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     As long as you don't register, MBUTIL will remind you of that on
     the screen and in the logfile. MBUTIL  is NOT crippled in any way.  If
     you use this program for a period of  time and you decide you like it,
     you can get a personal RegistrationKey by sending:

     * $10US - $99US (Whatever the program is worth to you, may also be an
                      equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency).

     * The name you want to have defined after the "RegisteredTo" keyword.

     * Any questions, comments, suggestions and bug-reports, and ofcourse
       your FidoNet (or else snail mail) address, to:

             Gerard van der Land
             Cannenburg 23
             3772 BH Barneveld
             The Netherlands

             FidoNet 2:283/1.5 and 2:283/108.1

     Users  in  The Netherlands  can  transfer their  registration to
     PostBank giro-account 5.245.162 in The  Netherlands. For usres outside
     The  Netherlands  there are  a few  other  possibilities to  send your

     * Cash money in a registered letter.
     * Sending a EuroCheque.
     * International money order.
     * Personal  check.  If you  absolutely want  to  do this,  the minimum
       registration fee is $17US, because of the outrageous conversion cost
       the banks charge when cashing a check.

     You will receive your key per crashmail (or snailmail if you are
     not in  FidoNet) as  soon as possible  after I  received the  money or
     money order form or check.

     Don't forget to register!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson