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    I cannot get messages addressed to me as 'SysOp'

   *  Make sure in Usered you are the 1st entry in there.

   *  Make sure the name you login as is EXACTLY the same as
      specified in RACONFIG as the SysOp.

   *  Make sure that your security level is adequate for all your
      menu options.

   *  Make sure that in RACONFIG you have Full Mail check => Yes

   *  Check that in the optional data field for message to Sysop
      you have:

        1 /T=John_Barton

        Where :-

          - '1' is the Board number for the *local*  messages go to.

          - '/T=John_Barton' is your name exactly as in   RACONFIG for
            the SysOps name (seperated by an underscore)

      ie the example above sends a message to John Barton.

   *  Re Select ALL Areas are at ON

>> Valid at 4th February 1991
>> Copyright John Barton RemoteAccess Support Europe HQ 2:257/168

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