Raytracing/Rendering/Shading textfiles

3DSHADE.ZIP Three Dimensional Shading In Computer Graphics
BSP_TREE.ZIP This article explains how bsp (binary space partitioning) trees can be used in a game such as doom as part of the rendering pipeline to perform back-face culling, partial z-ordering and hidden surface removal.
BSPTIP.ZIP Binary Space Partition algorithm info
GOURAUD.ZIP How to code gouraud shading Full pascal source included
GPOLY.ZIP Wgt graphics tutorial #2 topic: gouraud shaded polygons
KARMADOC.ZIP More about shading, z-buffer, and textures
PHONG.ZIP A new approximation technique for the phong shading model based on linear interpolation of angles
POVZINE2.ZIP PovZine March/April 1995 Volume 1, Issue 2
POVZINE4.ZIP PovZine Summer 1996, magazine for POV users
RAY.ZIP Ray-Tracing with Affine Transforms
SHADOWS.ZIP A Comparison of Three Shadow Volume Algorithms

Raytracing/Rendering/Shading sources

3DCD19GZ.ZIP 3D Objecad 32-Bit Z-buffered Gouraud Engine ver 1.9 Lets you view your very own 3D art. Uses fast polygons to render realistic graphics. Check out the files provided in this package.
3DPLG.ZIP PLG Models Real Time Renderer. Environment mapped gouraud shaded polygons. Produces 35000 polys/sec on a 486DX-100MHz and a Local Bus VGA Coded by Thanassis Tsiodras (Hawk/Enigma).
4DXDEMO.ZIP 4DX Rendering Engine Demo 32 Bit for Watcom C/C++ 10 Demo of a 3D Texture Mapping engine for games. Includes demos for DOS and MS Windows. Windows demo requires Win32s and Wing installed, or Windows 95. Engine is very fast and does not require BSP's. Doom Wad converter available.
AST_GEN.ZIP Ast_gen generates a POV-Ray "include" file for the purpose of making an asteroid field in an image. It is very special-purpose and I didn't really expect it to be useful for anything other than one particular image I made. However, feel free to use it if you find it useful. C source.
CLMN.ZIP Column.C, a program that creates input for povray 3.0
DGAS095A.ZIP Dave G's Animation System 0.95 for POV-Ray
EXPLODE.ZIP Object exploder for persistence of vision 3.X
GVECTORS.ZIP Gouraud Vectors complete with c++ source code
LENSFLAR.ZIP Lens flare for persistence of vision 3.X
MIKADO.ZIP Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene
PASPHONG.ZIP A freeware 100% pascal phongshading program (source)
PHONGSRC.ZIP Fake phong source! (environment mapper) full pascal source including different environment maps!
PHSPHERE.ZIP Phong Shading Demo with C source Shades 20 spheres with differing values of Kd (diffuse) and Ks (specular) properties.
POB_SDK.ZIP POB SDK Version 0.8 (06/97) BETA POB (POvray Binary) format describes a file format, which handles all scene elements of POVRAY 3.0. The file format is binary, chunk oriented (like 3d studio format) and allows easy handling of all or specific scene elements.
POVLATHE.ZIP Lathe Generator for POV-Ray v2
POVSRC_1.ZIP Pov-Ray ver 2.2 source. This is the source code in highly portable C for the persistence of vision ray tracer pov-ray version 2.2. It also include machine specific source for all platforms except macintosh. (Mac users see povsrc.Sea) create your own \povray2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See povinf.Doc from this library for more information.
PRV2_4.ZIP POWER RENDER 2.4 A fully functional 3D programming API for Watcom C/C++ under DOS and Watcom or Microsoft Visual C/C++ under Win95. Supports: VESA 1.2, VESA 2.0 with LFB, and 3Dfx using Glide/WinGlide. See http://www.egerter.com for more information and demos. Some of the features are: - High Level portable C API - Low level hand optimized assembly rendering core - Support for VESA 1.2 and VESA 2.0 software rendering - 3Dfx support using the Glide library - Extends our popular 2D graphics/games library, WGT 5.1 - Hierarchical models - Unlimited number of light sources, finite (light bulb) or infinite distance (sun) - Over 60 different rendering methods - Viewport control allows for multiple views and changing viewport size on the fly - Built in input controls for different kinds of vehicles - Imports 3DS files directly - Custom PRO file format and advanced file/object manipulation - Assign materials and texture data for each individual polygon - Texture and shading data is stored in the face structure - Perspective Correct Texture Mapping with all shading models - Mip Mapping and material changes based on polygon distance - Animated, tiled, and masked textures
THREEDOM.ZIP Threedom: a 3D polygon renderer is a real-time 3D polygon rendering engine. It renders polygons as perspective-correct texture mapped surfaces, with flat shading to provide basic lighting effects. A Z-buffer is used to implement hidden surface removal, and rudimentary culling of polygons that are trivially not visible is performed.