[<<Previous Entry] [^^Up^^] [Next Entry>>] [Menu] [About The Guide]
       RemoteAccess   is  a  "fully-blown"  remote  bulletin  board
       package.  It  may be used as a stand-alone system or with  a
       front-end  mailer  if  you wish to interface it  to  a  mail
       network  such as FidoNet.  It offers fully  definable  menus
       with  a  unique  template system which provides not  only  a
       massive  degree  of  flexibility in  making  your  BBS  look
       different  from  any  other,  but also the  lowest  possible
       maintenance.  AVATAR  screen  control  is built  in,  making
       possible extremely efficient and  complex colour and  cursor
       control at the user's  end if an AVATAR terminal  program is

       Access  to the 200 available message areas is controlled  by
       your  menu structure,  along with a  sophisticated  security
       system which incorporates over 64,000 security levels with a
       set of user-definable flags. For each security level you can
       specify maximum download limits for different log-on speeds,
       daily time limits, and optionally activate the built-in file
       ratio  system,  limiting  downloads by ratio to  uploads  by
       either  number  of  files  or kilobytes.  In  addition  it's
       possible to assign a user to one of 255 separate groups, and
       in so doing segregate groups of users from each other.

       Other security features include the disallowing of downloads
       during peak hours,  disallowing low speed callers at certain
       times,  and disallowing ANSI graphics at low speeds. You can
       disallow  one-word "pseudonyms",  and  optionally  configure
       the system to force a user to change passwords every x  log-
       ons. Undesirable user names and passwords are also definable
       for  maximum  security.  If you're unlikely to want to  call
       your own system, remote sysop access can be disabled, making
       it virtually impossible for your account to be "hacked".

       Direct  support  for high-speed modems up to 38,400 baud  is
       available, and RemoteAccess will optionally answer the phone
       automatically  to ensure that the modem will answer if  your
       BBS is "alive and well".

       RemoteAccess  supports as many as 99  lines  simultaneously.
       Full  system  access  to  all  file  and  message  areas  is
       available  to  each line (at your discretion),  as  are  all
       doors.  Several  "multi-node specific" features are provided
       to  augment  multi-line operation.  You  can  configure  the
       system  to  disallow one person logging on to more than  one
       line  at  a  time.  A "who else is  on-line?"  and  "today's
       callers" function is available to you,  along with  separate
       system  logs  for each line.  Logging is selectable  between
       either  Opus  or  FrontDoor styles  to  aid  integrated  log
       readability.   Some  basic  user-to-user  on-line messaging,
       to be expanded at a later date, is also available.

       RemoteAccess does NOT do its own internal multi-tasking.  To
       this  end,  we have attempted to make it as well-behaved  as
       possible.  It  has built-in time-slicing and screen-handling
       support  for  DESQview,  TopView,  MultiLink,  DoubleDOS and
       PC-MOS/386. It is  fully overlaid and occupies approximately
       190k of memory when fired up. What do you do if you have say
       a 300k DESQview window and want to run TradeWars in a shell?
       No problem!  Simply by specifying a control character on the
       command line,  you can instruct RemoteAccess to swap  itself
       lock,  stock  and barrel to EMS and/or disk leaving only 20k

       A  comprehensive  file transfer system is also part  of  the
       package.  Six  of  the  most  popular  protocols,  including
       Zmodem,  Ymodem batch and Xmodem are built-in,  and  fifteen
       slots  for  external protocols are available for you to  add
       any   others.  All  protocols may  be made  available on  an
       "error  free"  connect basis  at  the  your discretion.  The
       protocol interface   system   is  extremely  flexible,   and
       has   been tested  with DSZ,   Kermit  (an  Opus  compatible
       protocol),   and BiModem. There are of course many others we
       haven't tested, but most should work. Support for CD-ROM and
       other mass  read-only media  is another  invaluable feature.
       The  file   transfer   system   is   further   enhanced   by
       comprehensive file search  and locate  functions along  with
       the ability to tag any file  or group of files as "free" and
       or password protected. A large selection of transfer options
       include global downloads and  the ability for specific files
       to be attached to a file transfer menu option.

       Interactive EMSI  session support  is an exciting  new first
       for RemoteAccess! Read the section on IEMSI in the reference
       section  at the  end of  this document  for details  on this
       revolutionary new set of features.

       Extensive on-line facilities are available to the sysop.  An
       optional set of status bars provide a wealth of  information
       about  both  the  person currently on-line and  the  system.
       Several  "hot-keys"  are also available to  perform  a  wide
       range  of functions,  amongst which  is a  full  screen user
       attribute  editor, a "sysop on next" key, shell to DOS, hang
       up, lock out, and local snoop.

       As an added bonus, we have decided to use the QuickBBS-style
       user  and message database formats.  This means that you can
       continue  to use your favourite QuickBBS utilities  with  no
       need to convert to another format.  Any incompatibilities in
       the  configuration  files  is taken care of  by  an  upgrade
       utility.  We  make  no  apology for the  similarity  between
       RemoteAccess and QuickBBS.  QuickBBS had many features  that
       we  wanted,  and  compatibility  gives the  added  bonus  of
       offering  the  sysop  ease  of  installation  and a familiar

       To  cater for both Opus and QuickBBS users alike,  each user
       has  (at  the discretion of the sysop) the option  of  using
       hot-keyed   menus   or   command   stacking.   Comprehensive
       messaging, file search  options and support for a wide range
       of "doors" ensure that your BBS will be a hit!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson