File converting programs

ASC_HYP.ZIP ASCII to HyperText + HyperText to HTML conversion tool
B64DCODE.ZIP B64dCode Conversion Utility Version 2.4 B64dCode (Base 64 Encode/Decode Utility) will decode MIME/Base 64 files back into their original configuration or encode any other file type into MIME/Base 64. MIME is an acronym for Multi-part Internet Mail Encoding, a specification commonly used for Internet email attachments. Base 64 is a coding standard that allows 8-bit files (graphics, compressed files, word processing documents, etc.) to be transported via Internet email.
BIN2ARR.ZIP BIN2ARR and BIN2INC TwO Utilities That Convert - Binary Files Into Usefull - C and ASM Include Files - Coded By Eminent Doom - Source Included -
BIN2OBJ.ZIP BIN2OBJ.EXE is a neat little utility that allows you to convert Binary datafiles to OBJect files for linking external data onto program code. Like, say, drivers, fonts, graphics, fish-recipes or any other kind of binary data.
EMXAOUT1.ZIP MASM/TASM .OBJ -< .O converter for DJGPP/EMX with source
HTMASC21.ZIP HTMASC V2.1, (16-bit version) The fast and easy way to convert pages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) to plain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags (e.g.>TITLE<, >HEADER< ...) are removed and entities (" ö ....) are converted. Fully functional Shareware $25.- Support Page:
HTMASC32.ZIP HTMASC V2.1 32bit The fast and easy way to convert pages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) to plain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags (e.g.>TITLE<, >HEADER< ...) are removed and entities (" ö ....) are converted. Multiple File Convert, History List, Batch Processing, Run URL ... Fully functional Shareware $25.- Support Page:
HTML2CGI.ZIP Convert HTML files into statements ready to insert into your WinCGI programs.
OEM_ANSI.ZIP OEM_ANSI - OEM-ANSI Text-Converter v4.01 Converts OEM-text (DOS-format) into ANSI-text (Windows-format) and vice versa. All special characters are converted correctly ! OEM_ANSI is either using the Windows clipboard or converts a file directly. Of course, OEM_ANSI supports Drag'n'Drop from any Windows-File-Manager. Additionally, HTML-files can be converted into ANSI format.
QSTRIP2S.ZIP Quail Stripper ver 2.0 A DOS utility that strips HTML codes from a text file. In the past if you downloaded a page from the web and wanted to read it, you had to sort through all the HTML codes. Those days are past. Quail Stripper removes the HTML codes from the file, without touching the text.
U2D.ZIP U2D : Convert Unix text files to MS-DOS U2D is a Windows 3.1 program which converts Unix text file line endings to MS-DOS format. U2D is an example of a Windows "drag-and-drop" application. To convert a file, all you have to do is to click on a file in the Program Manager, drag it to the U2D icon and drop it off. U2D can process multiple files at a time.
WC273R16.ZIP Wincode v2.7.3c Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Windows. Supports UU,XX,USR,BASE64(MIME), BINHEX,BTOA(4&5) & BOO encode/decode. Includes support for external ZIP/UNZIP and Virus Scan programs. Winsock compatible module will automatically E-Mail and/or Post encoded documents. Smart Decoder; Drag & Drop; Fully Configurable. FREEWARE. 16-bit Win 3.1x Version -< Works great under Win95/NT also...

Music and Sound converters

ADP101.ZIP ADPCM File Converter v1.01 Command-line utility to convert 16 bit, stereo .WAV files to a compressed format 1/4th the original size. The Decoder is used to restore the compressed file back to it's original format. Although this is a "lossy" algorithm, you will probably not be able to hear any difference. Shareware.
AU2RAW.ZIP Reads a Sun .au file, (which uses ulaw compression), and outputs raw PCM 16 bit data.
AWAVE43.ZIP Awave v4.3 Audio & Wavetable Instrument File Format Converter, Editor & Player Awave reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers and trackers. It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, an audio editor, an audio player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument format converter and editor. Data is internally represented in a superset of the format defined by the DownLoadable Sounds architecture level 1 standard. It can be viewed as a graphical tree with the �collection� as the stem, instruments, layers, and regions as - Convert among < 100 audio file formats. - Read the instrument formats of most commercial synthesizers and soundcards. - Make high quality conversions between the bank and instrument formats of different synthesizers! - Use it as a 'generic' instrument editor for your wavetable sound card. For some cards this is the *only* one available! - Use it as an audio player. - Use it as a simple audio editor.
C2SND200.ZIP CONV2SND v2.00 Convert RIFF WAVE or raw, 8-bit digitized sound files to and from DeskMate Sound.pdm format. Features: selectable sampling rate, prepro- cessor for 16-bit and stereo .wav's, naming the converted sound, and automatic .wav detection. Source code and description of .snd format included.
CONV13B.ZIP Convert v1.3B, (c) 1996 Jesus Villena The latest solution to obtain samples from: -Instruments: PAT,GKH,ED?,EF?,TXW,SDK,KRZ SBK -Sound Files: SND,RAW,WAV,AIFF,IFF,AU,SMP SDS,SDX,SF -Modules : MOD,MTM,S3M,ULT,FAR,669,DMF UNI,DSM,OKT,STM,MED,PAC,PSM F2R,F3R UWF,FSM,S3I,SOU,DSF, and convert them to: PAT,SND,RAW,WAV,AIFF,IFF,AU,SF,SBK
DECODER.ZIP MPEG3 (MP3) to .VAW fileconverter
DSCON34C.ZIP DSCON Sound sample conversion shell, Version 3.4c... Supports conversion of .VOC, .WAV, .IFF, and several other sound formats into .SAM format for use on the PC in MODs. Also has convienient options to shell out to run support, programs, and defineable help text.
MOD15INS.ZIP Converts 15 instruments .MOD-files to/from 31 instruments modules
SOX7DOS.ZIP SOX- sound exchange - universal sound sample translator Sox translates sound files from one format to another, possibly doing a sound effect. With C source.
WAV2DWD.ZIP WAV2DWD file format converter
WAV2XI11.ZIP WAV_2_XI v1.1 8/16 bit mono WAV to XI converter If you often rip WAV's from CDs with CDINFO & Co. then this little tool is for you! I wrote that because Jesus Villena's CONVERT 1.4b sometimes produces nice crap (creates funny volume envelopes and loop points) and F. Markus Jonsson's AWAVE (former 2PAT) can't export XI's nor can handle wildcards.
VOC2SND.ZIP Voc2Snd - A Creativ Voice file to Macfile convertor This program takes a .VOC files (as made by Sound Blaster's VREC command) and converts it to a .SND file used by REMAC and by Macintosh machines.
VOC2ST3.ZIP This is a little program I wrote that makes standard .voc files into something Scream Tracker III can use as a sample. You can put regular voc files into ST3, however, there are annoying clicks at the beginning and the end. This program erases those.

Graphics fileconverters

3DT3D17.ZIP 3Dto3D ver 1.7 This program is a little utility to convert 3D files to a number of other 3D formats. It can generate smooth triangles for those formats that support it, allowing you to specify the angle under which the faces should be smoothed.
3DWIN22.ZIP 3DWin A Little 3D to 3D Format Converter Version 2.2 This program is a little utility to convert 3D files to a number of other 3D formats. It can generate smooth triangles for those formats that support it, allowing you to specify the angle under which the faces should be smoothed.
C2JPG120.ZIP The CONV2JPG.EXE is a Win32 command-line program that converts and/or resizes almost any image or graphics file format to a 24-bit JPEG (JFIF compliant) file with specified compression quality. It can for example be used to create low resolution previews (thumbnails) for WWW-server applications. It's ideal for automated batch or single graphics file conversions. The program works under Windows NT and Windows 95. The following formats are supported: PCD (Photo-CD), JFIF, JPEG, JTIF, GIF, EPS, PNG, PICT, PSD, TIFF, MPT, IOCA, TGA, BMP, WMF, PCX, DCX, OS/2 BMP, CALS Raster, MAC, IMG, MSP, WPG, RAS, LEAD, WinFax Group 3, WinFax Group 4, FAX Group 3, FAX Group 4.
DEM2POV.ZIP DEM2POV v1.2a Converts USGS Digital Elevation Model data files to tga height-field for POV raytracer. converted W. D. Kirby, 30 mar 96. hacked from dem2xyz.c 18 apr 95. converts 3 arc second to lat/long, sol katz, mar. 94. added sampling and cutting to size, sol katz, apr 94. changed the calculation of start position in sampling code, sol katz, jan 95.
DXF2TRI.ZIP Dxf2tri, DXF polyline/polygon to triangle converter This is a utility that extracts polyline shapes from a DXF file and breaks them down into individual triangles. The polylines are assumed to be closed, planar (2D) polygons. This program only deals with POLYLINE entities and ignores all other entities in the DXF file. All properties (color, line type) are ignored.
ICON2BMP.ZIP Icon-2-bmp a simple icon converting utility Program that will convert a Windows icon (*.ico) into a Windows bitmap (*.bmp). A lot of graphics editing programs will open bitmaps but not icons (for example, Paintbrush and Paint Shop Pro), and at some point you may wish to use an icon in one of these packages.
J2G.ZIP A jpeg to gif converter (J2G) 1.00 J2G will convert graphic images from the Jpeg (.JPG) format into the CompuServe Graphic Interchange Format (.GIF)
PCX2RAW.ZIP PCX2RAW v1.00 25-07-97 AdVanced PCX to RAW converter. Display output image, change color depth, limit number of colors used, find common palette for multiple images, save info files about images, Floyd/Steinberg dithering.
PCX2RAW1.ZIP PCX2RAW V1.5 Convert any 320*200*256 PCX file to a 64.000 RAW file. In option, you can create a PAL file A little program very usefull !
PRAW_PCU.ZIP Praw2tga Converts PSX raw image files to Targa format. Currently, only 16 and 24 bit files are supported, but this should cover about 75% of what's out there (along with TIM2TGA and TIM2BMP).
PV2MR217.ZIP POV2MDL Version 1.7 POV-Ray 2.x to MORAY 2.x Converter Converts scene files from POV-Ray's POV to MORAY's MDL format.
PVPARS10.ZIP povpars , PovRay to Moray converter
RAWRSH25.ZIP RawRush V2.00�5 - NoWare Version >TM< PCX >< RAW (and Palette) Converter, with Palette Optimization and Relocation...
REDUCE10.ZIP Reduce v1.0 converts any number of PCX files to one file with one palette that contains shading gradients. -Quantizes any number of 256 colour PCX files to one palette -Generates shading table -Friendly to the environment
TGAMIX11.ZIP TGAMIX 1.1 the TGA Mixer With this little tool, you can process very big TGA files. Here you can scale, copy and do other usefull things between TGA-picturefiles.
TICOBMP2.ZIP Icon to Bitmap Conversion DCU 16bit Version 2.0
TTFUDO03.ZIP ttf2udo TruetyPeconverter Version 1.0 This program converts TTF strings into UDO (Moray) and INC (POV-Ray 3.0). Several options control this process to enable better handling of TTF-objects from within Moray. The output generated by ttf2udo requires Moray V2.5 or better and POV-Ray 3.0 or better.
TTFUDO12.ZIP Ttf2udo truetypeconverter version 1.2 This program converts TTF strings into UDO (Moray) and INC (POV-Ray 3.0/ PolyRay 1.8). Several options control this process to enable better handling of TTF-objects from within Moray. The output generated by ttf2udo requires Moray V2.5 or better and POV-Ray 3.0/PolyRay 1.8 or better.