C programming tutorials and textfiles files

C-LESSON.ZIP Yo! Learn C In 9 Steps!
C_CRIT.ZIP The case against C The programming language C has been in widespread use since the early 1970s, and it is probably the language most widely used by computer science professionals. The goal of this paper is to argue that it is time to retire C in favour of a more modern language. The choice of a programming language is often an emotional issue which is not subject to rational discussion. Nevertheless it is hoped to show here that there are good objective reasons why C is not a good choice for large programming projects. These reasons are related primarily to the issues of software readability and programmer productivity.
C_LESSON.ZIP Contains a complete course for you to learn the 'C' computer language
C_PREC.ZIP Operator Precedence and Associativity Rules in C / C++
C_RESID.ZIP How to Create an Interrupt-Driven C Routine
CNEWS001.ZIP C NEWS Issue 1 Volume 1 This is the first issue of " C NEWS ", which is a newsletter written by the users of the C BBS in Reston, VA. This newsletter is an attempt to present - in a formalized manner - the latest bug reports, and tips on how to better use the C compilers that are currently in the marketplace.
CNEWS002.ZIP C NEWS Issue 2 Volume 1
CNEWS006.ZIP C NEWS Issue 6 Volume 1
CNEWS007.ZIP C NEWS Issue 7 Volume 1
CNEWS011.ZIP C NEWS Issue 11 Volume 1
CREFCARD.ZIP C reference card
CSTYLE.ZIP This archive consists of a number of files describing rules and guidelines for c style practices. They address both readability and portability issues.
CTUTOR.ZIP Programming in C - A Tutorial
DJTUT255.ZIP DJGPP Tutorials v2.55
GAMETUTR.ZIP PROGRAMMING OBJECT ORIENTED GAMES IN TURBO C. This is an interactive book using the PC as a tutor to proceed at your own pace. The book will teach fundamentals of animation, help the reader apply principles of OOP, and help the reader make an easier transition to object oriented languages like C++.
PTRTUT01.ZIP A tutorial on pointers and arrays in c
RLVALUE.ZIP A Brief Tutorial on Pointers, Lvalues, & Rvalues
START_C.ZIP How to begin programming in c/c++
TEACHC.ZIP TEACHC - Teaches C Programming

C programming utilities

BIN2H.ZIP Binary File to 'C' Header File Conversion Utility (C source)
BSTR21.ZIP Bstring v2.1, BASIC String Functions for C Libraries containing BASIC-style string functions for C and C++. Date and time functions are also included. Libraries are fully written in fast assembly code. Optimizations for Pentium processors are implemented. Both Microsoft and Borland formats are included. Operates under both DOS and Windows. Developed by TechniLib.
CAPT_TXT.ZIP CAPTURE Allows C/C++ Programmers to "Capture" strings of text (without quotation marks) into a character array by adding the assignment function "strcpy()". I think this is a real time saving tool when adding large amounts of string data to your C/C++ program source code.
CEXTRACT.ZIP Cextract v.1.7 Is ideal for generating header files for large multi-file C programs; cextract also functions as a rudimentary documentation extractor, generating a sorted list of all functions and their locations. FREEWARE, C source.
CPROTO36.ZIP Cproto is a program that generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C source code. It can also convert function definitions between the old style and the ANSI C style. This conversion overwrites the original files, so make a backup copy of your files in case something goes wrong. C source
CPT.ZIP CPT - C Language Precedence Trainer A key element in the rapid writing of error-free C code is a thourough understanding of the relative precedence of the 35 C language operators. Only when the precedence of any two operators can be ranked without conscious thought can a C programmer write with efficiency.
CXT235.ZIP CXT -(v2.35) - C Exploration Tools (v1.09) CXT for Windows C source code analysis. Builds calltree, cross-reference and provides a lot of useful informations. HTML (WWW) and RTF (WinHelp) output possible. Various configuration options. DOS and WINDOWS versions available. Shareware
CXTW106.ZIP The c exploration tools! the c function tree generator (cft) and the c structure tree generator (cst) are powerful program development, maintenance and documentation tools. They provide the programmer the ability to analyse the c or c++ source code of applications, no matter how big or complex they are. Cft and cst are very useful to explore new, unknown software and to support software reuse and maintenance.
DL.ZIP Miracle C Compiler version 1.7 1 December 1996 The Miracle C Compiler runs on a 386 PC (or better) under MS-DOS, accepting a dialect of the C language and generating object code suitable for Microsoft or compatible linker.
EMBED21.ZIP Embedtxt is a "c" programming technique for hiding text information within your program in such a way as to make it more difficult for "hackers" to alter it. aLthough embedtxt is not fool-proof, it does provide a good way of protecting your programs from the normal attempts made by those who want to change your program, be it, copyright notices, configuration details, or whatever.
FLOWER.ZIP Flower Reads C source code and writes three reports to stdout: functions and which functions they call, functions and which functions call them, and a call tree. Includes C source.
IASM.ZIP IASM v1.01 IASM is a utility for the Watcom C compiler. It allows you to insert Borland sytle ASM {} blocks into your C source and use the Watcom compiler.
LINKLIST.ZIP LinkList - is a graphical explanation Of link lists and pointers, and their usage in C programming.
MICRO-C2.ZIP DDS MICRO-C/PC example programs
MKPROTO.ZIP mkproto - make prototypes for functions Mkproto takes as input one or more C source code files, and produces as output (on the standard output stream) a list of function prototypes (a la ANSI) for the external functions defined in the given source files. This output, redirected to a file, is suitable for #include'ing in a C source file.
NICEC4.ZIP Nicec version 4 NiceC is a fast, learning and easy to use C source formatter. It completely formats C or C++ source codes according to your style which it has learned from a sample of your source code.
PACIFIC.ZIP Pacific C for MS-DOS, v7.51 Welcome to Pacific C, HI-TECH Software's low cost, high performance ANSI C compiler for MS-DOS. Pacific C combines most of the features and power of the version 7 HI-TECH C Cross Compilers into a compact, easy to use package which will run on just about any MS-DOS based personal computer.
SC_22.ZIP Small C Compiler Version 2.2 The Small C compiler translAtes a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of these assemblers to generate relocatable object code, to maintain libraries of relocatable modules, and to link separately compiled program modules.
SCI13.ZIP Small C Interpreter
SW.ZIP Simple Windows v1.6 >ASP< An I/O management system for Turbo C/C++. 1000's of windows ,screens,menus,forms,and songs with no growth in ram buffering. Simple disk management. Files built on an editor and called for simple small code. Font changer with 8 fonts,online docs, tutor sorce code, plus doc reader/printer. Simply Soft Modesto,CA 95351
SYNPRINT.ZIP C/C++ Syntax Printer for HP printers
SYNTAX.ZIP syntax.c Program running a quick syntax check on C source
TESTMN1.ZIP TESTMAN processes a text file containing test case descriptions and generates a single source file that when compiled exercise your C/C++ code and check conditions you specify. Failures are recorded and are listed in the output of the executable.
WINPROTO.ZIP WinProto - A Windows based utility for "C" programmers. Generates function prototypes automatically from "C" source code. Sorting, alignment, and other options available. FileSet definitions for prototyping entire projects. Shareware, $15 registration.
XREF.ZIP Cross reference program v3.3. Cross- references any number of C modules (including Windows programs) and outputs: 1) A list of their global variables and constants. 2) A summary listing of the functions. 3) A verbose list of the functions. 4) A tree of the function's calls and callers. Uses a DOS memory extender.

C Mathematics programming files

ADVC11.ZIP ANY2DEC Converts a number in string form, in any base (2-35), into an unsigned integer. No checking for validity is done-- characters are assumed to be within the proper range for the base chosen, and the number as a whole is assumed to be within unsigned integer range. C source
APM.ZIP Arbitrary Precision Math Library The Arbitrary Precision Math Library is a series of routines that allows the user to perform math to any level of accuracy that is desired. These APM entities ("APM" == "Arbitrary Precision Math") can be initialized from character strings or from long integers, and they can be converted back into character strings by a routine that allows simple formatting. With the exception of the routines that do division, the results of APM operations are guaranteed to contain enough precision to hold exact values. The APM routines will automatically allocate enough space in their results to hold the proper number of digits.
