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RedRival Internet Services
Legal Information


  • Company Information
  • Copyright Information
  • Links to Third-Party Material
  • Privacy Policy
  • Use of Copyrighted Materials and Logos
  • Warranties and Liability Statement
  • User License

  • Company Information

    RedRival Internet Services is a Canadian owned and operated company based out of Cannington, Ontario. RedRival Internet Services seeks to become profitable through the providing of services to those persons which have access to the Internet. The mailing address for RedRival Internet Services is:

    RedRival Internet Services
    P.O. Box 486
    Cannington, Ontario
    L0E 1E0

    If you wish to contact us, please send an email to

    The pages included under the domain name are owned, and operated, by RedRival Internet Services.
    NOTE: This excludes links to external sites

    Copyright Information

    All content found to be residing on the RedRival Internet Services' server(s) are copyright of RedRival Internet Services unless otherwise stated. No material found on the RedRival Internet Server(s) may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of RedRival Internet Services or their respective copyright holders.

    In the case of content created by our users and found residing in users' accounts, RedRival acknowledges that the rights to said content belong to the original author. As such, none of this material found to be residing on RedRival Internet Services' server(s) and found to be created by users holding an account with RedRival Internet Services may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of their respective copyright holders.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

    Links to Third-Party Material

    Some HTML links found on the RedRival Internet Services' server(s) may not be under the control of RedRival Internet Services. As such, RedRival Internet Services can not be held liable for the nature of any link. Links have the ability to transport a user to any site, with any type of content whether it contain pornography, adult content, violence or material illegal in nature. Hence, RedRival Internet Services forewarns that some links may direct to some sites which may be undesirable to the user.

    Although RedRival Internet Services makes a concerted effort to make sure the content of our users meets our standards, RedRival Internet Services can not guarantee the quality of hyperlinks. Visitors should also note that inclusion of a hyperlink on RedRival Internet Services' server(s) does not imply endoresement on the part of RedRival Internet Services.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

    Privacy Policy

    RedRival Internet Services respects the privacy of its users and visitors. As such, RedRival Internet Services will never divulge visitor or user information without the consent of the visitor or user.

    Upon entry to the RedRival Internet Services web site, no information is collected from the user. At no time, does RedRival Internet Services ever gain access to information about yourself, your computer, or information which you may have, unless consent is given in the form of the user filling out their information on a web page.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

    Use of Copyrighted Materials and Content

    Personal Use of RedRival Internet Services' Web Site Materials:

    You may not reproduce, copy, or redistribute the content, design or layout of the RedRival web site, individual lements of the web site design, or RedRival logos without the express written permission of RedRival Internet Services.

    Commercial Use of RedRival Internet Services' Web Site Materials:

    Reproduction, copying, or redistribution for commercial purposes of any content, materials or design elements of the RedRival web site is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of RedRival Internet Services.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

    Warranties and Liability Statement

    Information and documents provided on this web site are provided "as is" without any warranty, either expressed or implied. RedRival Internet Services makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this web site. However, RedRival Internet Services does not make any representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented on this web site.

    Use of this web site is at your own risk. RedRival Internet Services, its suppliers, providers, advertisers and the other parties involved in creating, maintaining and delivering this web site's contents are not liable for any damages arising from the use of this site.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

    User License

    The user license is an agreement between RedRival Internet Services and any user or visitor who accesses any services, in any way, offered by RedRival Internet Services. Before continuing using the services we offer, you must accept the terms stated below. When you have completed reading, understanding and comprehending the User License, you may then choose to Accept or Refuse the User License at the bottom. If you agree, you will be taken to a sign up page and you will soon have an account with RedRival. If you choose to refuse the User License, we ask that you not sign up for an account with RedRival.

    Content Guidelines:

    1. Users must not make 'warez' available for download. This means, any full commercial software that is made available by any user, which denies the rights of the copyright holder to receive funds from the software. RedRival Internet Services retains the right remove any accounts found violating this condition of the User License without warning.

    2. Users must not make any length of songs available for download, either located in your RedRival Internet Services account or linked from an external source, which the user does not have the copyright over. This means commercial music in formats such as MP3, VQF, WAV, etc.(and any other formats which reproduce music) are prohibited on RedRival Internet Services' server(s) as posting these songs for free, without the consent of the copyright holder, is violating the respective copyright holder's rights. The use of accounts provided by RedRival Internet Services is intended to be used for publishing quality content, not as a site meant solely for downloading purposes. RedRival Internet Services retains the right to remove any accounts found violating this condition of the User License with out warning.

