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    NUMBER  OF TIMES TO TRY FOR PASSWORD sets the maximum number
    of  invalid password attempts.  After this is  exceeded  the
    user will be disconnected.

    LOGONS  BEFORE  FORCED PASSWORD CHANGE is  another  security
    feature.  If  this  is set to any non-zero value,  then  all
    users  (excluding the sysop) will be forced to change  their
    password every number of logons as determined by its value.

    TIME  LIMIT  FOR LOG-ON PERIOD specifies how  much  time  to
    grant to a user before the system knows how much time he/she
    is entitled to. You should make this long enough to enable a
    new   user   to   complete  the  new  user   procedure   and
    questionnaire, if you have one.

    MAXIMUM  USER INACTIVITY PERIOD determines how long to  wait
    during  periods  of  inactivity  before  disconnecting.  The
    inactive  time  period is measured from the  last  character
    sent to the  modem, and users are given a  warning that they
    are  about to  be  disconnected fifteen  seconds before  the
    timer  expires. This  feature is  automatically disabled  in
    local mode, or by a setting of zero.

    ALLOW  USERS   TO UPLOAD MESSAGES.  When  this option is set
    to "Yes", when users enter a message  they are asked if they
    wish to "upload a prepared message?" This allows the user to
    prepare his/her messages offline and send them using  any of
    the  available  file  transfer  protocols.  Note  that  ONLY
    internal protocols may be used as RemoteAccess does not have
    enough control over the external ones. The maximum size of a
    message that may be uploaded is pre-set at 20k.

    The  KILL MESSAGES AFTER SENT option applies to NetMail sent
    through a mail network.  When the message is entered, if set
    to  "Ask",  it will ask the user whether to  delete  his/her
    message   after  it  has  been  exported  from  the  message

    STRICT  PASSWORD CHECKING is an invaluable security  feature
    which if enabled, will check passwords that users enter. You
    can specify certain undesirable passwords in a control  file
    (see  the  section on EXTERNAL FILES),  such as "Secret"  or
    "Test".  It will also disallow the user's first or last name
    as  a  password,  and checks the old and new  passwords  for
    phonetic similarity.

    You may also specify the minimum password length that  users
    may select.  Longer passwords mean better security,  a value
    of 4 is recommended as an absolute minimum.

    If a user logs on and is disconnected because he/she  enters
    his  or her password  incorrectly,  RemoteAccess can  notify
    that user of a possible attempt at guessing the password, by
    way of a private message.  In the SECURITY WATCHDOG  MESSAGE
    AREA  field,  specify  the message area number (as per  your
    message area configuration) that the warning message  should
    be  placed  in.  A value of zero disables this  feature.  In
    addition,  you will need to create an ASCII text file called
    WATCHDOG.MSG in the system directory that contains the  text
    of the message that is sent to the user.

    If  ALLOW  NETMAIL  REPLIES  TO ECHOMAIL  is  enabled,  when
    replying to an EchoMail message, users will be asked if they
    would  like  to reply  directly  to  the originator  of  the
    message via netmail, rather than  replying in the same  area
    with a message  that might not be  of interest to the  other
    participants. Note  that this {+} registered  only option is
    only  enabled  if  RemoteAccess  can   determine  where  the
    original message came from.

    If a  user is  disconnected due to  exceeding the  incorrect
    number of password tries, you may give him/her the option of
    sending  a message to the  sysop by setting  the PWD FAILURE
    MSG  AREA to the number  of the message  area you would like
    the message to be posted in.  A value of zero disables  this
    feature. {+} Registered only.

    If  ASK FOR  MESSAGE DELETE  CONFIRMATION is  enabled, users
    will  be asked  for  confirmation every  time they  elect to
    delete a message from the message reading prompt.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson