Basic documents and magazines

BASTUTOR.ZIP Basic tutorial
ISS1.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS2.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS3.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS4.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS5.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS6.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS7.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine
ISS8.ZIP The BASIC Internet Fanzine , The Mag for BASIC Programmers

Basic utilities, interpreters and compilers

BASIC2SB.ZIP BAS2SB - BASIC to Structured BASIC Converter BAS2SB automates many of the source code re-formatting procedures commonly performed when switching over from BASICA or GW-BASIC to the new generation of BASIC compilers (such as Turbo BASIC or QuickBASIC).
BASICBAS.ZIP BasicBasic Version 1.52 BasicBasic is a Basic Language Program Development System for DOS or Windows. With it you can create programs to run under DOS or Windows. BasicBasic is an easy way to develop small to medium size programs without regard for which environment they will run under.
BBASIC.ZIP Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version 1.10 Implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) implemented in ANSI C, and offers a simple interactive environ- ment including some shell program facilities as an extension of BASIC. The interpreter has been compiled successfully on a range of ANSI C compilers on varying platforms with no alterations to source code necessary. (C source)
BLINK20.ZIP Basic Linker Version 2.0 With Basic Linker you are able to link all your EXE and DATA files together in on nice big EXE file. The only thing you have to do is to fill out the CFG file and Basic Linker will handle the rest.
BWB111.ZIP Bywater BASIC Interpreter/Shell, version 1.11 THe Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) in ANSI C and offers shell program facilities as an extension of BASIC. (TAR file)
FIRSTBAS.ZIP FirstBasic compiler 1.00 by PowerBASIC. A true machine code Basic compiler. Stop using the QBasic interpreter and step up to the speed of compiled code. Leave behind 64k string limitations and feel the "Power" of built-in Array Sorting & Searching, file and record Locking, and more accurate calculations with 80-bit floating point and BCD variables for financial calculations. See how we put the "Power" in Basic. $25 SHAREWARE.
LB14W.ZIP Liberty BASIC version 1.4, Shareware for Window 95 and 3.1 Major update with many new features! This easy to learn BASIC for Windows is the choice of NRI Schools and Ziff Davis University! New features include... * Communications support! * Support for block IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF * Improved support for making API calls! * Heavily revamped help files! * Program visually with FreeForm utility * Real debugger speeds programming along * Only $39.95 * Also available for OS/2 < Shoptalk Systems, >
SBASIC02.ZIP SMALL BASIC Interpeter (sbasic.c) V0.2 With C sourcecode.
TSRBASIC.ZIP TsrBasic 2.0, a Terminate and Stay Resident BASIC Interpreter TsrBasic lets you write Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs in Basic.

QuickBasic files

1LUC_WRM.ZIP Wormhole! coded entirely in qbasic!!!
3D_DEMO.ZIP The QBasic 3D Demo
3DEXP.ZIP A fast, QuickBASIC 4.5 3-D wireframe animation program.
ALTQB555.ZIP ALT-QUICK for QUICK BASIC, v5.55 This is the talked about programmer's tools that are written by Christy Gemmell-England. Add many new routines and functions to your present or even new programs to give them a unique look and feel. With this toolbox you can do it easily ! Add Popups, zooms, extended functions not present in QB45. Available in QB, PDS, Visual Basic. !!! U.S.A. Support is available thru Club PC BBS located in Smithfield, Va.
ANIBAS.ZIP Warp Field Animator QB basic source
BASGAMES.ZIP QBasic Games Library 1 This is the first in a line of software, rules and much more more from the new to the internet Dynamo Games. Most of the programs in this library are games but there are several other programs. Feel free to change and use these programs as you like.
BASICPRO.ZIP Basic Pro, Issue 3 , Qbasic magazine
BASICT.ZIP Qbasic tutorial version 1.1
BASUPD10.ZIP BasUpd adds PDS and Visual Basic commands to QuickBASIC. Library and full sources included. Free. By Tom Hanlin.
BEGINNER.ZIP This is a windows helpfile which is aimed at teaching you Microsoft's QBasic. The helpfile includes 8 tutorials which cover basic programming techniques. If you are serious about learning Basic Programming and can't afford a book, then this is a cheap alternative.
BESTQBG.ZIP Space force v1.0 , Qbasic game
CURDEMO.ZIP This program demonstrates the use of the cursor keys in Quick or Q Basic.
DARTS.ZIP Qbasic Darts collection. The following zip archive contains 3 qbasic darts games which to play you must extract from this zip file into your Dos directory and load up in Qbasic.
FADE.ZIP QBasic FADEing - The real thing.
FIRE1-3.ZIP FireStorm version 1.3 Is a QBasic screensaver that puts colored lines on the screen, smooths them, then "burns" the color away, top to bottom, to reveal different colors underneath; hence the name.
GEDITOR.ZIP 0 X 20 sprite (bitmap) editor (Basic source) Here's a program you can use to create some good tile graphics. Below is a list of all the commands as well as some quick code which demonstrates how to put your tile into your program. I have created a couple of tiles already which you should have in the same directory as this program. Have fun.
GFACTORY.ZIP The Graphics Factory Is a utility that allows you to create sets of graphics for use in your own basic programs. While intended for use with Quick Basic V4.5 , the graphics created by this program can be used by any version of basic that supports Microsoft compatible BLOAD and PUT graphics commands. To start the Graphics Factory, type GFACTORY at the DOS prompt.
IN_SORT.ZIP Non-recursive quicksort in basic
IPX.ZIP Netware IPX-routines for Quickbasic
MAG.ZIP 3D corridor. See if you can make it into a proper maze. QBasic
NIBJIM.ZIP This is my little nibbles type snake engine
ORBS1-1.ZIP 'Orbs Screensaver Ver. 1.1
PARALLAX.ZIP Parallax scrolling in QBASIC!
PTMQASM.ZIP The poc guide to coding [qb/asm] coding guide for qbasic and assembly
QBASIC.ZIP Qbasic tutorial
QBDRW.ZIP QB draw version 1.04
QBINVADE.ZIP QB Invaders Ver 1.1 for Qbasic
QBMATRIX.ZIP Matrix 2.1 is the enhanced version of QB Matrix and was written in QuickBasic 4.5. Game written in QBasic with src
QBSBKIT.ZIP QBXIOL Input/Output Low-Level Library for QuickBASIC 4.x and BASIC 7.x
QBSUBFUN.ZIP Library of usefull Qbasic subfunctions an subprograms
QBSVGA.ZIP QBSVGA, version 3.21 "QBSVGA" is a set of subroutines/functions (and an "include file") that can be used within QB programs to achieve SVGA graphic capability. Much, but not all, of the standard QB graphic routines are emulated.
RBBS174B.ZIP RBBS-PC 17.4 This file contains the source code, batch files and .BAS files needed to compile using QB 3.0 for DOS.
REALFUN.ZIP RealFun: Real & Complex Math Libraries for QuickBASIC
RM2.ZIP Rigor mortis 2 , QBasic game
RPGCODE.ZIP Roleplaying game in Qbasic
RWBBSSRC.ZIP RWBBS - Weather Bulletin Board Program Smal BBS System, but no files support for QBASIC 4.5
SINE2.ZIP QB demo shows a line of text wrapped along a sine wave
SPACE2.ZIP Space commander , Q Basic game
STEELPRN.ZIP SteelPrint! - Custom text print subroutine for VGA Mode 13
STRZGAZE.ZIP Starz Gaze , alien game in basic
SWFXV1.ZIP FX Version 1.0, Sound effects creator for Qbasic If your looking for an easy way to add sound to your Qbasic programs this may be your dream program. FX has a graphical interface that allows you to program the FM hardware on any sound card. No experiance necessary. Just click and listen ! Comes with Qbasic playback example programs and a Qbasic game called Targets. FX requires a VGA, Mouse and sound card. FX requires registration to save sound effect fil
SWSPV1.ZIP SPRITE 2.0 Is a full featured image editor utility that can make adding colorfull detailed images to Qbasic(r) possible. Sprite utilizes Mode 13 (320x200x256) and can edit multiple images at once up to 64 X 64 pixels in 256 colors. Because SPRITE can display and save multiple images at once, it is ideally suited for developing graphics for programs that require numerous small images, like those that are found in games.
TESTPAL.ZIP TESTPAL Program to demonstrate palette manipulation in QBasic or QuickBasic
ULTMKJ.ZIP The Ultimate MKJ Player v2.0 MKJamz (please forgive the stupid name) is a file format designed for QBasic programmers who want MIDI-like music in their programs. The earliest version of MKJamz was completed sometime around August of 1996.
WEBWALK.ZIP Gnome Walk THis program demonstrates How to animate a character and how to reduce the flicker that you always get when animating in QBasic
VECT_A_B.ZIP A fast, QBasic 4.5 3-D wireframe animation program.

Power Basic sources

2JULIAN.ZIP PowerBASIC function to convert a Date to a Julian number
BARDCOL1.ZIP The Bard Collection PowerBASIC 2.1a Is group of routines for PowerBASIC 2.1a that I have completely tested. Better yet, it is the Source Code! to all of those routines. Many of these routines can also be found in .PBU form in PB Tools.
BARDCOL2.ZIP The Bard Collection II PowerBASIC 2.1a The Bard Collection is group of routines for PowerBASIC 2.1a that I have completely tested. Better yet, it is the Source Code! to all of those routines. Many of these routines can also be found in .PBU form in PB Tools.
BASM286.ZIP BASM286! The BASIC to 286 Assembly Compiler Written entirely in PowerBASIC v3.0 BASM286 converts a BASIC-like language to pure MASM and TASM assembly language source code. Creates stand alone .COM or .EXE's or use the code to optimize routines in other languages. With large DOC file, 75 demos with generated .ASM, EXE and COM files for you to learn from. SHAREWARE ( cheap! ) and PowerBASIC source code available for personal use. Give it a try, it's alot of fun!
FIRSTBAS.ZIP FirstBasic compiler 1.00 by PowerBASIC. A true machine code Basic compiler. Stop using the QBasic interpreter and step up to the speed of compiled code. Leave behind 64k string limitations and feel the "Power" of built-in Array Sorting & Searching, file and record Locking, and more accurate calculations with 80-bit floating point and BCD variables for financial calculations. See how we put the "Power" in Basic. $25 SHAREWARE.
PCL4PB43.ZIP PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS LIBRARY FOR POWER BASIC, Ver 4.3,>ASP<. Async comm library supporting COM1 thru COM20 to 115,200 baud, 4+ ports concurrently, many dumb multiport boards, 16550 UART, interrupt driven, RTS/CTS flow control, any UART address using IRQ2 thru IRQ15. Supports Power BASIC only.

Basic sources

3D_BOXES.ZIP 3dDemo in basic
3D5.ZIP fast 3-D wireframe program in basic
ALTBC555.ZIP ALT-QUICK for PDS v7.xx., version v5.55 This is the talked about programmer's tools that are written by Christy Gemmell-England. Add many new routines and functions to your present or even new programs to give them a unique look and feel. With this toolbox you can do it easily ! Add Popups, zooms, extended functions not present in QB45. Available in QB, PDS, Visual Basic. !!! U.S.A.
ANGELLIB.ZIP ANGELIB 1.9a PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming library. Over 60 routines such as a horizontal bar menu, scrolling information window, and a file selection window (all with mouse support) and printer functions such as soft font selection and downloading, etc. *NEW* Full LIB.
C_CANSOP.ZIP Command & conquer - the ansi operations
DDJMAZ.ZIP This BASIC program graphically demonstrates the method of solving mazes given by Basem A. Nayfeh in "Cellular Automata for Solving Mazes" in the February 1993 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. Basically, dead end rooms are sealed off until there are no more.
DND29SRC.ZIP The Adventure System v2.9c-4 bbs/door/game source code In PDS 7.1.
EBBS154.ZIP EBBS-PC v1.54 Offers a full screen ANSI editor, XYZmodem file transfers, DOOR's, Remote Sysop Shell, 26 message bases, 26 transfer sections, high speed modems, and much more. EBBS-PC sets up in minutes, is easy to maintain and now includes all PowerBASIC v3.0c source code. Freeware by Ed Parry.
ECALC1-3.ZIP Electrical Calculations Version 1.3 (Basic source)
ENIGMA_1.ZIP This program simulates the Enigma cipher machine in Basic
FIREWORK.ZIP Fireworks routines in basic
GET2PCX.ZIP This basic program inputs image data from a Basic BSAVEd file and converts it to a PCX format. With source
HOLE.ZIP Wormhole effect in Basic
IBRARY20.ZIP IBRARY 2.0 , A library for the ASIC 4.00 compiler. Over 200 assembly-language routines of all types (assembler not required).
IMB9011.ZIP Demonstrates how to check if a credit card number is valid. (basic source)
LAND.ZIP Landscape generator with basic sourcecode
LANDS.ZIP This program makes a nice 3d landscape (Basic)
MARQFIT.ZIP MARQFIT.BAS -- a non-linear least squares fitting routine using the marquardt algorithm
MUSIC.ZIP Some music tunes for Basic
PADDLE.ZIP Paddlewar v1.2 , basic game
SECU_P1.ZIP Password Generators Basic programs for generating passwords
SNAKES3.ZIP Snake game in Basic
STORM.ZIP STORM Lightning Simulator Program (basic)
TG.ZIP Topgun blackjack v1.0 game in basic