    3. No information shall be posted which contains material that supports or encourages malicious actions which may be directed at other ethnic groups, certain sections of people, etc. RedRival Internet Services retains the right to remove any and all accounts violating this condition of the User License, at any time, without notice.

    4. No illegal activities are to be conducted through RedRival Internet Services' server(s). No acts which are considered illegal in Canada, United States of America, or in your country, are permitted. Content which promotes, conducts, supports, encourages such illegal actions is prohibited. RedRival Internet Services retains the right to remove any and all accounts found to be violating this condition of the User License without warning.

    5. RedRival Internet Services does NOT permit pornography, warez, adult content and illegal(as decided by RedRival Internet Services) materials. Anyone found posting any of these will have their accounts terminated without notice.

    6. Sites must have at least made an attempt at publishing content on RedRival Internet Services' server(s). RedRival Internet Services retains the right to remove any account which is deemed to be used as a distribution site only. This means users should create sites whereby visitors are meant to view the contents on RedRival Internet Services' server(s) and not meant to be a simple redirect to any other external servers or web sites. Sites that are not deemed appropriate, are sites in which there is minimal content, but large amounts of files available for download and/or sites which simply redirect to another web site while having very little, if any, content contained within the web site located on RedRival Internet Services' server(s).

    Terms of Services and Limitation of Liability:

    Information and documents provided on this web site are provided "as is" without any warranty, either expressed or implied. RedRival Internet Services makes reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this web site. However, RedRival Internet Services does not make any representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented on this web site.

    Use of this web site is at your own risk. RedRival Internet Services, its suppliers, providers, advertisers and the other parties involved in creating, maintaining and delivering this web site's contents are not liable for any damages arising from the use of this site.

    Web space must not be sub-leased for profit. In no manner, what so ever, shall web space for a single account be divided between multiple persons, of whom all pay money to a middle man. Accounts are for single person use only. It is prohibited to sell web space which you have attained access to on RedRival Internet Services server(s).

    RedRival Internet Services retains the right to discontinue any account at its discretion without prior notice and may choose not to disclose the reason for the deletion of the account.

    RedRival Internet Services does not permit multiple account signups. Each unique user may sign up for one(1) account on RedRival Internet Services. If a user signs up for more than one(1) account, RedRival Internet Services retains the right to delete all accounts belonging to that user.

    RedRival Internet Services does not permit the use of email accounts to "spam"(definition of 'spam' can be found at the FAQ), or mass email, other people. RedRival Internet Services does not permit the holding of accounts by individuals who are known to or reported as mass unsolicited emailers. If users are found doing this, RedRival Internet Services retains the right to delete all accounts found breaking this rule. Furthermore, the use of web space on RedRival Internet Services server(s) in connection with bulk unsolicited email, otherwise known as spam, in any way, shape or form is strictly prohibited.

    RedRival Internet Services retains the right to send email messages to all of its users at any time. These messages are not spam, they are updates, etc. about the RedRival Internet Services company.

    RedRival Internet Services is not liable for lossed data. Any data transfered by a user to RedRival Internet Services' server(s) may at any time disappear for no apparent reason. RedRival Internet Services tries its utmost to prevent such occurences and such situations are highly rare, but users should note this is a possibility. Users should create backups of all files on their own computers.

    If you agree to, and accept, all the terms above you may sign up to use the services which RedRival Internet Services provides. If you object to, and refuse, any of the terms above, you must leave this site immediately.

    By clicking on the "I Agree." link below, you are hereby agreeing to the terms as stated in the User License. You also declare that you fully comprehend and understand the User License and you declare RedRival Internet Services, its employees, its partners and all others in connection, in any form, with RedRival Internet Services, free from all liability.

    By clicking on the "I Disagree." link below, you are hereby disagreeing to all of the terms as stated in the User License. If you are disagreeing to one term in the User License, you are effectively disagreeing to all of the user license and therefor must not sign up for an account on RedRival Internet Services.

    I Agree. --- I Disagree.

    Thank you for considering RedRival Internet Services. Have a good day.

    Any questions on this subject may be directed to

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    Copyright 1999 RedRival Internet Services. RedRival� is a registered trademark of RedRival Internet Services. All rights reserved.
    Est. July 1, 1998
    Inquiries, suggestions and problems may be directed to the WebMaster.