BASE.ZIP Base Conversion of Numbers C programmers must be able to work with binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. This article describes a general purpose conversion and formatting routine for numbers in these (and other) bases.
CALC_CRC.ZIP This routine computes a 16-bit CRC of a block of memory using the CRC computation method used by XMODEM/CRC programs.
COLLINS.ZIP Collins math library v1.0 (C src)
CRC-16.ZIP Crc computation logic ,16 bit
CRC-32B.ZIP Crc computation logic ,32 bit
CRC4MSC.ZIP Fast crc routines for microsoft c
CRCCHK.ZIP CRC calculation , C source
CRS_C.ZIP Cyclic Redundancy Check calclations in C
CUG105.ZIP The Incredible Superpowerful Floating Point Package for BDS C v1.4
EXTMATH.ZIP Extended arithmetic functions (extmath version 1.0) ExtMath is a shareware library of C callable functions for arithmetic with very large numbers, for 386 and higher PCs.
FFT.ZIP FFT Program for Turbo-C The FFT program and test signal generators included in the archive, can be used to perform signal analysis in the frequency domain, using samples in the time domain. Historically the applications have ranged from music to radar. I recently have been doing some research in the radar field using this FFT to perform relative velocity measurements. This program can be further refined to meet your needs.
FFT142.ZIP fft - calculate fast Fourier transform of time domain curve (C source)
FFT3.ZIP Fast Fourier Transform
FFT4.ZIP Fast Fourier Transform
FFTSING.ZIP Fast Fourier Transform
FIXFLOA2.ZIP Fix-float a library for rapid handling of decimal numbers represented on a fixed point binary notation (C)
JPSTATAO.ZIP fast and precise area under some popular statistical distributions calculations header for c/c++ programs. introductory set.
LOGRTHMH.ZIP The logrthm.h file is an extension to the math.h header file. Where most company's math libraries define a logarithm to the base e function and, maybe, a logarithm base 10, none that I have seen allow for other bases. This file defines the function "logrthm" that returns the Log base B of N. B and N may be any combination of types int, float, double, long double, or complex. C src.
RAND1.ZIP This is the best known random number generator available (c source)
RAND31.ZIP Random number generator in C/asm
SQROOT.ZIP Fast integer squareroot calculation algorithm (With C/ASm src)
SQRT1.ZIP Fast square root using derivatives ( c source) This function returns the Square Root of the number given in 16.16 fixed point math. The number supplied must also be in 16.16 fixed point math. You must call the table(); before using it. The numbers returned are not precise at all but will work very well. Numbers can range from 0 to 300. You can increase this if you feel the need. It is not optimized, since I didn't feel like it.
TDIG11.ZIP Libraries containing functions for finding all roots to polynomials. Handles polynomials with both real and complex coefficients. Other useful polynomial functions are included. Works with both DOS and Windows. Formats for both Microsoft and Borland languages are included. Developed by TechniLib.
TRAN21.ZIP Libraries with high-performance random number generators for C/C++. Includes functions to generate random numbers for: uniform, normal, gamma, beta, Cauchy, chi-squared, F, t, exponential, Gumbel, Pareto, Weibull, logistic, binomial, geometric, negative binomial, and poisson distributions. Formats for Microsoft, Borland, and Watcom are included. Operates under both DOS and Windows. Developed by TechniLib.

C sourcecode files

ALLOCATE.ZIP ALLOCATE.C This set of three routines provides a VERY high-speed memory allocation scheme when you have an application in which most or all of the allocated blocks are either (1) all about the same size, or (b) smaller than some (small) maximum size.
ANONIRC.ZIP Krad anonymous IRC (C source)
ARGPAR.ZIP argparse.h: macros for parsing command arguments.
ARGS.ZIP ARGS: Program to print command line arguments. I wrote this program to show the arguments passed to programs that are invoked under the covers by some utilities. Rather than performing the utility function, ARGS only prints to the screen (STDOUT) the passed parameters. with C source
AUR134AZ.ZIP AURORA BBS-system + Source in C
AUTOSCRN.ZIP AUTOSCREEN v2.01 Portable ANSI C User interface Library. Is a fully portable, event-driven, multi-threaded user-interface library; written in a combination of ANSI-C and low-level assembler. It is aimed at programmers developing real-time bespoke applications in C who need to supply a MS Windows-type interface but without the run-time and memory overheads that such systems incurr.
B_PLUSUD.ZIP The b-plus program a b-tree indexing file module for c programmers by hunter and associates b-plus is a versatile, carefully designed module for c programmers who need a fast, efficient program for indexing data files. B-plus allows data records to be retrieved based on a key value without regard to their position in the data file. The data records can also be accessed in sequential order in either a forward and reverse direction.
BAWK.ZIP bawk - text processor Bawk is a text processing program that searches files for specific patterns and performs "actions" for every occurrance of these patterns. The patterns can be "regular expressions" as used in the UNIX "ex" editor. The actions are expressed using a subset of the "C" language. (C source)
BBSC.ZIP BBS (bulletin board system) written in unix system-III "C".
BBSCKIT.ZIP The BBSC Toolkit for Building BBS's in Portable C This collection of program source in C originally came from Unix Systems. It is intended for people who wish to roll their own Version of a BBS. Included with the C BBS is Umodem.c. It was created to support users of microcomputers connected to timeshared Unix Systems. Gluing the two products Should be a good exercise for the enterprising C programmer.
BFI_201.ZIP Bawk C actions interpreter ver 1.1 Is a text processing program that searches files for specific patterns and performs "actions" for every occurrance of these patterns. The patterns can be "regular expressions" as used in the UNIX "ex" editor. The actions are expressed using a subset of the "C"
BISON122.ZIP bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement) with C source.
BITOPS.ZIP BITOPS.C - Various bit-manipulation procedures.
BITSFUNC.ZIP This module contains BIT manipulation routines in C
BITSTRG.ZIP Bit manipulation in C (bitstrg)
BM.ZIP This archive is a MSDOS version of an "fgrep" utility ported from XENIX to Computer Innovations C86 (quite simple, actually). It uses the Boyer-Moore algorithm for parallel string searches. On XENIX it really blows the real fgrep program away in performance. However, in MSDOS, the FIND command is still a bit faster, albeit more limited. In the archive: C Source.
BMG.ZIP Boyer-Moore-Gosper search routines in C
BNP_MENU.ZIP Simple And Effective Menuing-System Source(C)+ Exe(DOS)+ DemoFile...
BOOTEX10.ZIP System reboot examples, with C ASM src
BOOTMENU.ZIP BOOTMENU is yet another program which allows you to select between multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files when you turn on your computer. It can also be used to provide menu access to various "turnkey" applications, with or without switching to a new system configuration. C source.
BSTRNG11.ZIP BSTRING Version 1.10 BSTRING Makes the powerful string functions in BASIC available to C and C++. All BSTRING libraries are fully written in fast assembly code. Optimizations for Pentium processors are implemented. Both Microsoft and Borland formats are included. BSTRING was developed by TechniLib.
C-FLOW.ZIP Cflow -- a program to reveal c program structure This program, CFLOW, accepts C source files as input and generates as output to STDOUT a roughly structured listing of module (function) declarations and the function calls within them.
CALCULAT.ZIP calculat.c an onscreen calculator (C source)
CALE-TCC.ZIP cal - display calendar Display a calendar for a particular year. If month-number is supplied, only that month is displayed. C source.
CDLLIST.ZIP This is code for an abstract data type representing a circular doubly linked list. This type of list is extemely usefull for everything from text editors to any type of dynamic storage.
CDROMC.ZIP C source that counts the number of CD-ROM units
CHAINSAW.ZIP CHAINSAW This utility removes an entire directory tree, asking for permission only once, before beginning. This is very useful for removing entire software packages etc. which can have many files and sub-directories. Using the DOS delete command, you would have to visit each directory (starting at the leaves of the tree), delete all files (replying 'Y' to the prompt), backup one directory level, remove the directory, cd to the next "leaf" directory, and repeat the process. With C source.
