DOS Diagnostic & Debugging utilties

BBX201.ZIP BRKBOX is a software version of a hardware breakout box. It displays the status of a COM or LPT port inside your PC. The status of the various port flags are displayed on the screen and are updated in real time as port activity happens.
BIOSR11.ZIP BIOS Reporter v1.1 >ASP< Actively reports system information available in BIOS data area; can be run as pop-up TSR to report changes to BIOS values while a second program is running. Allows printing
COMCHK15.ZIP Commchk is used to analyze information on a serial line by intercepting the information and allowing you to view the captured information in either a HEX format or in an ASCII format. The information captured may also be saved in files stored on disk.
COMPRT20.ZIP COMPORT V2.0 Manipulate and Display COM and LPT Port Info For COM ports, displays UART type, IRQ used. Allows addition or removal of COM and LPT ports from DOS at any address. Netware and LAN Manager aware.
COMTEST.ZIP COMTEST v2.0 ComTest is a serial communication utility that allows you to test the connection between your computer and whatever serial-ready device you want to hook up to. With C++ src
DIZTOOL.ZIP DIZTOOL v1.0 - A program to create, edit, and save FILE_ID.DIZ files. This version is the Windows 95 version of DizTool. This FILE_ID.DIZ file was written using DizTool. Requires Microsoft Windows 95 to run. Shareware, $10.00 registration.
DLM140.ZIP D L M An IBM P.C. Based RS-232 Asynchronous Data Line Monitor Release 1.5 Have you ever been in the situation where you have two serial devices (such as a PC and a printer), which SHOULD work but just don't seem to communicate? Or perhaps you are trying to debug a new communications protocol, and when you start the file transfer evrything just LOCKS UP!!!
DRH37E.ZIP DR.HARDWARE SYSINFO V 3.7e INcredible hardware detection and benchmarking program. 60 windows with details about CPU, chipset, BIOS, PCI, SCSI and EIDE devices, about VGA adapter, CD ROM, network, memory, WIN 95. With benchmarks, report function and memory dump. New in 3.7e: Pentium-II detection, Intel 430TX chipset details and SCSI benchmark (both in reg. ver- sion); detects Ultra-DMA/33-Mode on EIDE drives.
FLM.ZIP The FLMon is a simple serial monitor software, made to make it possible to store large amounts of data directly onto a hard disk.
GOSCOM.ZIP Serial-port logger Run from the command line, this code sets up and listens to a comm port. A file is created and written consisting of all input received thorugh the comm port. When a diamond character (PostScript End-of-Transmission Character) or a hex 1A, ^Z, DOS End-of-File is received, the created file is closed and used as input to the GoScript program, which is invoked through an EXEC call. (asm src)
INTSPY.ZIP intspy - Monitor interrupts while running a program. Intspy runs command with optional parameters, logging interrupts to logfile. Which interrupts have to be monitored, and what has to be logged is defined in the file intspy.ini. This file is searched for, in the current directory. Next all directories included in the PATH environment variable are searched. The format of intspy.ini is the standard Windows ini file format.
IRQSHO_.ZIP IrqShow 1.50 Shows which IRQ is used and when it is used. If you install new Hardware you will need this!
PORT21.ZIP Hardware port diagnostics 2.1 Is a simple program that lets you write 8-bit data (00-FF) to any hardware port address (0000-FFFF). The program also has a data bit toggle feature (using F1-F8) that lets you toggle the status of any bit (1 or 0) without entering numerical data value. This is useful for troubleshooting data lines on PC hardware cards. You can also read data from any 4 hardware ports (0000-FFFF). This program should simplify testing and troubleshooting PC cards and PC based projects.
PORTUSE.ZIP I wrote this program to show me just which ports were being used in my computers. Its hard to pick a port to use on the ethernet card if you don't know what's already been used. You must supply a block of ports to look at in hex. With Pascal src
SCOPE.ZIP DataScope Version 1.1x Is a powerful serial communications analyzer designed as a high performance tool for software and hardware professionals. Now you can eliminate guesswork about asynchronous transmissions, connections, character timing, and serial events without purchasing an expensive hardware monitor.
