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  R A U S E R   -   U s e r   m a i n t a i n a n c e

  RAUSER.EXE is the utility that is used to maintain the user-
  file.  Not only will it remove users marked for deletion, it
  can  also delete users that have not called your BBS  for  a
  certain number of days as well as sort the users in order of
  security  level  and surname.  RAUSER may be  run  from  any
  directory,  will automatically locate system and user files,
  and will insert an activity summary in your system log.  The
  following command-line parameters are valid:

       -P       Pack the user-file, removing users marked  for

       -S       Sort users in  order  of  security  level  and

       -D[n]    Delete users who have not called for [n] days.
                Note that this parameter implies a pack

       -V       Verbose logging; list any users that were
                deleted during a pack operation.

       -M[s]    Specify the maximum security level user to be
                affected by a pack or delete operation. Put
                another way : "exempt all users with security
                level [s] and above from being deleted" .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson