Written, Tested, Designed for/by Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0, other version's for VB4.0 32-bit and 16-bit coming soon.
MAIL.ZIP MABRY MAIL CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) The Mail custom control encapsulates the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and the Post Office Protocol (POP) for managing e-mail on the Internet. Incorporating the control into your 32-bit development environments you can send e-mail using SMTP and receive e-mail using POP. The control also supports UUENCODE/UUDECODE for attachments. Source code available.
NEWS.ZIP MABRY NEWS CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) News provides easy access to Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) servers. This control includes support for nearly all popular extensions used by popular news readers. Our News control is unique in providing access to non-standard server commands through properties and methods. Source code available.
WHOIS.ZIP MABRY WHOIS CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) The WhoIs control lets you retrieve name, contact information and miscellaneous information about a person or domain name that is registered with the InterNIC. Source code available.

Date & Time controls

ALARM.EXE MABRY ALARM CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control lets you set an alarm (or multiple alarms) to go off at a particular time(s). An event is fired at the appropriate time. You can easily specify times such as: 10:45pm, every hour on the hour, every ten minutes, etc. Source code available.
CALCTL.ZIP Calendar Control OCX
DJCAL21S.ZIP DBLJCalendar Controls v2.1.0 (Active-X) (VBasic) What??? Another Calendar control? You may be wondering why I created these controls when there's a lot of so-called Calendar controls already out in the market. Here's the answer: I have been in the software development business and I feel a need for a fully functional and customizable Calendar control. I have seen a lot of Calendar controls but the features they provide do not satisfy my requirements. So DBLJCalendar Controls were created...
NEWCAL.ZIP TAJ Calendar Control (.OCX) The Calendar control serves as a "pick list" for dates. It enables the user to select dates by clicking on them without having to key them in.
SCHED_AC.ZIP Solutions::Schedule 1.0 (demo) These OLE components are a collection of OCX/ActiveX controls that are designed to work together, allowing you to add resource scheduling or employee management solutions to your applications. Creating scheduling applications has never been easier. Get your copy of Solutions::Schedule and see what you can do ... in just a few hours instead of days or months.

Disc & File controls

ACTOCX.ZIP ActiveZipper (OCX) Free and fast file compression/decompression ActiveX Control for VB4/5
COMPRESS.ZIP Compress.OCX a File-compressing ActiveX ! Free-trial-version for testing and private use. Any comments or bug-reporting allowed. All reporting testers will receive registered forthcoming versions. With VB5 sample.
DFINFO.EXE MABRY DFINFO CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control gives you disk and file information that VB doesn't provide (including the drive's serial number). It also allows you to change some aspects of a file (attributes, size, date, time, etc.). Source code available.
FMDROP.EXE MABRY FMDROP CONTRO (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) FMDrop notifies you when the user drops a file, or set of files, from the Windows File Manager (FILEMAN) or Windows Explorer. Source code available.
VER.EXE MABRY VER CONTROL (VBX) Ver lets you use the functionality of VER.DLL through properties. It makes getting version information from a file (EXE, DLL, VBX, etc.) very easy. Ver also gives you file installation functionality. Included with the control is a sample installation/setup utility. This makes it easier for you to write your own installation utilities without the bulk of the Setup Wizard. Source code available.
ZIPINF.EXE MABRY ZIPINF CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control lets you find out about the contents of a ZIP file. Access to this information is purely through properties. Source code available.

Form, Label & Button controls

FLABEL.EXE MABRY FLABEL CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) FLabel is a label control that lets you format the text within it. You can have different fonts, different colors, multiple paragraphs, paragraph formatting, etc. Using properties, you can print your text. All this and it's bound, too. Source code available.
INDIC.EXE MABRY INDIC CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) The Indicator control shows a gauge that looks like those found on the front of stereos (tri-color, multiple lights). This control includes horizontal and vertical versions of the indicator. Source code available.
KNOB.EXE MABRY KNOB CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control is a knob. You can change the size, have tick marks around it, have text near the tick marks, change some of the colors, etc. You can use Knob to control volume, pitch, tempo, or anything else you might control with a scroll bar or slider. Source code available.
LED.EXE MABRY LED CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) Visual Basic custom control that behaves like an LED. 3-D effects and colors are all user-definable. Source code available.
LIONTAB.ZIP LionTab is 32 bits MFC based OCX. It provides you as a developer with advanced tab-control which supports MS Word, MS Excel, Win95 and Notebook style tab-strips positioned at the top, bottom, left or right sides of the dialog or form with a lot of possible combinations controlled by LionTab properties. LionTab has been tested with Visual C++ 4.1 MFC applications, Delphi 2.0 applications and Visual Basic 4.0 applications. As MFC based OCX LionTab uses Microsoft C runtime library DLL and MFC DLL (MFC40.DLL, MSVCRT40.DLL).
NLEDVB11.ZIP NED LED Control Demo Release 1.1 for 32-bit VB users June 1997 The NED LED Control is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows OLE custom control that provides both analog and digital Light Emitting Diode types of controls. The analog control is a bar type of LED that is commonly seen on stereo equipment. The digital control displays numeric data. It can be used with any host programming environment or application that supports 32-bit OCX controls.
PERCNT.EXE MABRY PERCNT CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) Visual basic custom control that displays a percentage bar. Makes status reporting very simple. 3-D effects, fonts and colors are all user-definable. Source code available.
PICBTN.EXE MABRY PICBTN CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This custom control for Visual Basic is a command button that has both text and a picture on it. The picture can be scaled and placed above, below, to the right, or to the left of the text. The text may be multi-line. Source code available.
ROTEXT.ZIP MABRY ROTEXT CONTROL (VBX/OCX/ActiveX) RoText lets you put a label on your form at any angle of rotation. Source code available.
SLIDER.EXE MABRY SLIDER CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control provides horizontal and vertical sliders. You can select from different slider styles, track styles, colors, ticks, etc. Source code available.

Gauge & Instrument controls

NSLDVB11.ZIP NED Slider Control Release 1.1 June 1997 The Slider Control is a Microsoft Windows 32-bit OCX custom control that appears to the end user as a Slider similar to those used on audio/video equipment such as stereos, tuners, and amplifiers. This control is compatible with Windows '95. and Windows NT. Being a 32-bit OLE control, the programmer can add the NED Slider Control into any 32-bit OCX container application, such as VC++, VB (32-bit), MS Access or Delphi.

Graphics controls

ADDFLO.ZIP AddFlow ActiveX Control AddFlow offers unique support to create diagrams interactively or programmaticaly. Each time you need to graphically display interactive diagrams, you should consider using AddFlow: workflow, process flows, networks, organisational charts, state diagrams, etc... Independant colors, fonts, shapes, pictures, text, styles for each object of the diagram. Nodes stay connected when moved or resized. Links may be stretched in multiple segments or in elegant Bezier curves. Metafiles support, zoom, scroll, multiple selections, multi-line wrapped text, backPicture, navigation, user data association.
BARCOD.EXE MABRY BARCOD CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) BarCod makes bar code display and printing really easy. Just pick the orientation, set the size, and pick the bar code style. Then, set the text to whatever you want the bars to be. Nothing else to do! Supports UPC, EAN, Code 39, and many more. Source code available.
BMPLST.EXE MABRY BMPLST CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) This control is a list box with bitmaps. The bitmaps can be placed on any side of the text (top, bottom, right, left). Source code available.
EZBARXA.ZIP Barcode Control (OLE/OCX) Is an OLE control for printing barcodes. It can be used by developers in host programming environments supporting OLE controls, like Visual Basic and MS-Access for Windows 95. It can also be used by end users in some document-editing applications like WordPad in Windows 95. Barcode Control supports 24 barcode types. It can print quality barcodes on both low- and high-resolution printers.
EZNET.ZIP EASYNET Custom Control for Visual Basic, Ver 1.85.006 (OCX) is a custom control that lets you quickly build flowchart- enabled applications (network, workflow, database, etc...). - *Drawing can be made interactively or programmaticaly. - *You may move, resize, stretch each item. - *You may associate user data to each item - *You may navigate in the network diagram. - *Distinct pictures, colors, draw styles for each item. - *Multi-selection, multi-line wordwrapped text, metafile support, - drag & drop, + many other features. - *Many properties and events allow you to "customize" your - *diagramming application. - *VB1 compatible. It works with Delphi, SQL Windows, etc... - *RUNTIME ROYALTY FREE
FADER.ZIP Fader.Ocx - Fades a PictureBox picture or text.
MDRO_DEM.ZIP MetaDraw Object Oriented Graphics Editing Control(OCX) The Object Oriented Graphics control. MetaDraw supports creation, display and manipulation of graphic objects within a picturebox. Create and respond to HotSpots for HyperGraphic applications. Group, Move, Rotate, Drag & Drop, Stretch. The guts of a Draw program brought to you in a control. Handles WMF, DIB, BMP and ICO.

System controls

INICON.EXE MABRY INICON CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) Visual Basic custom control that makes INI file access simple. No Windows API calls required. Source code available.

Various controls

ACTIVEX.ZIP Contains an Access Database of Sample ActiveX controls and VBScript code snippets that are suitable for use with Microsofts ActiveX Control pad.
AGGR.ZIP C++ source To demonstrate how to aggregate an OCX control I have used the MFC control wizard to create a control called 'Number' which can be found in a directory of that name. It has two properties called 'Number1' and 'Number2' and has no methods. Each property is in fact a 'short' and the control simply draws these values in its window.
ATXODEMO.ZIP ALLTEXT HT/Pro 4 Mixed Font and Color Text Box Control Is a our Professional edition full formatted text box (Rich Text) control designed for Windows programmers by Bennet-Tec Information Systems. ALLText looks like a standard textbox on your form, but offers so much more.
CBPW1.ZIP CBPrintWindow 1.1 OCX For 32 bit Visual Basic & Delphi by Calitz Bros. enables you to print almost anything you can place on a form or window quickly and easily.
CT_HELP.ZIP Component Toolbox OCX v.2 Help files.
JOYSTK.EXE MABRY JOYSTICK CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) JoyStk gives joystick information (movement, buttons) for your programs. It supports two joysticks, one 4-button joystick or one 3-D joystick. Source code available.
MCLISTU1.ZIP McList32.OCX v4.0 Multi-Purpose List Box Control for Visual Basic 4.0 (32-Bit) McList is a custom control for managing the way your data appears in a list box. McList is a property for property replacement of the standard List Box control which comes with Visual Basic 4.0. In addition, there are many more features which McList can do that you can't do with the normal List Box.
MSCTITLE.ZIP Money$oft msCoolTitle ActiveX Component Money$oft Is an ActiveX componet built in VB5, it is the only control of it�s kind that we know of! The control enables the developer to customize the TitleBar of their forms such as the font, appearance, and all colors. Money$oft msCoolTitle ActiveX
SBLISX12.ZIP SBList 32-bit OCX (v1.2) (sblist.ocx). EXtended list box which allows embedded bitmaps, multiple font attributes, variable color text and backgrounds, table formatting and grid lines. Easy to use. Demo included. Shareware USD25 or GBP15. Steve Bannister:
SOUNDXX.EXE MABRY SOUNDX/X CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX) This control provides Soundex and Metaphone algorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convert words or names to codes that represent how they "sound". This can be really useful in a database application where users need to find names they may not know how to spell exactly. Source code available.
TIPS.EXE MABRY TIPS CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX/VBX) Tips provides Microsoft(r) style tool tips. Small windows pop-up with bits of info when the user pauses the mouse over your controls. No code required, just set the Tag properties. Source code available.
TLO_DEM.ZIP TList 3/Pro OCX Is an enhanced outline (tree) control designed for the maximum in flexibility and power. TList allows you to arrange items in an organized hierarchic list with icons, colors and fonts for easy end-user recognition. TList is great for Manufacturing Pick Lists, Idea organizers, Organizational records, Concept development, and the list goes on. We focus on reliability - Ask anyone on the Internet, they'll tell you - for a professional application you want TList.
TRANS11A.ZIP Transparent Control v1.1a The purpose of the Transparent OLE Control is to give the user the ability to remove the Client Area, Non-Client Area, or both from the continer on which it is placed. This is only in effect while the application is running. None of the properties effect the control or container at design time.
VALID.EXE MABRY VALIDATE CONTROL (ActiveX/OCX) Validate makes data validation much easier. This control allows you to collect all of the data validation code for a form into one event procedure. This results in smaller and more maintainable code. Validate only works with controls that have an hWnd property. Source code available.
VBMAXEM.ZIP VBMax Electronic Message Display DLL ActiveX control (eval version) Have you seen those electronic billboards that display messages using moving lights? Wouldn't it be cool to add one to your killer VB app? You can't do that in VB though right? Wrong! Welcome to VBMax Electronic Message Display. VBMaxEM.ocx is an ActiveX control, written using the VB5 Control Creation Edition, that lets you add electronic message displays to ActiveX enabled applications such as VB5 and Internet Explorer.

Controls from Global Majic Software

AALS.ZIP Aircraft ActiveX Library (AAL) The AAL is designed for developers interested in creating games, simulations, or cockpit emulations. It is packaged to provide customers with an economical and powerful set of tools for aircraft-related applications. Includes: Aircraft Dynamics, Aircraft Instruments, Joystick, and Moving Map ActiveX Controls.
AGAUGES.ZIP Angular Gauge ActiveX Control The Angular Gauge ActiveX Control is a multi-purpose, highly customizable angular gauge custom control. Its dynamic property pages provide a powerful tool for designing gauges with full control of scales, needles, fonts, captions, annulars, and tics. With its data-aware and mouse input features, AGauge is an ideal display element for technical interfaces.
AIRS.ZIP Aircraft Dynamics ActiveX Control The Aircraft Dynamics ActiveX Control is a six degree of freedom aircraft simulation tool that provides the user with interactive performance and handling qualities for a variety of aircraft types. User customizable properties are provided including aircraft dimensions, aerodynamic coefficients, stability and control coefficients, weights and inertia, and propulsion. The control acts as an ordinary windows timer and allows the user to set the aircraft2s initial or current state (position, airspeed, etc.) and provides the user with event driven, continuous aircraft state information ideal for driving instrument or out of window simulators. Includes built-in aero tables for the Cessna 182, F-18, and Boeing 747.
CARS.ZIP Automobile Instruments ActiveX Control The Automobile Instrument ActiveX Control displays a variety of automobile instruments including speedometer, tachometer, water temperature, fuel gauge, oil pressure, and voltmeter. A full set of properties are provided to modify the appearance of each gauge. With its data-aware and mouse input features, it is an idea tool for creating realistic dashboard like front ends.
DLLINS_1.ZIP Support .DLL files that may be needed for running the demos of the Controls from Global Majic Software.
GMSDEMO.ZIP Demo of all the Controls from Global Majic Software.
JOYS.ZIP Joystick ActiveX Control The Joystick ActiveX Control is the perfect add-on for gamers and simulators. Don2t have a joystick? You don2t need one! If you have a mouse, you can use this control with its on-screen joystick emulator. Or it easily attaches to a joystick if you have one. It supports up to four axes joysticks with floating point precision. Each axis may be calibrated using defined options for minimum, maximum, center position, and deadzone. A weight option is also included for non-linear mapping of stick input to output. Other features include movement and button events, throttle and rudder control, point of view control, graphical joystick for mouse control and stick input display. Dynamic property pages allow the user to calibrate the joystick and customize its screen appearance.
KNOBS.ZIP Knob ActiveX Control The Knob Control is a highly customizable knob or dial control. Its dynamic property pages provide a powerful tool for interactively designing knobs or dials with full control of styles, scales, tics, annulars, captions, border and background. With its data-aware and mouse input features, Knob is a simple and intuitive input to technical interfaces. 0 Scale
LEDS.ZIP LED ActiveX Control The LED Control provides a highly customizable Light-Emitting Diode (LED) interface. Its dynamic property pages provide full control of the LED's size, shape, colors and bitmaps. Horizontal or vertical arrays of LEDs may be used to display meter levels or dip switch settings. With its data-aware and mouse input features, LED is an ideal element for technical interfaces.
LGAUGES.ZIP Linear Gauge ActiveX Control The Linear Gauge Control is a multi-purpose, highly customizable linear gauge that can be configured as a slider for input or as a meter for output. Its dynamic property pages provide a powerful tool for designing gauges with full control of scales, pointers, fonts, operation bands, and tics. With its data-aware and mouse input features, LGauge is an ideal display element for technical interfaces.
MMAPS.ZIP Moving Map ActiveX Control The Moving Map ActiveX Control is a highly customizable mapping tool. Multiple Maps of known extents (North, South, East and West) may be defined with any consistent units (LAT/LONG, UTM, custom). These maps may be pieced together to form a large composite map or may be overlapped to give more detail to certain regions. Multiple objects may be placed at any location and are displayed as standard shapes (airplane, navaid, airport, waypoint, etc), user defined shapes, or pictures. Additionally, multiple views (map areas defined by a center location and a relative radius) make it possible to either view a small area or to "follow" any object. Pan and Zoom features are also available.
NUMLEDS.ZIP Numeric LED ActiveX Control The Numeric LED control provides a highly customizable digital display. Its dynamic property pages provide full control of the control2s sizes, colors and bitmaps. It may be used to display either numeric or alphanumeric values. With its data-aware features, the Numeric LED is an ideal element for technical interfaces.
ODOMET.ZIP Odometer ActiveX Control The Odometer Control is a numeric display similar to an automobile's odometer or tripometer. The font, number of digits, colors, number of decimals and reset button are user-definable. It is data-aware.
PERCENTS.ZIP Percentage Indicator ActiveX Control The Percentage Indicator Control is a versatile percentage interface used to indicate a level or progress. Percent levels can be set directly by the user or indirectly by allowing the control to calculate them. The user can define the number of percentage areas and shapes (bar, ellipse, tank, user-defined). It is data-aware.
SELECT_1.ZIP Selector Knob ActiveX Control The Selector Knob ActiveX Control is a knob-style control that can be used to choose between discrete options. It can be used as a replacement for option buttons and provides the user with an easy-to-use and intuitive mouse input.
SLIDERS.ZIP Slider ActiveX Control The Slider Custom Control is a versatile input/output tool used to create sliders, gauges, meters, etc. that incorporate a sliding mechanism. It uses dynamic property pages for easy design of unique sliding displays in short time. Its mouse control and data-aware features make it an ideal element for technical interfaces.
STRIPS.ZIP Strip Chart ActiveX Control The Strip Chart ActiveX Control is a dynamic two-dimensional charting control that provides an ideal interface for viewing one or more streams of real-time data. Panning and zooming functionality allows for quick review and in-depth analysis of data trends. Its dynamic property pages provide a powerful tool for designing chart with full control of scales, captions, fonts, and tics. Additionally, multiple methods are provided to easily pass data to the control.
TOGGLES.ZIP Toggle Switch ActiveX Control The Toggle Switch Control is a TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO, or ON/OFF indicator. It displays either captions or pictures to represent the switch's state. It has sound playing capabilities to indicate the switch turning on or off and timers to provide automatic cut off and blinking to draw attention to the control.