WIG Price List

WIG is available to OfficeTalk users completely free of charge. If you wish to implement WIG separately, pricing details are below. Installations of between 1 and 9 users are charged at ú29 ($43.50) per user. Users purchased in addition to license packs are also charged at ú29 ($43.50) per user. All prices are exclusive of VAT, if applicable, and are correct at time of writing in September 1996.

Sareen Software welcome enquiries from Resellers.

  • WIG License Packs
    Price per pack(ú)Price per Pack(US$)
    10 usersú265$397.50
    20 usersú495$742.50
    50 usersú995$1492.50
    100 usersú1495$2242.50
    200 usersú1995$2992.50
    Additional single usersú29.00 each$43.50 each

    WIG licenses are activated by the provision of a unique registration keycode to be used with the downloaded software.

    Support for WIG and SIG is provided by E-Mail and fax, free of charge. Telephone support is available at ú70 per annum, per workgroup.

  • How To Order WIG
    Simply contact us with your order and payment details on +44 (0)181 423 9434 or fax us on +44 (0)181 423 9438. Alternatively from the US phone for free on 1 800 747 5914.

    Payment for WIG licenses can be made by Credit Card (Sterling only), Cheque (Sterling or US Dollar) or Direct Funds Transfer (Bank details available by fax on request). We accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express and will accept official Purchase Orders from companies with existing credit facilities.

    [Main Page] [WIG Overview] [How WIG Works] [WIG Download]

    Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
    Last Updated: 24/9/96 - Under Construction
    Webmaster: Karl Flower

    OfficeTalk & WIG are developed exclusively for Sareen Software Plc by Softalk Limited