Visual Basic textfiles and theory

96WINT.ZIP VB help and hints vol. 1 Issue 1 winter 1996
APIDEMO.ZIP Using the Windows API in Visual Basic Visual Basic's Declare statement allows VB programs to call the routines in any Dynamic Link Library (DLL). Microsoft Windows is itself a collection of DLLs, so Visual Basic can call almost any of the functions in the Microsoft Windows Application Programming Interface (API).
HOWTO.ZIP How to defeat VB decompilers
VBTIPS11.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.1- This Windows 3.1 Help File contains many Visual Basic for DOS & Windows tips and tricks. Also contains tips and tricks on Windows Help Files. Freeware!

Visual Basic ver 1,2 & 3 sourcecode

3DMAP.ZIP 3DMAP 1.0 The main purpose of 3DMAP is to show one method for manipulating graphics offscreen while accomplishing the rare ability of having "buttons" onscreen that are not restricted to four sides. Although slow, speed is not really noticable on a 486-66 (the intended platform). This type of screen is very useful for educational or demographic software (besides the fact that it IS appealing to look at.)
3DPP.ZIP VBPANEL Visual Basic 3D Panel Effects. Have you ever wanted a group button which goes faster and has a good down picture, which looks like an animation? Or just want to make a command button with changing color-ed text? This set of 3 files includes examples of how to design 3 different type (you can design more) of buttons out of the Professional Edition's 3dPanel.
3DSPLIT.ZIP 3D Routines with Splitter Bars v2.0
ASIZE.ZIP AutoSize To show how to programmatically position your controls at run time so that the controls and their surrounding form remain proportionately the same size regardless of the display resolution or the dots per inch of the display driver's screen fonts.
BALLOONS.ZIP Help Balloons in VBasic
BASES.ZIP Number Base Converter Version 2.05 This software provides Visual BASIC functions for converting numbers between numeric bases, supporting bases 2 to 36. It also includes a function for rounding numbers stored in a base to a number of 'decimal' places.
CMB_HITE.ZIP Combo Box resizing demonstrations The associated combo box demonstrations were done to assist myself in getting a smaller height on combo boxes. We have several projects which need the smaller height.
CMB_SIZE.ZIP Combo box resizing project using api calls A VB5 project to demonstrate working with combo and list box dimensions through API calls. This project was developed to assist our learning API calls in dealing with combo boxes and list boxes.
EASTER.ZIP Calculate the date of the Easter sunday for a given year.
EVAL.ZIP The Eval-Utility, expression evaluator in Visual Basic
FTPDEMO.ZIP FTP Client in VBasic
ICOX.ZIP Icon Extractor - How to extract Icons from Programs and Libraries IconEx VisualBasic CodeExample to show how to: - extract icons from programs and libraries - create multilingual programs - obtain strings from Windows modules - use the original Windows AboutBox - call Windows APIs
KEYSTATE.ZIP Scroll, Num & Caps Lock Status
KPINI.ZIP Visual Basic source code for .INI file management. A nifty little wrapper module that will do any conceivable alteration of an .INI file -- well nearly. You want to delete a section -- ZAP! Want to interpret T/F entries, no problem! Get all [Section]'s or Entries? Add or remove a "device=" line? It's there. Full Visual Basic Source -- 45 routines in this third release. See the comments in INIFILE.BAS for useage and contact information. "Free is a *very* good price!"
MICROBBS.ZIP MicroBBS - MultiLine Windows BBS System This is the last release of MicroBBS includes the source code. It is written in Visual Basic 3.00
NW41BAS.ZIP Visual Basic for Windows Interface For The Novell Netware 4.x,3.x & 2.x Software Development Kit
NWS_SNAP.ZIP Screen Print Program The NWS_SNAP.EXE is a VB 3.0 program that takes a snapshot of the screen and allows the user to print the screen snapshot at different sizaes, with date and comments attached. A DLL is also supplied that provides a generic mouse movement hook procedure to allow you to call any program when the mouse moves into a pre- determined corner of the screen.
NWT2.ZIP NWTEST2 is another example of how to use the NetWare Interface for Visual Basic (NIVB) to make NetWare DLL function calls from a Visual Basic program. The program shows how to attach and log in to file servers, map drives, and get group and trustee information for a user.
ONTOP.ZIP Example of forcing a Window to always remain on top
PARSE.ZIP This program allows you to enter formulas. It will evaluate them. You can add as many function as you want and have as many
PCLVBW11.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR VISUAL BASIC / WINDOWS. Version 1.1.1, >ASP<. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Requires Microsoft Visual BASIC / Win.
PMXMPL.ZIP PMList - Program Manager Group Lister Visual Basic SourceCode to show how to handle Windows's Program Manager Groups in Visual Basic. (e.g. for installation routines)
SENDKEY.ZIP Sendkey demo f�r VBasic
SMOOTH.ZIP Smooth Fade in Visual basic, test the color-palettes
TILES1.ZIP Tiles 1.0 Game written in VB with Source
UHR.ZIP UHR -- Style Manipulations with MS Visual Basic. Includes the fully commented source code for VB3 (mainly). This programm gives main hints on how to realize CLOCK.EXE (shipped together with Windows) in mere VB code.
VB_3D2.ZIP Easy3D2 - Extended 3D Options for VB - Revised Free code example for 3D options in Visual Basic, shows how to: - 3D options for VisualBasic and other windows - how to make Windows search for the CTL3Dxy.DLL - no 3D in VB environment (no GPFs anymore) - use the original Windows AboutBox for your own purposes - cut the system menu just as you like - and some more useful routines...
VBCOMBO.ZIP This Visual Basic sample code demonstrates how to make the text Edit box of a combo box readonly. Dropdown and simple combos are treated separately. Included are the fully commented source code for VB2, VB3, VB4-16, VB4-32 and VB5.
VBDLL.ZIP This is a real quick sample that I threw together to illustrate how to call a DLL from VB. Not only can you call a DLL but the same DLL can be made from the Borland, MS or Symantec compilers.
VBIBOX.ZIP InputBox - New InputBox for VB InputBox: With this VisualBasic CodeSample you'll learn about: - how to create a customized input box in VB - creating multilingual programs - obtaining strings from Windows modules - how to obtain Window's System Metrics - calling Windows APIs
VBMOVE.ZIP MOVE -- Style Manipulations with MS Visual Basic. Includes the fully commented source code for VB2, VB3, VB4-16 and VB4-32. Examples for how to change the outlook of VB controls, e.g. add sizable frames, move controls by ghost frames or add a caption bar to almost any control. --< Floating Toolbars are no problem at all anymore !
VBSORT32.ZIP VBSORT Example - Sort 32-bit Visual Basic arrays
VERSION.ZIP Returns the DOS and Windows Version Information
WINUSER.ZIP UserName - Windows UserName, CompanyName and TrueWinVersion Is the fully commented source code on how to access the Windows UserName and CompanyName under Windows ! You will as well be able to obtain the TRUE Windows version. AND create multilingual programs (= you can now say 'yes' or 'no' in EVERY Windows language !).
VKKVB.ZIP Few useful functions for VB programmers
WORDWRAP.ZIP Carl Franklin's WordWrap Function
WSC4VB21.ZIP WINDOWS STANDARD COMM LIB for VISUAL BASIC >ASP< v2.1 The Windows Standard Communications Library for Visual Basic (WSC4VB) is an asynchronous communications dynamic link library (DLL) which uses the standard Windows serial communications API. Since it uses the Windows API, programs using the WSC library are fully compatible with other Window applications which also use the Windows serial communications API. Both Win16 and Win32 versions are included.