CLIB_ASM.ZIP CLIB Provides C-like printf(), fprintf(), and sprintf() functions for Macro Assembler programmers. Included are a macro header (which must included in assembly) and a library containing runtime support. This document assumes that you know pretty much what you're doing. (asm)
CLOCK.ZIP clock.c an onscreen ASCII clock using curses and math libraries.
COMM.ZIP These functions perform serial i/o action on ibm pc (c source)
COMTEST.ZIP Example of Using COM Ports with standard C funtions.
CONSL11.ZIP Console text output library - 16/32 bit C/C++ v1.0 High performance, compiler portable text based console output library. Requires SciTech PM/Pro library and will support any compiler/DOS extender supported by the PM/Pro library, such as Borland, Watcom, Microsoft etc.
CRACKLIB.ZIP CrackLib is a library containing a C function (well, lots of functions really, but you only need to use one of them) which may be used in a "passwd"-like program. The idea is simple: try to prevent users from choosing passwords that could be guessed by "Crack" by filtering them out, at source.
CSORT.ZIP A program which demonstrates the action of six sort algorithms using animated graphics. (with C source)
CSOURCE.ZIP Borland C/C++ Source Pack Includes full SOurces for color blending, morphing, dissolving(+fixer), GFX- loader, warping, image- flips and more ...
CTASK22.ZIP CTask - A Multitasking Kernel for C. Version 2.2
CTB100T.ZIP A Library of Functions for Turbo C 1.00 Containing Graphics, Fonts, Windows, Sound, Background Sound Mouse, Joystick and Printer Controls and more
CTRL2CAP.ZIP Ctrl2cap Keyboard Filter Hook onto the keyboard I/O path and massage the input stream converting caps-locks into controls (C source)
DAY_ELAP.ZIP Program to calculate # of days between two dates _(C source)
DDUMP.ZIP ddump.c displays a file hex 'dump' on the screen. (C source)
DIFFTIME.ZIP Small utility which calculates the difference in hours and seconds between a starting time and finish time. Useful for calculating payroll hours, overtime, etc. With C source code.
DJMOUSE.ZIP djgpp mouse routines (C source)
DLINK.ZIP DLINK , Linked list implementation in C. compatible with Turbo C 2.0.
DLOADU14.ZIP DLOAD[TM] Version 1.4 Dynamic Loading/Functional Paging Utility for Segmenting C Programs in DOS
ESPRESSO.ZIP espresso - Boolean Minimization, C source
EVENODD.ZIP mem even/odd address 64k write test (16/32bit) Test the speed of writing on even or odd addresses on your CPU. The best speed is gained if you write to an even and an address that the mod of 4 is 0. other addresses will cause overhead in cpu movsd instruction.)
EXTMATH.ZIP This is a library of C-callable assembler subroutines to do 64-bit unsigned math. The header file, extmath.h, typedef's an 8-byte data type, "extnum_t", which the functions all use.
FILEDATE.ZIP Programm to get the date of a file passed as a command line argument and compare to system date, if file dates are not the same return an error. C source
FILEPART.ZIP filepart.c Partitions files into 1.44MB size chuncks for transferring to diskette, C source
FMAZ21.ZIP FMAZ21 Version 2.1 (4/15/95) Generates mazes on your VGA display. The mazes are displayed in 3D. Use the arrow keys to solve them or have the computer solve them. Borland Turbo C 3.0 source code is included.
FREQ.ZIP Counts the frequency of every character in a file.
GETOPT.ZIP Here are 2 different versions of getopt, the command line argument processor for UNIX. C source
GNUMAKE.ZIP Make, A Program for Directing Recompilation Edition 0.45, for make Version 3.71 Beta. (C Src)
GSRC208A.ZIP GEPASI - A simulator of metabolic pathways and other dynamical systems . 'C' source code for GEPASI 2.0, release 2.02c
HOST10.ZIP HOST (HOST.ZIP), Ver 1.0, >ASP<. Simple 1 line BBS for DOS. Complete source. Requires the Personal Communications Library for C/C++ (PCL4C). By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $0 (FREE).
ICECREAM.ZIP ICECream - SoftICE '95 Detection (C source)
INT9.ZIP Source code for getting full contol over keyboard.
KAFSRT20.ZIP KAFS 2.0 Is a complete file system and sort package for C programmers. Includes source code, instructions, specifications, and associated utilities-- everything needed to write utility and application software using this unique system. The code is compact, fast, and easily implemented. The file system has been run on 8088 systems and shown to be at least as fast as anything else available. C source
KWTREE.ZIP Kwtree (Karl Weller; $0) lists all of the directories on the current disk drive.
LANGTN.ZIP Program to run an interesting self-reproducing cellular automata. This can run either under X, or on terminals using ANSI escape sequences. (C source and .EXE file)
LISTQUE.ZIP Linked list, I-Tree, Que, and Stack Library. This file contains info for the linked list, que, and stack functions. A Simple test program has been written to give you an idea of how to use and call the functions, It's a spread sheet like program to test various linked list functions. We basicly build a 2d array with a linked list. There's a simple interface to add/change data in the elements and move around the list's. This program does not go over all functions, but should give you and idea, of how to use the library.
M-CPP.ZIP This directory contains the source to my C preprocessor with C src.
MAJORBBS.ZIP The Major BBS by Tim Stryker Release 2.2 The Major BBS is a multi-user program designed to support all of the features typically desired in a multi-user dial-up host. It is intended for use with the GALACTICOMM BREAKTHROUGH, a 16-channel modem card for the IBM PC, XT, AT, and compatibles. C source.
MBASIC.ZIP MICRO-BASIC: THis is a very simple INTEGER BASIC interpreter that I wrote a number of years ago, and subsequently ported to MICRO-C. While not a great example of coding style (it was a quick and dirty hack job), It is quite instructive, as a simple but fairly complete interpreter.
MCB.ZIP Mcb.c - Multi-Collide Bot v2.0 (beta)
MELTICE.ZIP MeltICE - SoftICE '95 version 3 detection (C source)
MIKDLL.ZIP MikDLL Docs, routines & example code for creating & using your own dynamic loadable routines/drivers for DOS without having to resort to assembly. C sources for BC 3.1
MINCOM15.ZIP minicom - friendly serial communication program Is a communication program which somewhat resem- bles the shareware program TELIX but is free with source code and runs under most unices. Features include dialing directory with auto-redial, support for UUCP-style lock files on serial devices, a seperate script language inter- preter, capture to file, multiple users with individual configurations, and more.
MOU.ZIP Mouse routines with 'real' graphic cursor in text mode. C source
MOUSDEMO.ZIP Mousedemo (DOS) in C
MTHR25.ZIP MicroThread V2.5 A minimal Borland/Turbo C multithreading library for DOS
MTOOLS.ZIP MTOOLS version 2.0 MTools is a public domain collection of programs to allow unix systems to read, write, and manipulate files on an msdos filesystem (typically a diskette). C source
PAUSE.ZIP Pause - is a C routine to provide a delay that is safer to use than delay() when serial-port interrupts are possible.
PCCP047.ZIP Pete Cann's Communication Package SeT of communications programs and related files. Fax, Terminal, Host, etc. Includes C source code
PCL4C60.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR C/C++ Ver 6.0, >ASP<. Real and protected mode (16 & 32 bits) DOS. Async comm library supporting COM1-COM20 to 115,200, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address & IRQ, all memory models. Supports Watcom C/C++, Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, MIX Power C, and Microsoft C/C++
PROMODEM.ZIP This is a sample BBS program that you can use as a building block.. C source
PUP-V2B.ZIP Puppy V2b, The 1'st BBS System.?? Pup is a very modest project: it is a very small scale bulletin board, targeted mainly for the current low-end type machines; Z80, 64K, maybe 500K disk storage, primitive DOS. It of course works fine on MSDOS; there is a pclone version available. (Ask)
QLIB20_1.ZIP Q LIB (Quick LIBraries) v2.06 Is an almost complete C LIB replacement for any LIBs you may have. QLIB is 32bit ASM coded for use with DOS extenders. QLIB contains most C functions for file IO, memory alloc and much more. Plus more for video, kbd, etc. QLIB supports Borland C++, Watcom C++, MS Vis C++, MASM , TASM , WASM and NASM. All you need is PMODE/W v1.31+ or DOS/4GW or WDOSX DOS extenders.
REDBLA.ZIP Threaded RedBlack Trees Library The C source files on this disk are an implementation of a hybrid data structure, the threaded RedBlack tree. A.J.Perlis and C.Thornton developed the idea of threaded binary trees as early as 1960. I was exposed to Red- Black trees through an April 1992 Dr.Dobbs Journal article by Bruce Schneier. The RedBlack tree is an improvement on the traditional binary tree (not to be confused with B-trees), and an alternative to AVL trees.
REGEXP3.ZIP Regular Expression pattern matching routines for C programmers. Very nice, well behaved portable C sourcecode. Compile and link or build an add-on library using LIB. Like wildcards, but much much more powerful. Distributable C sourcecode to regexp(3) from BSD Unix 5.2 (This code donated to UC Berkeley by the University of Toronto.)
RHYME4.ZIP Simple rhyming wheel program -- finds rhymes for an input word. With C source
SERUS221.ZIP SERIOUS version 2.21 Serial communications device driver is a device driver for the serial port of the IBM PC and compatible computers. It is not a communications program. It does provide the tools to write your own communications program. There are, of course, BIOS and DOS routines for serial com- munications, but these are weak, and are not used in serious programs. The SERIOUS device driver is intended to fill this gap. C Source
SETPRI.ZIP setpri.c Program to change priority of a process or a user. useful for managing system cpu resorces, especially when large background jobs are running.
SNIP9707.ZIP The SNIPPETS collection is an archive of over 700 separate files, over 94,000 lines of mostly C/C++ source code - all public domain and freeware - which contains the best C/C++ answers to "How do I...?" programming questions.
SPLIMERG.ZIP Split/merge files at any size, C source
TEXTWIN.ZIP TESTWIN.C Simple test code for Text Windowing Library for Micro-C, Turbo-C, and DJGPP.
THESRC20.ZIP THE - The Hessling Editor (with C source) THE is a full-screen character mode text editor based on the VM/CMS editor XEDIT and some features of KEDIT for DOS written by Mansfield Software. THE is known to run on SUNOS 4.1.3, Solaris 2.x, Xenix-386, DOS, OS/2 2.x, Esix 4.0.3a, ATT SystemV 3.2, Linux, 386BSD, AIX, HP-UX, Ultrix, Sequent, DG/UX. THE should compile on any Unix system.
TIMERDJ.ZIP Timer functions for Djgpp
TXMS11.ZIP A library enabling DOS-based C and C++ programs to gain quick and simple access to extended memory via XMS. Formats for both Microsoft and Borland are included. Developed by TechniLib.
UNIX2D.ZIP unix2dos.c
VDIFF.ZIP VDIFF.C - Visual (or vertical) difference Produce a side-by-side comparison of two text files in a manner analogous to the DIFF/PARALLEL command in VMS.
VOLUME.ZIP volume.c sets the audio volume on SPARCstations running 4.*
WORDCNT.ZIP wordcnt.c Program which creates an alphabetical linked list of words from a given text file and their occurance (count) in that file.
VT100_10.ZIP Vt-100 emulator with C source
XBBS7200.ZIP Sandy Zelkowitz's XBBS for UNIX and Xenix Source code for latest version August 1992
XL080496.ZIP XLISP is a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support object-oriented programming. with SRC in C
XMSSTUFF.ZIP XMS Memory Routines in C Here is my XMS memory access routines. Anyone familiar with XMS should get them to work without any problems (Hmm, that is what they told me when I started my EMS routines that never worked. Hmm...)
XTABS200.ZIP XTABS "ASCII toolkit" to manipulate text files in ways useful for (eg) C/C++/ASM programming and Internet texts: intelligent tabs optimisation can detect C/C++/ASM quoted texts; conversion between 7-bit ASCII, PC8 & WordStar doc/nondoc; paragraph recognition; tabs resizing; change CR/LF/FF;