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       Upon registering you  will receive  your uniquely  generated
       key. Each key is a small file approximately 2k in size which
       contains information about your registration. To install the
       key, simply rename it  (if necessary) to RA.KEY and  copy it
       to your RemoteAccess system directory.

       When  RemoteAccess  detects a  valid  key  it switches  into
       registered mode, identifying itself by placing a "+"  at the
       end of the version number as well as displaying the  name of
       the system and  sysop it  is registered to  in the  "version
       information" menu function.

       For  example, logging  on to a  registered system  you would

         RemoteAccess 1.00+
         Please enter your full name:

       Features marked in this manual with a {+} are only available
       when RemoteAccess is running in registered mode. These bonus
       features  show our appreciation  of your taking  the time to
       register with us.

       It  should be  made  absolutely clear  that RemoteAccess  is
       still fully  functional before  it is registered;  the bonus
       features are  "nice" but their  absence makes the  system no
       less  usable.   RemoteAccess  is  not  and   never  will  be
       "DemoWare" or "ExpireWare".

       WARNING!  Your key  is  unique, and  under NO  circumstances
       should it be  made available to  anyone else. Doing so  is a
       direct violation of the  agreement you entered into with  us
       by registering.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson