Sareen Software welcome Resellers

The Sareen Software product range of OfficeTalk, the OfficeTalk Data Access Toolkit and Fax Server Macros, the Workgroup Internet Gateway and GFI FAXmaker, offers significant potential to Resellers, particularly System Integrators and VARs.

In addition to the margin on the product itself, system integrators and VARs are already generating significant added value revenue from the following areas:-
Sareen Software Plc recognises the value of Reseller channels and is keen to recruit Resellers, particularly those who can add value to the product by providing additional services such as training and consultancy.

In the first instance please contact Jill Pearson or Tim Lawes. If you mail, E-Mail or fax us, it would be helpful if you could include some background information on your organisation, the products for which you are already an Authorised Reseller, the geographic area in which you operate, any vertical markets in which you are particularly strong and any particular specialisms. We look forward to hearing from you.
[OfficeTalk and FAXmaker Pricing] [WIG Pricing]
[Main Page] [OfficeTalk Overview] [FAXmaker Overview] [WIG Overview]

Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
Last Updated: 24/9/96
Webmaster: Karl Flower