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Hello and Welcome to the January edition of PC Answers.

May I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year. We've worked night and day to bring you the first CD of 2002. I hope you'll have as much fun going through it as we did putting it together. One program I want to bring your attention to is TechTracker Desktop, this free program will update you computer software so the whole thing runs smoother and faster.

Now, about these 6 full programs .....

Backup Plus 5.6.2 Need help backing up your files? We have just the solution you need
Print Artist Junior It’s the perfect design tool for kids (and grown ups!)
PowerZip 5.2 Looking for an archiving tool with that little bit extra?
Financial Advisor Lite Make your money go further with this financial calculator
SoftBulkEmail 1 Send personalised emails to thousands of customers quickly and easily
Growl Secure records of online transactions with Growl

What are all these icons within the text? They're called QBullets. QBullets are tiny icons that are attached to links to indicate their function, we hope you find them useful. Below is the QBullet Legend Table. You can download these QBullets for free at:

Until Next month ...

Kate Hadley - Senior Disc Editor


Navigational Cues

OutLink Links to a different Web site
Scroll Up Links to another place further up on the same page
Scroll Down Links to another place further down on the same page
New Window   Links to a page in a new window

Multimedia Cues

Acrobat   Links to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file
Sound Downloads and plays a digital sound file
Movie Downloads and plays a movie file
3D Media 3D movie glasses connect you to a VRML page or other 3D media
Microsoft Word   Downloads a Microsoft Word document
Microsoft PowerPoint   Downloads a Microsoft PowerPoint document

Content Cues

Definition   Links to a definition or glossary entry
Note Links to a short note (like a footnote)
Help Links to helpful instructions
Info   Links to special information (good for footnote-type links)
Form Links to a page with an interactive fill-out form
Search Links to a search page

Net Services Cues

Secure Page Links to a secured or password-protected page
Email Link Creates an email message
Downloadable File Links to an FTP archive and begins to download a file to your disk drive
FTP Directory Links to an FTP directory from which you can select a file to download
News Links to a News site


Important information - Please read before using this CD

The interface will automatically open in Internet Explorer. If you wish to view using Netscape, start Netscape and select 'File' on the toolbar then Choose 'Open page', then 'Choose file' finally Open 'index.htm' on the CD. If you are using Netscape you will have to install the programs manually.

Missing files?
Some programs on this CD require additional components and run time files, which in a majority of cases you will already have on your system. However, in some cases you may find that a program will not run or install on your system. If this is the case, please see the program's 'README' file for further information. Due to legal reasons we are unable to distribute some of these files ourselves, and so you will need to obtain the missing elements yourself, many of which can be found on this Web site. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause you.

Missing _setup.dll
If you get an error message saying that _setup.dll is missing, you will need to install the relevant program manually, bypassing our menu. It does not mean that you are missing any files, it's simply a conflict with the menu system.

Virus warning
All our CDs are independently tested by the Central Virus Certification Centre (CVCC) at the University of Bradford, and certified virus free before duplication.



Copyright Future Publishing 2001. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part
in any form or medium without express written permission from Future Publishing is prohibited.