Networked Diaries with OfficeTalk

OfficeTalk Diaries are used to keep appointments, task lists (to-do lists) and background activities for yourself and all the other users in your organisation. OfficeTalk also provides you with diaries for resources such as meeting rooms, pool cars and other resources for no extra charge. You can view and update your own diary information. If you have the appropriate access rights, you can view and even update other users' diaries in seconds.
"One especially useful feature is the ability to keep diary information for resources such as meeting rooms, pool cars and other bookable items like overhead projectors, say."
Paul Begg, Personal Computer World, June 1996

"OfficeTalk has one of the best recurring appointment schedulers."
Computer Shopper, January 1996

[OfficeTalk Functionality] [Group Diary Views]
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Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
Last Updated: 24/9/96 - Under Construction
Webmaster: Karl Flower