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    This utility allows you to add, modify or delete any  user's
    record.  If  there are already some users in the  user-file,
    you will be presented with a list showing each user's  name,
    location and security level.  Select a user either by typing
    in the name, or moving the highlight bar to the entry on the
    screen and pressing RETURN.

    After  the  user is selected you will be presented with  the
    Edit Screen.  This lists the entire user's record which  can
    be modified and saved if you wish.

    If  there  are no users already in the user-file,  the  Edit
    Screen will appear immediately for you to enter the  details
    of  the  first user.  Note that the only required  piece  of
    information (or "field") is the name,  and you can't proceed
    any further until you enter one.  You'll want to be included
    in  the  user file,  so enter your own name in  this  field.

    Next,  go  through  each of the other fields and  enter  the
    correct  details.  When finished,  press [CONTROL-ENTER]  to
    save  the information and then ESCAPE to exit.  If you don't
    want to save, just press ESCAPE by itself.

    To add a new user, simply press the INS key on the user list
    screen  and a blank record will be created for you to  edit.

    Deleting a user is accomplished by  moving the highlight bar
    to the user you want to delete and pressing the DEL  key.  A
    marker  will appear in the right hand column to signify that
    the  user is marked for deletion.  Note that the user  isn't
    actually  removed from the user file at  this  stage.  Users
    that have been marked for deletion are  removed  by  packing
    the user-file,  which should be  done  regularly  using  the
    utility RAUSER.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson