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     * MBUTIL was written using Turbo C 2.00 and Turbo Assembler 1.01.
     * It writes directly to video RAM or DesqView/DoubleDOS virtual screen
     * It can't be  used while an other  program is also using  the message
       base at  the  same time  (multitasking  environments). It  does  not
       support record locking yet, which might change in the near future.
     * Import and Export are fully zone and point aware.
     * Export creates FTS-0001 rev 12 compatible .MSG files.
     * Import can parse Fido and SEAdog style .MSG dates.
     * Link is based on code written by Folkert Wijnstra.
     * You can  use LZEXE  0.91 by Fabrice  Bellard to  reduce the  size of
       MBUTIL.EXE down to 32 KB.

     * TRAFFIC.MBU has the follow format:

     struct TRAFFIC.MBU {
        unsigned int  Outbound[200]; /* # of outbound messages per board */
        unsigned char Month, Day, Year, Hour, Minute; /* file created */
        unsigned long TotalCost; /* total netmail cost */
     } Traffic;

     Many Thanks To...

       ... Eric Lotgerink, Onno  Hagers, Perry de Ronde, Reinier  de Groot,
     Adrie van  Lith, Folkert Wijnstra,  Gerard Sittrop, Rudi  van Lishout,
     Richard B.  van Dijk,  Willem Blink, John  Veldhuis, Sander  Davidson,
     Sander Eek, Ari Sadarjoen, Peter Smink,  Jan Vroonhof, Arjen Lentz and
     all who I forgot...

     All  brand  and product  names  are Copyrighted  (C) material,
     Trademarks <tm>  or Registered  Trademarks (R)  of their  respective

         BinkleyTerm          Bit Bucket Software
         D'Bridge             Chris Irwin
         DesqView             Quarterdeck Systems
         DoubleDOS            SoftLogic Systems
         FrontDoor, TosScan   Joaquim H. Homrighausen
         IBM                  International Business Machines Corporation
         MBUTIL               Gerard van der Land
         Microsoft, MS-DOS    Microsoft Corporation
         Opus                 Wynn Wagner III
         QuickBBS, Qecho      Ultimate Software Technologies, Inc.
         RemoteAccess         Continental Software, Inc.
         ReTear               Cary Howell
         TSUTIL               Mats Wallin and Joaquim H. Homrighausen
         Turbo C,
         Turbo Assembler      Borland International, Inc.                                                      .

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