SDD53A-D.ZIP SciTech Display Doctor v5.3a: SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 2.0 device support for playing the latest games. This is a special DOS only version for customers without a copy of Windows (ie: DOS and OS/2 users). If you have a copy of Windows, please download the full Windows installation version.
VECTVI.ZIP VECTOR VIEW is a utility which allows you to save all of your Interrupt vector addresses to a data file, which can be viewed by any text editor or text file viewer. The data saved by VECTOR VIEW can be used to discover which interrupt vectors are being used in your system, and where they point to. Also, you can learn which vectors are not being used, which is useful if you are writing a program which will install an interrupt.
XRAY15.ZIP XRAY 1.5 - Displays interrupts/calls during pgm execution Is a DOS programming tool which displays informative messages about the operating system (DOS) functions. With XRAY, you'll be able to snoop in on the operating systems inards and diagnose obscure programming bugs. The high resolution timer and summary display can also help optimize your program's I/O. It can be used with programs written in any language and requires no special compiler.

Windows Diagnostic & Debugging utilties

CHK2000.ZIP Check 2000 Version 1.00.000 A tool for checking source code for the potential errors relating to the year 2000 problem. Creates reports. Configurable search strings. 16 and 32-bit versions. Help contains many hints and tips on solving the problem.
COMINS3X.ZIP ComSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.4 (16bit) ComSpy for Windows 3.x reports you the activities on your modem thru COM port APIs (such as: ReadComm, WriteComm, etc). You can also capture all data flowing in and any commands sending out by the programs like WinCim (the program you use to connect to CompuServe). - Monitor Windows COM related APIs - Report the APIs called and their parameters - Capture data to file for you to analyze - Learn what happens when you connect to CompuServe, AOL, etc. - Discover if anyone steals your data when you connect to them ... - Varify that your financial information is encoded as you expect
COMINS95.ZIP ComSpy3x for Windows 95 ComSpy for Windows 3.x reports you the activities on your modem thru COM port APIs (such as: ReadComm, WriteComm, etc). You can also capture all data flowing in and any commands sending out by the programs like WinCim (the program you use to connect to CompuServe).
EXEINS3X.ZIP ExeSpy3x for Windows 3.x v 3.4 Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95 - Monitor program launching and termination - Windows creation and closing - Modules loading and unloading - File access - INI file access - Registry access - Includes with DLLCheck3x absolutely free
EXEINS95.ZIP ExeSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.4 Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95 - Monitor 32 bit applications as well as 16 bit applications - Process/thread creation and termination - Windows creation and closing - Modules loading and unloading - File and directory access - Undocumented/unexported module loading, adding to and deleting from process database - INI file access - Registry access - And more ...
EXESPY95.ZIP ExeSpy - Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95 As an end-user or a system administrator, do you really reinstall the whole package. Or you will first try to find out what exactly has been lost or has failed? Let ExeSpy help. ExeSpy can pinpoint which components (DLLs/Exes/Drvs/VBXes) that Windows is looking for, Just locate these missing things and copy them to the system!! ExeSpy also provides you the information if the application can not start because of failing to create a window.
HAT_NT.ZIP HeapAgent(tm) Trial version 2.0 for Window NT Once you've installed HeapAgent and selected the EXEs that you want HeapAgent to automatically check, HeapAgent will be there transparently checking for memory errors every time you run your application, whether you run the app standalone or from inside the Visual C++ debugger. And when HeapAgent finds an error, you'll have instant access to a full array of heap diagnostic tools, including your debugger, to help you track that sucker down and fix it.
INFSPY.ZIP InfSpy v1.0 Shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and Modules in a window and relates them to each other. Other features include Heap Memory Dump, printing and saving options, a Task terminator, Module Unload, and more
INIMON.ZIP Windows Initialization Monitor Initialization Monitor is designed to help programmers monitor changes made to program initialization files. However, it can also be used by the casual user to monitor initialization changes when installing new programs. Multiple instances can be run to monitor multiple files. To learn to use Help, press F1, or choose How to use Help from the Help menu.
INISPY95.ZIP INISpy95 - Powerful Registry and INI file tracer for Windows 95 INI Spy allows you to monitor read and write activity by any 16-bit Windows application against all INI-style files in your system. It reports the values read and retrieved from INI files and attaches to the log the date and time the activity took place. You can spy on specific initialization files or select all INI-style files. The Windows 95 version also traces all Registration Database calls!
KCEX10.ZIP KeyCode Explorer 1.0 for Windows 95 Is a little utility especially for programmers to get the ASCII code and HEX code of a pressed key. You get rid of searching in books or in documentations, if you need a key code.
MEMMON95.ZIP MemMonitor Windows 95 Standard Edition v 4.0 MemMonitor traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap for Windows 95) Or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory allocation and deallocation. The Summary Window shows you the amount (in bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in each API set based on process. - Report net allocated amount of memory for each running process - Helps you determine if memory leakage is occurring - Curious about shared heaps in Windows 95 - And more ...
MEMPRO95.ZIP MemMonitor Windows 95 PRO Edition v 4.0 MemMonitor Pro is the professional edition of MemMonitor. It has all the functionalities provided in MemMonitor Standard Edition. It traps and reports you (Global/Local/Virtual/Heap for Windows 95) or (Global/Local for Windows 3x) memory allocation and deallocation. The summary windows shows you the amount (in bytes) of memory in allocation and deallocation in each API set based on process (process name). - A tool professionals should possess in helping resolving memory leaking - Report net allocated amount of memory for each running process - Helps you determine if memory leakage is occurring - Capture & report memory allocation thru Global*/Local*, Heap*, Virtual*, APIs - Capure share heap/memory activities by Windows 95 - Detailed report unmatched APIs to let you track down the memory leaking in your programs - And more ...
NEWAPI32.ZIP NEWAPI32 Version 1.00.000 Is a tool that will allow you to intercept the API calls made by any 32 bit program under Windows 95, providing the API is accessible from your memory context. This includes the API�s of the system DLL�s located above 2GB. With C source.
NEWSPY.ZIP NewSpy Version 1.00 , Clone of MicroSoft's SPY Program Is a clone of the Spy program that is included in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). NewSpy shows what messages are being sent to a window, allowing you to make sure that the messages you think are being sent are actaully being sent. NewSpy displays the handle of the window that is being spied upon, the message, and the values of the message parameters (wparam and
ODBC95.ZIP ODBCSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.0 This is the most powerful ODBC spy around. There are many unique features provided by this ODBCSpy. This ODBCSpy let you monitor all ODBC drivers at the same time. You don't need to select a specific ODBC driver to monitor and are therefore not limited to spy on one ODBC driver only at a time. It lets you enable only those SQL* functions you are interested in and disable spying on the rest calls. Now you can really save your time by focusing on only those you really care about.
RESSPY3X.ZIP ResSpy for Windows 3x v3.0c Lets you monitor most resource creation and destruction APIs in Windows environment. It covers HDC, HBITMAP, HICON, HCURSOR, HACCEL, HFONT, HMENU, etc. It tells you who calls the API to create the handle, the parameters, and the resulted handle value. It can be a tool that you can use to identify what resources are created in an application, and also what resources are not deleted when the program terminates. Or use this tool as an assistant to learn how other program invoke and utilize Windows APIs.
RESSPY95.ZIP ResSpy95 for Windows 95 v 4.0 Lets you monitor most resource creation and destruction APIs in Windows environment. It covers HDC, HBITMAP, HICON, HCURSOR, HACCEL, HFONT, HMENU, etc. It tells you who calls the API to create the handle, the parameters, and the resulted handle value. It can be a tool that you can use to identify what resources are created in an application, and also what resources are not deleted when the program terminates. Or use this tool as an assistant to learn how other program invoke and utilize Windows APIs.
SDD53A.ZIP SciTech Display Doctor 5.3a (Windows 3.1/95 Installation) The Universal Graphics Card Utility SciTech Display Doctor (formerly known as UniVBE) now supports over 250 different SVGA chips and includes a Windows install and user interface (a DOS only install is available). SciTech Display Doctor fixes the most common problems with Super VGA (SVGA) graphics cards. It features: graphics chip detection, display power management, display centering, refresh rate control and compatibility & performance testing. UniVBE, the Universal VESA BIOS Extension (VBE) is included in the SciTech Display Doctor package.
SETWATCH.ZIP Watch version 2.0 Is a program that monitors the actions Of other programs - what files they are reading, writing, anything they happening to be doing on your system, WATCH records the details on disk, for you to view later. WATCH is a DOS program, but works with 16-bit Windows, too- it can tell you which DLL's a program is loading, and in which order, for example.
TEKFACTS.ZIP TECHFACTS v1.10 (16-bit) Is a powerful Windows utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for DLLs, Icons and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable resource mon- itors and multiple resource\disk alarms. TechFacts allows you to transmit any data by Fax\Modem, or by MAPI Email or by SMTP Internet Email,
TEKFCT95.ZIP TECHFACTS 95 v1.10 - Shareware - TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95 utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for Files, DLLs, and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable resource monitors and multiple resource\disk alarms as well as a Windows 95 registry performance monitor. TechFacts 95 allows you to transmit any data by Fax\Modem, or by MAPI Email or by SMTP Internet Email, all drivers are included and contained within TechFacts.
TPODBC32.ZIP Trace Plus 32 / ODBC , 32 Bit ODBC Debugging Facility
TTB95.ZIP TopToBottom for Windows 95 (ver4) Reports both 16-bit and 32-bit loaded modules and their DLLs PLUS VxDs and registered OCXs. With the log enabled, it also captures new module loads by an active or newly created process. TopToBottom helps you resolve conflicts between differing versions of a DLL, OCX, or VxD. It reports version information and any potential duplicates found in your Windows search path.
VBSYS350.ZIP VBSys Windows System Monitor 32 Bit Ver 3.5 for Win 95 ONLY VBSys is designed to help a user monitor many system resources at all times and to combine some utilities that you may already use. Monitors: Disk Space (even Net), Memory, SwapFile Usage , CPU, #Processes, Date/Time, and much more all in one small display.
WINTRA.ZIP WinTrace (WT.EXE) is a general purpose trace utility which allows you to trap any Windows APIs (DLL functions) under your finger-tips. WinTrace is a low-level debugging utility which requires users to know how windows API passes its arguments on the stack and how windows API gets its returned values from the registers.
WLCHECK.ZIP Link Check Version 5.1 LInk Check verifies links between executable files and modules (DLLs). Useful for analyzing those "Cannot find (filename) or one of its components" and "Call to Undefined Dynalink" system error msgs. View Version info on all modules. Check modules loaded in RAM as well as RAM details. Analyze function calls inside DLLs and others. VBX support is also included. You can now register via an electronic key. v5.1 for Win 3.x
WNSPCT11.ZIP WinSpector So, you are a computer guru, and want to keep track of your system resources or you need to debug programs to see if there are memory leaks, or just how much memory it needs. WinSpector is the program for you. From its friendly LCD panel that display the amount of memory and system resources to its multimedia/video analyzer, WinSpector is one great program that will end up in your Start-up box very soon. Besides testing the processorspeed,multimediacapabilities, printing options, and system resources, WinSpector can also analyze your hard disk right down to the number of clusters on your harddrive. Shareware 1.0 REQ: VB40032.DLL
WXI95-20.ZIP Win-eXpose-I/O ,v2.00,Util,SHAREWARE Windows 95 Files I/O Tracer/Debugger Gives REAL-TIME report on files I/O all over the system (even DOS BOXES) a MUST HAVE tool for anyone who tries to find out which file an application is using or missing. Great tool for also for dev. tracking file operation by an external utility, and for improving windows performance.